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Back Brace Research Paper

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What is a back brace? It’s easy to be confused about just what constitutes a back brace—of course, there are plenty of consuer-targeted devices that will “stabilize” the back. Many of these are knock-offs and have little value. Back braces can come in metal or plastic and are designed to support the back. They protect areas ranging from the entire body to just the lower back. No matter what design, back braces are typically used to encourage healing by reducing the workload on the back.

Should I be wearing a back brace? Many of you who suffer from lower back pain from a herniated disk or degenerative disk disease may consider using a back brace to relieve pain. Although most individuals who use back braces have either a herniated disk or …show more content…
By keeping your body in the correct alignment, a back brace keeps pressure off your spine. Since this is most likely the primary cause of your pain, back braces can lessen the pressure on your back and promote comfort.

How often should I wear a back brace?
Every person and their situation is different, so this answer will vary case-by-case. However, as a general rule of thumb, the more pain you experience, the more often you should use a brace. Wearing a brace can help you get through your busy day. It can provide much needed relief for patients with either acute or chronic back pain.

What are the drawbacks to using a back brace?
Like any form of treatment, back braces do have a few minor drawbacks. If you wear your back brace excessively or rely on it too much, it can cause spinal weakness. This can be easily avoided by following the chiropractor’s recommendations for use. You may also perform light back exercises as prescribed by your chiropractor to increase back strength. Another minor disadvantage comes with improper form. When lifting or moving heavy objects, be sure to use correct body mechanics to achieve the greatest protection from

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