Premium Essay

Baseball-Personal Narrative

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Pages 7
It’s closing in, the end of summer; also, the last game for this season of travel baseball.Im sitting in my bed, hoping that it would just not come.Not because i was excited for my last baseball game this year, but for just, i did not want to play.I was no good at baseball and when i went to bat, everytime my team would sigh and say; “eli is up, time for another out”.They would say this only so loud so our coach would not hear,the coach did not like how they picked on me so if he heard them, he would make them have a harder time at practice. That’s when my mom called called me down the stairs to eat breakfast, as i walked down the stairs i saw my sister was getting home from her morning run and as she opened the door, i could feel the intense heat of the hot summer day.

“Look who’s awake early in the morning”My sister rudely says i walk past her.
“Don't be so rude towards your brother”My mother says as she is cooking breakfast. …show more content…
“Why don't you go join them after we get our bags to our room”.
Afterwards when we are in our room i pull out my laptop and i start playing games in the corner of the room.
“Lets go swim Eli” my dad says as he goes to close my laptop.
I make an excuse about not wanting to swim but my dad does not buy in to it.
He puts my laptop on the desk in the room and tells me to get dressed.
As we go to the pool i bring a book and my phone with me.As i sit down pretending to read i have my phone in my hand playing a game.My dad noticed me and make me get in the water.Swimming;one of the things i least like to do.As i went to get out my dad tried to get me to stay in.I said i had to go to the bathroom so he let me go back up to the room.I grabbed some clean clothes and took a shower so he couldn't make me get back in the pool.

“Why did you come back up” my mom said as i got on my

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