...with someone else at work, home, or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. Who was the sender? Who was the receiver? What was the message? What channel was used to send the message? What was the misunderstanding that occurred? How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? 3. What tips can you suggest for preventing misunderstandings in communication? 1st Scenario Sender: Principal Receiver: School Aide Message: Post January attendance sheet on the bulletin board in morning. Channel: E-mail Misunderstanding: Sending the e-mail it was not clear to which bulletin to post January’s attendance sheet. School aide posts the attendance sheet in the lunch bulletin board. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? In the e-mail the Principal should have been direct to which bulletin board to posting the attendance sheet. The bulletin board could have been flagged or have a sign “coming soon” attendance the day before. A quick call or another e-mail to be sure January’s attendance was posted. 1. What did I learn about the communication process from this activity? I learned writing an e-mail you have to be direct and clear and what specific area or detail you need the person follow. 2. What seem to be the main cause of this misunderstanding? The cause of this understanding is not enough word...
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...Decision-Making Process Paper Accidents, in any work place, are disheartening. This is especially so when it happens in incidents that involve more than one person. Such is the case for the mine in Chili where 33 workers (Moore, 2009) were affected by unsafe working conditions. A person has to wonder if this is due to the conditions of the country, a supposed less fortunate type, or just plain misfortune. Those Involved Often times many wonder who it is that might be at fault, and who is it that really suffers in a time of crisis, especially when regarding a work mishap. When the reality is all crisis situations involve everyone, more so when more than one person is involved. Miners need to know what they do matters, not just for the paycheck, but to those they are earning the paycheck for. Mine owners need to know business will pick-up and continue shortly, losing no real revenue for the mishap. Families are only concerned about one thing, the safe return of their loved one. Quite a different gambit of involvement, yet none are more important to the other in the eyes of those involved. Important Messages Of all those involved, families are probably the main focus. One has to wonder just the right way to communicate with so many people, of differing backgrounds, to give the same message. Should the message be given to the group of loved ones, or should this be relayed one-on-one? Considering the magnitude of the situation, a group message seems appropriate;...
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...Communication Process Model Grey Scott 1 2 Assignment 1.1: Communication Process Model Directions: Think of two misunderstandings you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home, or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. |Who was the sender? |Example 1: Co-worker, Example 2: Myself | |Who was the receiver? |Example 1: Myself, Example 2: Trainee | |What was the message? |1: I need help with something that you have shown me. 2: We have | | |a tight time schedule. | |What channel was used to send the message? |1: Face to face (light and sound). 2. Face to face (light and | | |sound). | |What was the misunderstanding that occurred? |1: I had not sufficiently explained the process to the trainee, | | |but I interpreted the question to say that they were not | | ...
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...BCOM 275 Entire Course (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BCOM 275 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 1 Individual Exercise 1.1(UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 2 Individual Assignment Demonstrative Communication Paper (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 3 Individual Assignment Article Rebuttal (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 3 Learning Team Debate Paper Outline (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 4 DQ 1 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 4 DQ 2 (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 4 Individual Assignment Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release (UOP Course) BCOM 275 Week 5 Team Assignment Debate Paper Part A and B (UOP Course) ----------------------------------------------------------- BCOM 275 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Which step in the communication process do you consider to be the most important? Why do you think this? Which of these steps is the most uncomfortable for you? Why is this? How might you work to change this? ----------------------------------------------------------- BCOM 275 Week 1 Individual Exercise 1.1 (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Complete exercise 1.1 from Ch. 1 of Communicating in the Workplace. Choose two misunderstandings you experienced and fill out the chart...
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...Communication Process Kathy Kirsch BCOM/275 October 17, 2011 Donald M. Marrin The high cost of communication or the lack of, as the case maybe. When a veteran lead truck driver, of 30-plus years, faces a tour manager who has no idea of the transportation logistics of time travel for tractor trailers, the results are explosive as well as expensive. Concert tours consist of many elements that if there is just one hiccup, the domino effect cascades like a waterfall. The transportation logistics is just one piece of many within the structure. Traveling from point A to point B, safely, and on time, is the goal of the transportation element. When just one truck is late with equipment the domino effect starts, costing into the thousands of dollars. Herein sets the scene for lack of communication between sender, the lead truck driver and receiver, the tour manager. From Portland, Oregon, to Chico, California, it is 490 miles, nine hours of driving. That is an average speed of 54.4 miles per hour for nine hours non-stop. That is on flat, straight land. Between Portland and Chico, there are two mountain ranges to cross with an elevation of six to seven thousand feet. If a semi is loaded heavy, traveling speeds up the inclines can get down to 25 to 30 mph. There goes the average traveling speed needed to reach destination within that nine hours. Time needed would be 11 hours of driving for the semi. Another consideration that the speed limit throughout California...
