...My Decision to pursue MBA decision to start MBA is one step to reach my personal goal and in order to further my managerial career. I completed my bachlor of engineering in computer technology in 2002. I start my career as marketing executive in 2000 i.e. before completing my bachlor as I comleted my bachlor I join a software firm siliconswift software solution as software engineer but I were alwayes want to be a management person so I did what ever I can do to be a part of management team and I accomplish that goal with in two years and became a business development manager which was my first goal of carrer. After working as BDM for one year, managing development team, working with clients,etc I always feel lack of management skills, what ever I learn with siliconswift software solution is not saficient for me. I talked to my program manager Ajay Rathore and he is the first person who suggest me to go for MBA. he said that if my real goal is to a successfull manager I have to go for MBA. The decision to pursue an MBA was difficult to make and there were many factors to consider. Those factors include timing, expenses, being out of school for a long time and simply having the motivation. The rewards are endless and far out weigh the aforementioned factors. Earning a degree is important because it improves quality of life, expands knowledge, it’s a great investment towards a great career, and it gives a sense of accomplishment. After comming...
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...businesses schools doing for business today? Table of content: 2. Introduction 2.1. Background of study ……………….. 1-2 2.2. Problem statement …………………. .1-2 2.3. Research questioners ………………..2-3 2.4. Research objective ………………….. 2-3 2.5. Significant of research ……………....2-3 3. Literature review ………………………….3-8 4. Research methodology 4.1. Introduction ………………………….8-9 4.2. Theoretical framework ………………9-15 4.3. Hypothesis development …………….15-16 4.4. Questionnaire design…………………16-17 4.5. Population and sampling……………..17-18 5. References ……………………………. ……18-21 1. Introduction 1.1. Background of study In this contemporary everybody believes that business plays an impressive role in today’s life style. One of the primary reasons for success in any business career is knowledge. Nowadays business administration is one of most important qualification for applicants. Because of growing strategies business, enhancing of number of companies in Malaysia, today’s business become more challenging and sophisticated. In the space of information technology and innovation how the business school can play role for student to get opportunity in career success, what is the future trend of business education. 1.2. Problem statement By increasing fresh graduated of MBA and BBA, finding job for most of them is one of the big critical issue that must be consider about perspective of future business education. Offering different...
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...Concern Consumers like to see companies, in which they purchase certain products and services, show genuine concern. This means caring for the environment. The business should see that these concerns are communicated and enforced by all in the company. Consumers also want to know that companies are concerned with the quality of workforce life. Support To implement the role of social responsibility in marketing, marketers must show that they support social causes that help society. They demonstrate this through sponsoring charity events. They may contribute a part of their revenue to a cause and relate this information to consumers through regular advertising. When companies offer support, they gain a solid reputation and gain loyal customers. Sponsored Links Read more: Role of Social Responsibility in Marketing | eHow http://www.ehow.com/info_8169117_role-social-responsibility-marketing.html#ixzz2UREaDNvN Concern Consumers like to see companies, in which they purchase certain products and services, show genuine concern. This means caring for the environment. The business should see that these concerns are communicated and enforced by all in the company. Consumers also want to know that companies are concerned with the quality of workforce life. Support To implement the role of social responsibility in marketing, marketers must show that they support social causes that help society. They demonstrate this through sponsoring charity events. They may contribute...
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...Business Education At Crossroads in India Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine various untapped opportunities and challenges faced by business education in India. In today’s rapidly changing market, business programs in India are under scanner as they face criticisms on various aspects of the program like continuous rise in non-accredited institutes, selection process getting changed year after year, curriculum not being as dynamic as the market, quality of students being varied in the same college, no consistency in placement, value system getting shattered, role of faculty, student involvement in studies, work-fun balance in college. This study is help to gain a better understanding of business school to effectively address these challenges. In this study we would be carrying out research for gaining an insight into the current trend of business schools through surveys, questionnaire, in-depth interview and empirical methods. Based on the analysis of the data, suggestions would be made for improvement in quality of business education in India. Keywords: Quality of Business education, Challenges, Opportunities. Introduction: Management as a field of study has been developing since 18th century. From its evolution to now, management education has changed drastically. It has developed according to changing needs of the industry. Past globalization and advent of the internet, the world has become ‘flat’ as described by Thomas Friedman. Therefore almost everything...
