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Submitted By subrata
Words 850
Pages 4
Building Desktop Applications with Java

Eric Bader
Vishal Agarwal

• Who are we?
– Core Engine Java dev team members.
• Who are you?
– ArcGIS Desktop developers/users?
– MapObjects Java users?
– Current ArcGIS Engine developers?
– Target Platforms?

• Overview
• Key Features
• Coarse grain Developer components
• Working with Swing
• Custom Commands and Tools
• What’s new in 9.2

Overview of ArcGIS Engine Java
• Java SDK for developing cross platform

desktop GIS Applications. desktop • Collection of numerous java objects called
‘arcobjects’ and tools for mapping, and visualization, data management and GIS analysis. analysis.
• Create stand alone GIS apps or Embed GIS
functions in existing J2SE applications functions Some User Applications

Java Visual Beans and utilities
Java Proxy Objects

Windows / Solaris / Linux

ArcGIS Engine Functionality
• 2D and 3D visualization
• Read all supported ESRI data formats

including the geodatabases. geodatabases Map authoring (create and edit MXD)
ArcGIS level cartography
Geo-coding, query, analysis.
Simple editing (shp and pGDB) and pGDB
With Extensions:

Multi user editing, Spatial, 3D and Network analysis

Java Beans – Drag and Drop development
• MapBean
• PageLayoutBean
• ToolbarBean
• TOCBean
• ReaderBean
• SceneBean
• GlobeBean

Tools and Commands
More than100 tools and commands included.
Utility classes to help you create own custom Tools

Things to Note
• Post Install
• Initialization
– EngineInitializer - initializeVisualBeans
• Licensing
– AoInitialize – initialize() AND checkoutExtension() initialize() checkoutExtension
• Shutting Down
– AoInitialize

Why use Proxy Classes?
• They are only for getting a handle to the

underlying object underlying Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
Polygon polygon

IPolygon polygon = polygon new PolygonProxy();
IEnvelope e = geom.getEnvelope(); geom.getEnvelope ITopologicalOperator topo = new new ITopologicalOperatorProxy(e);

Bridge and GEN Interfaces
• Certain ArcObjects do not work properly in

Java, we create

• GEN Interfaces:
– These are created to substitute the un-compatible compatible interfaces interfaces – Ex. IEnvelopeGEN replaces IEnvelope.
Ex. IEnvelopeGEN replaces IEnvelope
• BRIDGE Interfaces:
– For the more basic GIS service, to reduce the
overhead. overhead. – Ex. IGeometryBridge
Ex. IGeometryBridge

ArcObjects and Swing
Tips or Pop-ups don’t work properly?


• Application Freezes?
– Use 9.1 SP1
– Use Event Dispatcher thread

javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLat er(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
//Code Here

Events and Drawing
• Don’t add Java Event listeners to the Beans
• Each Bean has its own event Listener
• Don’t use the Java.awt.Graphics or use Java.awt.Graphics or

Graphics2D to draw grpahics – not supported grpahics Use GraphicsContainer of ActiveView
Use GraphicsContainer of ActiveView
– Several Tools are available.
– You need BMP images for your graphic elements
– Use the Graphics draw phase to refresh the map –
Partial Refresh

Special to Java
• Methods take output as parameters:
IBasicMap basicmap [] = {null};
ILayer layer [] = {null};
Object other [] = {null}; int itemType [] = {0};
Object pIndex [] = {null
Object pIndex []
}; toc.hitTest(e.getX(), e.getY(),
(), e.getY(), itemType, basicmap, layer, pIndex, itemType basicmap layer, pIndex other); other);

Custom Commands and Tools
• BaseCommand & BaseTool as helper classes
• Key Methods – onCreate() and the Constructor
• Use HookHelper
Use HookHelper
• Use isEnabled() to maintain the state
Use isEnabled
• Use Swing worker thread to invoke Swing

components. components. • You cannot use JToolBar with our tools.

• Runtime Overview
• Initialization and licensing
• Coarse grained components
• Working with Swing
• Events and Animation
• Custom Commands and Tools

ArcGIS 9.2 Features

What’s new in 9.2

Ready-to-use Out-of-the-Box
Improve Stability
API Improvements
New Packages and Extensions
File GDB
New Visual Components
New Help System and samples
IDE Integration
Support for JDK 1.5
ArcGIS Desktop is ‘Java Enabled’

API Improvements
• Support for Casting and InstanceOf
– No QI or Proxy calls
• Hand Crafted Geo-Processing API
• Javadoc improvements
– No unnecessary constructors, methods

New Visual Beans – Shared Code!
• New Controls and Commands
– Symbology Control
– Several new tools – Identify, measure, editing…
• New Visual Beans for RAD
– Attribute Table
– Query Selection
– Selection by Location
– Symbology
– Buffer

• Reflect API improvements
• Better Structure
– Easy to navigate
– HTML Readme
• Easier to Run
– Executable Jars
– Simple Import into IDEs

Java Help System
• A central repository for all help content
– Better Structure
– Easier to get started
– Several New docs
• Scenarios
• Deployment
• Using IDEs

Geo-processing and Tracking
• Refined API
• Tool Generator
– Support for models written in ArcGIS Desktop
• Supporting Documents
• Samples
• Developer Scenario
– How to consume custom Routing model
– How to Track events and time windows

IDE Integration
• ArcGIS Eclipse Plug-ins
– Java Help System
– Samples
– Templates
– Code shortcuts
– Geo-Processing Tool Generator
– Local update site

Summary – ArcGIS Engine
• Better API – 100% Pure Java experience
• Performance and stability improvements
• Better user experience:
– IDE Integration + Help System + samples
• More holistic approach for solving GIS


Out of box components and extended samples.

Developer Resources
• Engine Developer Kit includes
– Help System
– Developer Documentation
– Sample Code
– Detailed Object Model Diagrams
– Utilities and Tools
• For Additional Support:
– EDN –
– User Forum:

More Questions?
Join us for Tech Talk
2:30 PM – 3:00PM Community Center

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by a diminishing need for customers to visit branches and engage with bank staff directly as the use of online banking has increased. A PWC survey looking at banking in 2020 indicates a growing awareness, but a significant gap in preparedness. Sixty-one percent of bank executives say that a customer-centric business model is ‘very important’, and 75% of banks are making investments in this area (this pattern is consistent globally). Yet only 17% feel ‘very prepared’. What business are banks in if they are not in the banking business? Put simply, retail banks are in the business of helping people, communities and enterprises achieve their financial goals. In that sense, we could consider PayPal as a form of retail bank; its famous digital wallet now counts 110 million active users among which...

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Money and Banking

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