...BALANCE SCORECARD 1. Explain what is balanced scorecard? The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. The balanced scorecard is a performance measurement framework that added strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics to give managers and executives a more 'balanced' view of organizational performance (Kaplan and Norton). The balanced scorecard has evolved from its early use as a simple performance measurement framework to a full strategic planning and management system. The “new” balanced scorecard transforms an organization’s strategic plan from an attractive but passive document into the "marching orders" for the organization on a daily basis. It provides a framework that not only provides performance measurements, but helps planners identify what should be done and measured. It enables executives to truly execute their strategies. Kaplan and Norton describe the innovation of the balanced scorecard as follows: "The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures. But financial measures tell the story of past events, an adequate story for industrial age companies for which investments in long-term capabilities and customer...
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...Origin of Balance Score Card Balanced Scorecard has been launched twenty years ago as a first set of principles for balanced strategic Objectives and Measures/KPIs setting and measurement. The “parents” of Balanced Scorecard are Dr. Robert S. Kaplan, Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Dr. David P. Norton, the founder of the consulting team that contributed over the past two decades to the development of Balanced Scorecard into today’s integrated and aligned management system. That company is now called ‘The Palladium Group’ (www.thepalladiumgroup.com) and is based in Massachusetts, near the Harvard Business School. Since their first article about Balanced Scorecard, published in 1992 in the Harvard Business Review, Drs. Kaplan and Norton have published five books, which have marked the evolution of the BSC framework and of its implementation methodology, starting with ‘The Balanced Scorecard’, in 1996 and ending with ‘The Execution Premium’, in 2008 (now also translated in Romanian, soon to be published). Over the years many consulting or educational organizations have tried to add to the Balanced Scorecard initial concepts, in some cases attempting to build “a better mouse trap”, but few succeeded to bring any significant theoretical or practical value to the BSC framework and implementation methodology, developed continuously by Drs. Kaplan and Norton and by their team at Palladium and based on thousands of implementation projects in most industries,...
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...------------------------------------------------- bALANCE sCORECARD GOOGLE INC. September 12, 2015 BRITTANY JUSTICE September 12, 2015 BRITTANY JUSTICE BALANCED SCORCARD Google Balance Score Card | | | | | METRIC | OBJECTIVES | MEASURES | Supporting Initiatives | Financial | Increased Revenue | Increased Revenue | To innovate current products | Financial | Increased Profit | Increased Profit | To innovate current products | Financial | Development New Technology | Cost of implementing new technology | acquisitions, new employees to bring new insight | Customers | Retain existing customers | increased usage of products and appeal of current products | | Customers | New customers | make enhancements to appeal to new customers | | Processes | Faster Response | Reduce Response time to customer problems | | Processes | Reduce Number of System Issues | reduce system issues customers experience | | Learning & Growth | Increase Employee input, training, business processes | Increased meetings and input from employees on areas for improvement | | INTRODUCTION Google Incorporated is a vastly well-known organization from their products such as the google search engine, google maps, as well as other business applications. Even with a prosperous organization such as google there is always opportunity for enhancement. Often times these goals to enhance the organization are given on a balanced scorecard. A balanced scorecard is a planning mechanism that is...
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...Balance Scorecard The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used to align business activities to the vision statement of an organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. It was originated by Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and David Norton as a performance measurement framework that added non-financial performance measures to financial performance measure to give managers and executives a more balanced view of organizational performance. It not only provides performance measurements, but also helps planners identify what should be done and measured and it enables executives to truly execute their strategies. It also provides feedback from both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. A Balanced Scorecard approach generally has four perspectives: 1. Financial perspective Timely and accurate financial data is always needed by an organization. This perspective is concerned with the shareholders view of performance. Shareholders are concerned with many aspects of financial performance, such as market share, revenue growth, profit ratio, and return on investment. 2. Internal business processes perspective This perspective refers to internal business processes. Balanced scorecard measures help managers to know how well their business is running. There are two kinds of business processes...