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...Even after investing over 10 lakhs in an MBA degree from one of highly advertised business school, Rajesh is still looking for an entry level job which can fetch him atleast 20-25,000 rupees per month so that he can start repayment of the loan his farmer father had taken from village landlord to finance his MBA. Rajesh completed his engineering from a private engineering college with a hope that he will be able to get a regular job which will minimize the uncertainty attached with the earnings from agriculture. He has seen his father losing sleep every year, when the rain gods played mischief. He has felt the anxiety at home till the time the payment for each crop was realised and all the small borrowings taken during the season for the crop were repaid. His father tried to fulfil all his financial needs so that he can be what he wants to be. Rajesh studied hard during his engineering course but he could not get any job during campus placements. After futile job search for over one year, few friends advised Rajesh to get an MBA degree. They said that MBA is a sure shot way to get a highly paid and high ranked job in a large MNC. He was lured by big advertisements of business schools which promised the students an ultra-modern campus and dream jobs. But even after attending over 25-30 job interviews, the best job he was offered was of sales executive with a “CTC” of rupees 2.5 lakh per annum but having fixed salary component of less than 10,000 rupees a month. Most of us reading...
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...Yale School of Management Approved Resume Instructions Getting Started The CDO interviewed several recruiters in all three sectors and created a common style and structure for our resume book. Please follow the standard SOM format if you wish to include your resume in the SOM resume book. Once you have submitted your resume to the CDO for the resume book, you are free to create your own personalized resume. A list of references is provided on the CDO website and several resume writing guides are available in the CDO library. Your resume is an important mechanism for communicating with a prospective employer or networking contact. It is also critical for obtaining the desired interviews. Therefore, your resume must attract – and keep – the reader’s attention; it must stand apart from numerous others applying for the same position. Your resume should: • • • • • • • • Provide a snapshot of your career. Create interest in meeting you – a great advertisement! Highlight your managerial responsibilities and/or leadership roles Discuss the creativity you brought to the position, your ability to work in teams, and your problem-solving skills. Present your accomplishments in the strongest possible language, being careful not to inflate or overstate your abilities. Make a positive impression on the reader in the first 20 seconds. Be consistent. Font should be Times New Roman. Type size should be between 10.5 – 12 point Be available as a Microsoft Word document...
Words: 996 - Pages: 4
...Career Development International Emerald Article: The influence of job and career attitudes on learning motivation and transfer Eddie W.L. Cheng, Danny C.K. Ho Article information: To cite this document: Eddie W.L. Cheng, Danny C.K. Ho, (2001),"The influence of job and career attitudes on learning motivation and transfer", Career Development International, Vol. 6 Iss: 1 pp. 20 - 28 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13620430110381007 Downloaded on: 11-06-2012 References: This document contains references to 32 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 6 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 4415 times since 2005. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * James DeLisle, Terry Grissom, (2011),"Valuation procedure and cycles: an emphasis on down markets", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 29 Iss: 4 pp. 384 - 427 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14635781111150312 Olusegun Folorunso, Oluwafemi Shawn Ogunseye, (2008),"Challenges in the adoption of visualization system: a survey", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 Iss: 9 pp. 1530 - 1541 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03684920810907841 Charles Inskip, Andy MacFarlane, Pauline Rafferty, (2010),"Organising music for movies", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 62 Iss: 4 pp. 489 - 501 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012531011074726 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA...
