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Baby Boomer Generation And Y Generation: Adapting To An Audience

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Adapting to suit an audience
Many factors can affect how you communicate with an audience. Things like their age, ethnicity and gender matter. Since everyone may have a different cultural background, certain things may not be socially acceptable to say or do. For example if the audience is a group of children or young adults, it wouldn’t be acceptable to raise your voice when you are angry or upset because it would frighten rather than intrigue them. Also when dealing with audiences with different ages you might have a problem with the terminology you use. The baby Boomer generation and the Y generation use different types of terminology so conveying your message would be difficult.
Engaging the Audience
Engaging the audience can be difficult at times. You must be informed when speaking but also keep them entertained so they don’t lose interest. When doing an oral presentation keeping the same monotone throughout will make the audience grow bored of your voice. Speaking to a group of people makes it hard for them to interact with you so you wouldn’t know if they fully understood you or didn’t understand and hear you. Speaking to an audience can cause nervousness as well. It may cause you to tense up or forget what you were going to say. There needs to be a perfect balance because if you engage with them …show more content…
So having them concentrated on what you’re saying is important. This can be difficult at times because people get easily distracted. For example while you are speaking someone may pull out their cellular phone and start texting. Or they may turn and talk to the people around them. These are signs of a distracted audience. After a while people become less attentive so if you happen to be speaking for a long time, breaks for the audience may be helpful because then when they come back they won’t be distracted and will be concentrated on what you’re

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