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The Developing Mind Book Report

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What a fascinating book, The Developing Mind, by Daneil J. Siegel. I have read the first couple of chapters and have a hard time identifying only two sections that stood out to me the most, due to the fact that it’s a lot to take in; however, so complex, to only identify. The first part that really hit a core in my interest was early on in the book on page 3, when it lists the three fundamental principles. In short, number one talking about the flow of energy and information within the brain and between brains. Part of what I do and what I try to develop with my clients is the understanding that people need people. Our chemistry is meant to be shared with others. Humans thrive for human connection; we aren’t meant to be alone. Our …show more content…
I was worried the whole time about being parked and camped right next to the ocean and the kids were ecstatic about it.
Well, super early in the morning after we had all finally fell asleep, the tide came in, and I was awoken by my friend yelling, “The tides coming in, you have to move your vehicle!!!” There was no way to get the vehicle off the beach; the ocean was where we would drive. Needless to say, it was a long night of pushing the van deep into the sand and just praying that it would all end.
My brain has encoded that experience as dreadful, the kids keep asking when we get to do it again as they have no recollection of this experience being scary. For them, it was fun and exciting. We still will go to the beach for the 4th of July; however, I always get anxiety and feel uneasy now, and I will never camp on the beach again. I imagine, they will at some point in their life, for them it’s encoded differently. The circumstances are exactly the same, the feelings associated with the situation are different; therefore, future trips to the beach bring different emotions for all of

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