Words: 6434 - Pages: 26
...说明 1. 本资料来源于英文版《How to get into the top MBA programs》,作者为Don Martin. 2. 第一部分为115份真实的ESSAY, 分别来自于17个不同背景的申请人. 3. 第二部分为对21个常见ESSAY问题的分析,包括问题的关键,常见错误,正确的回答方式. 个人认为这一部分比真实的ESSAY更重要. 4. 由于文件采用扫描和文字识别方法输入, 可能存在一些错误. 5. 此文件仅供CHASEDREAM网友参考使用, 请尊重原书版权, 切勿用于商业用途. Xiearmyxiearmy 零四岁末于美国穷乡僻壤 Chapter I Application Essay Examples INTRODUCTION This appendix contains 115 actual essays written, by 17 different applicants, for leading MBA programs. They address dozens of different essay topics. The applicants and their essays have been selected to give you the widest possible range of materials from which to profit. The first four applicants all applied to the University of Chicago. They were chosen by Chicago’s admissions director, Don Martin, according to my desire that they be from four very different people and of average quality for those admitted. In other words, these essays will show you exactly what you are competing against. They are of perfectly acceptable quality, but they should not discourage you. If you follow the lessons of this book you should be able to surpass each of these efforts. The second set of three applicants—Melissa, Doreen, and Carol—is taken from Columbia University’s files. Columbia’s admissions director, Linda Meehan, was asked to supply several applications, again from people of widely differing backgrounds, but this time of superior quality. I think that this group’s applications...
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...Contribution and Diversity Questions Your background, experiences, and values will enhance and diversify Kellogg. How? (1-2 double-spaced pages) The Darden School seeks a diverse and unique entering class of future managers. How will your distinctiveness enrich our learning environment and enhance your prospects for success as a manager? Every essay question on the admissions application is geared toward the same thing. Committee members want to find out who you are, what makes you different from everyone else, and how you will contribute to the school if accepted. This question asks these things outright. Because it asks so directly what the admissions committee wants to know, this is one of the most common questions you will find. The question has a structure similar to the Why M.B.A.? question. It asks both Why us? and Why you? However, the nature of this question lends itself to a more personal response. Whereas the Why M.B.A.? question asks what you have done, what you want to do, and how that relates to the school, this question asks about who you are and how it relates to the school. The Why M.B.A.? question asks about your experiences, and this question asks about your qualities. Just as you brainstormed about your experiences, actions, and goals for the first question, brainstorm about your qualities and characteristics for this one. What sets you apart from everyone else? What words do friends and family use to describe you? For some people, the focus...
Words: 1196 - Pages: 5
...you will be able to join as below: 1:Financial Managers or Financial Analysts 2:Corporate Controllers, 3:Accounting Managers, 4:Chief Financial Officers, 5:Treasurers and Finance Officers, 6:Chief Financial Officers, 7:Management Consultants, 8:Cash Managers, 9:Investment Banking Associates, 10:Management Consultants, 11:Investment Sales Associates and Traders, 12:Credit Managers and Specialist etc.... Choose this whatever you want. There are so many institution all IIPMs,Bangalore Management Academy etc... Good luck. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/after-completing-ba-economics-ma-mba-postgraduation-should-i-do-45405.html#ixzz1yQJ7BfB8 The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States, emerging from the late 19th century as the country industrialized and companies sought out scientific...
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...KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY Management in context Business School Lausanne - Case Study BSL: A Business School in Transition ARNAUD Félix – 25777 Submission Date : 05-11-2012 Academic Year 2012/2013 Semester: Fall I hereby certify that this paper is the result of my own work and that all sources I used have been reported. -------------------------------------------------Signature © Kozminski University 2012 BSL Case Study 1. Please evaluate the decisions of Katrin muff from the side of: Situation on the market Employees of Business School In 1987, Business School of Lausanne was founded in Lausanne by Dr. John Hobbs. In that times, on the real distinction from more traditional business schools was the fact that most of the teaching was done by practitioners. Ten years later, the Lemania Group acquired Business School of Lausanne (BSL) and Philippe du Pasquier became President and Managing Director. To become one of the leading innovators in business education, BSL restructured its MBA and EMBA programs in 2009 by the will of the new Dean of BSL, Dr Katrin Muff who was appointed at this function in 2008. As the new BSL’s Dean, Dr Muff, with her entrepreneurial and corporate background, made news decisions in 2008 to get the business school back a stable financial situation and to become again a dynamic business school. For her, this business school is an established faculty with a certain age where the need for new blood is essential...
