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Douglas Noel Adams Research Paper

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Douglas Noel Adams was born in Cambridge on March 11, 1952. His parents, Janet and Christopher Douglas Adams, moved their small family to East London a few months after Adams was born. There, they had another child, Susan, about three years later. When Douglas was about five years old, his parents divorced. At this time, Adams, his sister, and his mother moved to an animal shelter owned by his grandparents.

As a child, Adams attended Primrose Hill Primary School, located in Essex. Then, he attended Brentwood school until 1970. He was well known in school for his outstanding writing abilities. Some of his writing published in the school included short stories, reviews, and a letter.

Adams returned to Cambridge to attend St. John’s college. …show more content…
Once he had moved to London after graduating, he had a few television appearances in the show Monty Python. After this, he struggled to make enough money to sustain himself, so he had to pick up some other jobs. These included being a bodyguard and a barn builder. He finally got a job as a radio producer for BBC, but left after six months to work as a scriptwriter and editor for Doctor Who.

Of course, Douglas Adams is best known for his book series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The H2G2, the name avid fans have given to the series, actually started out as a radio show. After having great success with the book series, the storyline was published into its first novel in 1979. This book would rise up to the number one best-selling list in the UK. Eventually, four more books would be published, completing the book series. Adams would become the youngest person to receive a Golden Pan Award.

In 1991, Adams married a woman named Jane Belson, and three years later they had a daughter named Polly. He wrote a few more book series in his later life, including Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. He also worked on making a comic book series and television show based off the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy plot. Adams died from a heart attack May 11, 2001. He was living in California at the time of his

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