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...The Balanced Scorecard: Historical Development and Context, As Developed by Robert Kaplan & David Norton Karl R. Knapp Anderson University – Anderson IN ABSTRACT This paper discusses the general theory of the Balanced Scorecard and traces its historical origins. The Balanced Scorecard is based on three main areas: Measurement, Human Relations, and Customer Value Disciplines. The basis in measurement draws on Management by Objectives. The human relations school of management and open-book management theories are influential. The customer value discipline links the scorecard to the strategy of the firm. The Balanced Scorecard The Balanced Scorecard is a theory and management approach first proposed in the Harvard Business Review by Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton (1995). A subsequent book, The Balanced Scorecard, was published following this article (1996). The most recent refinement of this theory and management approach appears in Kaplan & Norton’s book, The Strategy-Focused Organization (2001). This paper attempts to present a high-level overview of this management theory, along with a description of its historical foundation and development. As defined by Kaplan and Norton (1996), “The Balanced Scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system”. This strategic management system measures organizational performance in...
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...www.hbrreprints.org BEST OF HBR Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System by Robert S. Kaplan and David P Norton . • Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article: 1 Article Summary The Idea in Brief—the core idea The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work 2 Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System 14 Further Reading A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further exploration of the article’s ideas and applications Reprint R0707M BEST OF HBR Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System The Idea in Brief The Idea in Practice Why do budgets often bear little direct relation to a company’s long-term strategic objectives? Because they don’t take enough into consideration. A balanced scorecard augments traditional financial measures with benchmarks for performance in three key nonfinancial areas: The balanced scorecard relies on four processes to bind short-term activities to long-term objectives: • a company’s relationship with its customers • its key internal processes • its learning and growth. COPYRIGHT © 2005 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. When performance measures for these areas are added to the financial metrics, the result is not only a broader perspective on the company’s health and activities, it’s also a powerful organizing framework. A sophisticated instrument panel for coordinating ...
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...scoiecard tracks the key elements of a company's strategyfiom continuous improvement and partnerships to tearnwork and global scale. The Balanced Scorecard Measures That Drive Performance by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton what you measure is what you get. Senior executives understand that their organization's, measurement system strongly affects the behavior of managers and employees. Executives also understand that traditional financial accounting measures like return-on-investment and earnings-per-share can give misleading signals for continuous improvement and innovation-activities today's competitive envifinancial results will follow." But managers should not have to choose between financial and operational measures. In observing and working with many companies, we have found that senior executives do not rely on one set of measures to the exclusion of the other. They realize that no single measure can provide a clear perforniance target or focus attention on the critical areas of the business. Managers want a balanced presentation of both financial and operational measures. During a year-long research project with 12 com-/ panies at the leading edge of performance measurement, we devised a "balanced scorecard"-a set of measures that gives top managers a fast but comprehensive view of the business. The balanced scorecard includes financial measures that tell the results of actions already taken. And it complements the financial measures with operational measures on...
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...Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work Management in today’s workplace is using different techniques than their predecessors. One of the more recent approaches to successful management is an evolution in managements’ measure of performance. As a forward looking instrument for gauging performance, the scorecard has been recently recognized as a set of critical indicators derived from key areas. These being: product, process, customer, and market development. Several companies provided their summation of the scorecard their respective management staff utilizes to attain their desired strategic initiatives. Each of these companies exemplified in the article seemed to take a similar approach. Financial measurement, customer satisfaction, internal process gauging, and a continual approach to improvement are the four categorical focus points for each company. Financial measurement provides shareholders with the necessary information needed for satisfaction. Financial measurements also give some certainty to folks as to whether or not their contributions are meeting the desired expectations. Financial planning definitely has become less of a backward thinking model than in years past. This segment of indicators is far more reliable than tools utilized previously and can perhaps be relied upon with a larger sense of certainty. Each of the companies seems to have changed their focuses on this indicator as the need to do so have become immanent. As customer satisfaction...
