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Baby Jesus Research Paper

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Shocked, that’s what I would call it. Imagine how you would feel if you were a food dish and then the baby Jesus gets put on you. I am the manger, and this is my story about baby Jesus. It was the most amazing night. My life as a food dish was not a good life because I was put in a noisy stable and all of a sudden, baby Jesus was put onto me!
Life as a food dish was terrible. Hay was set into me by the innkeepers. Then, sticky, disgusting animal tongues would lick all of it out. It was also sometimes lonely during the day since the animals were usually in the sunlight, grazing in the pastures while I was in the dark, musty barn. It was difficult because I couldn’t move! I was stuck, with nothing to do in the middle of a barn. It was a sad, disgusting, and a lonely life as a manger, until an unexpected surprise came along.
As a manger, I was placed in a very noisy stable. The deafening sound of all the animals would make you wish you didn’t have any ears. I could hear people’s stomping footsteps and their booming voices as they dropped off their ear-splitting animals. The noises were very irritating. Sometimes, I would hear the skittering of mice as they tried to …show more content…
As they walked in, I heard the woman groan and the man help the woman down. And then, the most exciting thing happened, the messiah was born. Mary, the mother of baby Jesus, gently picked up the baby and swaddled him in cloth, then, she arose and calmly put Him onto me. It felt as if a miracle was put right on me, it was the most glorious thing. The next day, shepherds arrived to greet the Saviour into this world they spoke about an angel, who informed them about Jesus. When it became dark, I saw the most radiant star. Then, the Wise Men came with gifts for Him. After they all had worshipped Jesus, everyone

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