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Bail Bond Case Study

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Charge: 18-6-803.5 Violation of a Protection Order 18-8-212(2) Violation of Bail Bond Conditions

Synopsis: On June 3, 2018 at approximately 1100 hours I Officer John Laiminger was dispatched to 2050 S Main Street in the City of Delta, County of Delta, and
State of Colorado for a restraining order violation. Case Closed Adult Arrest.

Details: Upon my arrival I contacted Breanna Noel (DOB 07/14/95) about what had happened. Breanna said that her ex boyfriend Tyler White-Oneal (DOB 02/10/95) had called her work 3 times today (June 3, 2018). Breanna said that the first time Tyler called he started to talk about a child exchange he wanted to set up.
Breanna said it quickly turned to him asking questions about her. Breanna said that she gave Tyler her cell …show more content…
Breanna reiterated that she had given Tyler her cell phone number and that Tyler was not to contact her employer. I did look at the mandatory protection order that is in place between Tyler and
Breanna. The protection order states that there is no contact between the parties unless it is by text or phone call regarding the child. Furthermore the protection order states Tyler is not allowed to make any communication to
Breanna's employers, employees or coworkers.

Tyler is also out on bond docket number 18M209. Tyler's bond conditions state
Defendant shall not commit a Misdemeanor or Felony while at liberty on bail.

Tyler did contact me and came into the Delta Police Department to speak with me.
I asked Tyler if he had called Breanna at work. Tyler said he called three times but to only talk with Breanna about their child. I asked Tyler if Breanna had given him her number. Tyler said yes. Tyler said the phone disconnected so he called back to the Willow Tree to finish the conversation. Tyler said he did

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