Words: 1755 - Pages: 8
...[pic] Institute of Management, Nirma University MBA FT(2012-14) Written Analysis and Communication Research Proposal On: “Choice criteria for selecting B-Schools by prospective students for Full Time course in India” Submitted to: Submitted By: Prof. Harismita Trivedi Section :B Kinjal H. Pandya: 121217 Mohini Basu: 121225 Purva Modi:121238 Contents |Content |Page No. | |Title |3 | |Description |3 | |Literature Review |4 | |Research Methodology |6 | |Beneficiaries |6 | |References ...
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...you will be able to join as below: 1:Financial Managers or Financial Analysts 2:Corporate Controllers, 3:Accounting Managers, 4:Chief Financial Officers, 5:Treasurers and Finance Officers, 6:Chief Financial Officers, 7:Management Consultants, 8:Cash Managers, 9:Investment Banking Associates, 10:Management Consultants, 11:Investment Sales Associates and Traders, 12:Credit Managers and Specialist etc.... Choose this whatever you want. There are so many institution all IIPMs,Bangalore Management Academy etc... Good luck. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/after-completing-ba-economics-ma-mba-postgraduation-should-i-do-45405.html#ixzz1yQJ7BfB8 The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States, emerging from the late 19th century as the country industrialized and companies sought out scientific...
Words: 395 - Pages: 2
...admissions committee team by making sure that they can’t miss who you are and what you can bring to an incoming MBA class. The best business school applications feature four or five aspects of the candidate’s character and experiences that anyone reading the essays will identify. These traits blend to create “Brand You.” We all understand the power and influence that brands have. Businesses spend a lot of money to make sure you know how they bring value and what they stand for. While there are many more subtle parts to their full corporate identities and many tones to their product/service offerings, companies need to ensure that purchasers have a complete understanding of a limited set of characteristics. As an example, this is list of traits for a few reputable companies: 1. Low prices every day of the week, large selection, one-stop store 2. Fun place to be, socially responsible, respect for employees 3. Creative design, simple, cool 4. Cheeky, young, influencing lifestyles 5. Fun, family, fantasy Even from only these short descriptions, you may be able to guess which businesses we are referring to. This is because these messages have been pounded into your mind through repetition, multiple interactions with the company, and/or exposure to numerous branding messages. Likewise, applicants need to ensure that the business school individuals who read their applications make no mistake about who the...
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...Writing an Argument Decision to Pursue an MBA Damita Jackson-Owens MGT 521 September 7th, 2011 Glenn Perry Writing an Argument Deciding to pursue a master’s degree in Business Administration is a decision worth sincerely contemplating. Not only may it boost in your self-esteem but you will obtain satisfaction for your ability to get recognized professionally. It can be an effective tool to enhance or advance one's career if carefully researched career goals are considered. It is an enormous commitment of time, personal sacrifice and financial investment and those who consider pursing it need to consider its value prior to pursing it. This brings me to discuss why I want to pursue my MBA degree. As the old saying goes, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” and someone has at least heard this phrase told to them, “Knowledge is power” so therefore education is a lifelong process and you could never have too much knowledge. I will discuss my reasons for pursuing my MBA, share my personality traits and look at the pros and cons on obtain an MBA. My decision to pursue my MBA After obtaining my degree in Business Administration in April 2011, furthering my education immediately became an option in efforts to broaden my career opportunities. I am currently employed by the City of Tucson as a Housing Services Agent working with low-income families who are in need of housing under the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) public housing sector and have been with the...
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