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...Success of our organization depends on how well they balance quality and patient satisfaction with adequate financing and long-range goals. Health care organizations such as Plaza West Assisted Living must deal with government oversight, managed care, new technologies, and increasing pharmaceutical prices. To achieve these goals it is important that quality staff is in place at the organization. The way to make sure that you have quality staff is evaluating their performance on a regular basis using standards that can be measured and does not rely on personal feelings. Currently our organization has no way of evaluating the performance of employees that would reflect in an annual raise, bonus or promotion. This has caused issues in the workplace because employees feel that they should be rewarded for what they have accomplished. They do not like the idea that someone that is not performing well receives the same amount of raise that they do. This starts a mentality of why should I work so hard when this person doesn’t and gets the same raise I get. These internal organizational issues reflect in the care of the patient I believe by establishing a performance evaluations policy this would increase an individual’s focus on the task ahead, increase confidence as they beat personal bests, and increase unity in a work environment by engaging them more in their work (Flahery, 2010). This in turn will increase the quality of care for the patient and the reputation of the organization...
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...Designing a Balanced Scorecard for a pharmaceutical company Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard (Abridged)14 Company Background Chadwick, Inc., was a diversified producer of personal consumer products and pharmaceuticals. The Norwalk Division of Chadwick developed, manufactured, and sold ethical drugs for human and animal use. It was one of five or six sizable companies competing in these markets and, while it did not dominate the industry, the company was considered well managed and was respected for the high quality of its products. Norwalk did not compete by supplying a full range of products. It specialized in several niches and attempted to leverage its product line by continually searching for new applications for existing compounds. Norwalk sold its products through several key distributors who supplied local markets, such as retail stores, hospitals and health service organizations, and veterinary practices. Norwalk depended on its excellent relations with the distributors who served to promote Norwalk’s products to end users and also received feedback from the end users about new products desired by their customers. Chadwick knew that its long-term success depended on how much money distributors could make by promoting and selling Norwalk’s products. If the profit from selling Norwalk products was high, then these products were promoted heavily by the distributors and Norwalk received extensive communication back about future customer needs. Norwalk had historically...
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...“Critically evaluate the use of the Balanced Scorecard as a performance measurement system within organisations”. The Balanced Scorecard is a “strategic planning and management system” that is used at length by all kinds of organisations, stretching from private and public firms, governmental organisations along with non-profit organisations and many others. Traditionally Management Accounting was mainly focused on financial performance measures such as profit and loss figures and balance sheet figures. Now though, more emphasis is been given to the use of non-financial measures and incorporating these into the formal reporting systems used by organisations. The BSC allows the overall mission, policies and strategy of the organisation to be translated into an ample set of performance measurements. The BSC does not only focus on achieving financial objectives but instead allows a firm to pay attention to other non-financial goals that it must accomplish in order to meet its original, financial targets. The use of the BSC can be seen as a way of monitoring and improving both operational and financial performance of an organisation while a t the same time being used as a tool in order to aid the formulation and implementation of the organisation’s strategy. The idea of the Balanced Scorecard was first introduced by Kaplan and Norton in the 1992 Harvard Business Review article entitled “The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance”, which was based on a “multi-company...
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...The Balanced Scorecard - Solution at Peel Memorial Hospital Riiva Williams Kaplan University October 7th, 2013 Hospitals and regional health authorities across Canada are under siege. From mergers to forced closures to funding restraints, the healthcare industry is facing tremendous challenges. To make matters more complicated, add mediating cultural differences and the integration of non-acute and community-based services. At the same time, healthcare entities attempt to remain focused on delivering high-quality patient care and aligning the key stakeholders to the newly created vision. In the midst of these challenges, management must ensure that it brings as much alignment, direction and purpose as possible into the organization. A clearly articulated vision statement, measurable corporate goals and objectives, together with a strategic plan all help to bring more certainty to staff, patients and volunteers. The "deliverable" is the ability of staff and teams to align accountabilities, activities and resources in support of the vision and goals of the organization. For Peel Memorial Hospital (PMH) in Brampton Ontario, 1995 was a watershed year. It was evident that our corporate goals and objectives had run their course. We lacked measurable targets. We had a tired Mission Statement that tried to be all things to all people. Internal surveys revealed that employees weren't clear on what our objectives were, what strategic direction we were taking and how certain hospital...
