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Cloud Computing in the Entertainment Industry


Submitted By cheezehed28
Words 2870
Pages 12
Cloud computing is the new concept of flexible access to resources over an “always on” or readily accessible network. It enables user access to a convenient network that is on demand to be shared in a field of configurable computing resources. These services are provided over the internet. They include storage services and applications that can be quickly provided and released with no significant management effort or customer care service interaction. The entertainment industry heavily relies on cloud computing as well as the IT infrastructure. This is because the industry is very fluid; it is constantly changing and evolving. It is a very attractive business for people who are required to be up-to-date in current issues in information technology. Cloud computing has bridged the gap of time and distance taken to achieve activities that would consume a lot of time in the past. This industry has been greatly associated with innovation, inspiration and works of art. Most people in this industry deal with products that they are passionate about. Anyone in the entertainment industry requires them to be conversant with each and every new technology involved in this industry in the 21st century (Chard, Caton, Rana & Bubendorfer, 2010).
Most enterprises now use cloud computing technology in all their organizations with experts pointing out that the entertainment industry is one of the industries taking the highest percentage. The industry relies on the response of the customers more than anything and that is why every entertainment company and organization employs the full cloud computing technology. By using cloud computing, a firm can create a big impact in the market place.
Using the example of e-mail, a simple explanation to the concept of cloud computing might be achieved. In the early days of e-mail communication, the messages would

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