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Eastern Lowland Gorilla Research Paper

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Eastern lowland gorilla
The past ten years the Eastern Lowland Gorillas has lowered the seventy percent. This
Was mostly caused by wars in their area where they live, which is the Democratic
Republic of Congo. There are only about 5,000 of these gorillas remain.(in brief,2004).Gorillas are the largest members of the primate.Gorillas are classified as mammals. The gorilla has been said to be a vicious killer;however they are shy and gentle animals that would not attas live in groupck humans unless disturbed. The males weigh up to 450-550 pounds and the females weigh about half of that. Gorillas called a troop, which can be made up of 2- 40 animals. Many as 40% of the gorillas do not survive after they give birth. Some gorilla species can …show more content…
Other than its size, the eastern lowland gorillas eats mostly fruit and other materials, just like other gorilla subspecies. The eastern lowland gorilla makes its home in lowland tropical rainforests in the eastern DRC. In the last 50 years, its range has decreased from 8,100 square miles. Poaching, disease and habitat destruction remain threats for gorillas.The eastern lowland gorilla is an omnivorous animal, but it's diet is made up of eating fruit which the eastern lowland gorilla is known to travel long distances through the forests to find them. The eastern lowland gorilla also eats leaves, nuts and berries, along with insects and sometimes small animals such as lizards and rodents.The eastern lowland gorilla has also been observed using basic tools in the wild in order to more effectively gather …show more content…
The rest of the time they are usually traveling. They sleep on nests built on trees or steep sites on the floor. On average, a female reaches maturity at ten years old and can give birth every 3 or 4 years, which mean that they can deliver only 2 to 6 babies over a life of 40 years. Usually, only one infant is born, and the mother carries him on her back, for some time. The young also sleep on their moms’ nests and begin to walk when they are between three and six months old. At 3-3.5 years of age, the mothers stop providing them with breast

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