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...MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Study Material Prepared By INSTITUTE OF COST AND WORKS ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA for Junior Accounts Officer(Civil) Examination Conducted By CONTROLLER GENERAL OF ACCOUNTS 1 BASICS OF COST ACCOUNTING 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Evolution of Cost Accounting, Cost Concepts and Cost Classification Introduction Evolution of Cost Accounting Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Management Accounting Financial, Cost and Management Accounting Cost Concept and Cost Object Cost Management Cost Classification Methods of Costing Techniques of Costing Specific Cost Systems Cost Department and its relationship with other Departments Installation of Costing System Specimen Questions with Answers Test Yourself Page . No 1 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 ♦ ♦ 1.0 1.1 EVOLUTION OF COST ACCOUNTING, COST CONCEPTS AND COST CLASSIFICATION INTRODUCTION Traditionally, cost accounting is considered as the technique and process of ascertaining costs of a given thing. In sixties, the definition of cost accounting was modified as ‘the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control and ascertainment of profitability of goods, or services’. It includes the presentation of information derived therefrom for the purpose of managerial decision making. It clearly emphasises the importance of cost accountancy achieved during the period by using...
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...Balanced Scorecard Pada awalnya, Balanced Scorecard diciptakan untuk mengatasi problem tentang kelemahan sistem pengukuran kinerja eksekutif yang hanya berfokus pada sektor keuangan saja, tanpa memperhatikan sektor non keuangan. Sistem pengukuran kinerja yang hanya menekankan pada sektor keuangan membuat perusahaan sulit untuk berkembang. Oleh karena itu pada tahun 1990, Nolan Norton Institute, bagian riset kantor akuntan publik KPMG di USA yang dipimpin oleh David P. Norton, mensponsori studi tentang “Pengukuran Kinerja dalam Organisasi Masa Depan.” Hasil studi tersebut diterbitkan dalam sebuah artikel berjudul “Balanced Scorecard- Measures That Drive Performance” dalam Harvard Business Review (Januari-Februari 1992). Hasil studi tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mengukur kinerja eksekutif di masa depan diperlukan ukuran komprehensif yang mencakup empat perspektif yaitu perspektif keuangan, pelanggan/konsumen, proses internal bisnis, serta pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Pengertian Balanced Scorecard . Balanced Scorecard terdiri dari dua kata yaitu balanced dan scorecard. Scorecard artinya kartu skor, maksudnya adalah kartu skor yang akan digunakan untuk merencanakan skor yang diwujudkan di masayang akan datang, sedangkan balanced artinya berimbang, maksunya adalah untuk mengukur kinerja seseorang diukur secara berimbang dari dua perspektif yaitu keuangan dan non keuangan, jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, intern dan eksteren (Mulyadi, 2005:1).Balanced Scorecard merupakan...
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...Love 4-06-09 Advance Cost Utilizing Capabilities to Increase Stakeholder Wealth: A Balance Scorecard Approach Every for-profit company wants to be at the top of the food chain when it comes to financial wealth and goals. To increase company wealth a firm must balance their scorecard which consists of four key perspectives: financial, internal, customers, and future. I chose this article for my paper because one of my goals in life is to be at the top of the pyramid at a for-profit company. Some of the tools that are mentioned in this article will help me build my foundation on to achieve my goals of reaching top management at a for-profit company. Brief Overview The article discusses how for-profit companies can build and increase their wealth from an internal and external standpoint. The article also addresses how resources are accessed, developed, combined and/or deployed which leads to wealth creation. Taking a balance scorecard approach is one way a company can determine how capabilities can lead to wealth creation. The balance scorecard approach consists of the following perspectives: financial, internal, customers, and the future. The article also proposed a modified balance scorecard which consists of shareholders, customers, employee, and future positioning perspective. The financial perspective is concerned with risk and profit from a shareholder point of view. Public firms are in business to create and increase shareholders wealth. If a firm is not...
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