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...BCOM/275 Final Exam Thank you. Your responses have been recorded. Exam Started Exam Completed Answers Correct Score Confirmation # 11/01/2011 (08:23 AM) 11/01/2011 (10:43 AM) 17/33 51.52% 19123628 Submission Instructions Please submit a copy of this summary results page to your instructor through the Assignments section of the classroom. To take a screen shot of your summary results, press the <Print Screen> or <Prt Scr> key in the upper-right hand corner of your keyboard, open a new document in Microsoft Word, then press <Ctrl-V> to paste the screen shot into your document. Save the document to your desktop, then click on the Assignments tab and find your assignment under the current week. Once found, select the Assignment Title to bring up the Details page. In order to submit the document to your instructor, simply click the Browse button and select the word document you have saved to your desktop. Document status will show Submitted to faculty as confirmation that your submission was successful. Note: Your quiz results, along with additional feedback if available, will post to your individual forum, but you are still responsible for submitting a screen shot to the Assignments section in order to receive credit. If you experience technical difficulty with posting of exam results, please contact Technical Support for assistance. Technical Support can be reached at 1-866-334-7332 and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Copyright...
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...Week 3 Individual Assignment - Rebuttal Paper BCOM/275 – Critical Thinking Patty Haynes 07/24/13 Virginia Carter The Rolling Stone magazine has recently been met with a slew of angry outbursts and boycotting for placing the well-known, suspected Boston Bombing Terrorist, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover this month. The magazine is under scrutiny not just for placing his picture on the cover, but for how the picture portrays the suspect. Tsarnaev’s photo is a very glamorous, dreamy eyed, tousled hair, sexier version of himself in the photo. This glorified photo is exactly how The Rolling Stone portrays famous actors and rock stars that are meant to be admired. Harold Maass is the executive editor for an online forum called The Week. He currently posted an article saying that The Rolling Stone shouldn’t be chastised for their choice and it is simply a ploy to sell heaps and heaps of magazines. He states that maybe we shouldn’t be so angry at The Rolling Stone publication because the New York Times posted it on their cover first. Maass also backs up Janet Reitman of The Rolling Stone saying that the only thing that happened here was that he happened to be a huge news feature, and features make the covers of publications. He also agrees with other authors that claim this could help the American public snap out of their daydreams and see that terrorists don’t have to be dirty, rag wearing, foreign language speaking, Muslims. While all of these comments can be boiled...
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...LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM “B” |Course Title |BCOM/275 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL THINKING | | | | | | | | | | | Team Members/Contact Information |Name | |Phone | |Time zone and | |Email | | | | | |Availability During the Week | | | | | | | | | | | |Erica | |803-709-4032 | |SC “Eastern Time” available everyday | |msewilson25@email.phoenix.edu | | | | | | | |msewilson25@hotmail.com | |Nikole | |859-866-0256 | |Eastern Standard Time | |nikolehoskinds@gmail.com | | | | | |Available M-F 6pm-8pm ...
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...Misunderstandings in Communication Chrystal Granado April 03, 2014 BCOM/275 Mrs. Misunderstandings in Communication Misunderstanding #1 Who was the sender? My Sargent Who was the receiver? Myself What was the message? My Sargent was trying to communicate directions to me of the medical building I had to drop this urgent lab paperwork off to. What channel was used to send the message? Face to face conversation What was the misunderstanding that occurred? His directions on what building to go to was clear, but as for where exactly I was supposed to drop off the lab paperwork off at when I finally got there was not so clear. All he had said was to “Drop the papers of at the first clinic to the right, once you walk in the building, you can put them in their box.” So I did exactly that. I ended up dropping the papers off to the wrong clinic though because it was supposed to be dropped off at the women’s clinic and I dropped it off at the primary clinic. The clinics had switched their locations in the hospital a week earlier. I didn’t know because when you drop off paperwork, you drop it in a drop box, which it only said drop box. Therefore, since it was dropped off at the wrong location, it was not processed correctly, which made it late for the Commander. Since this happened, the Commander had to locate the paperwork, get it to the right location, and have them expedite it back to him. I ended up finding out that the paperwork was for a solider that was wounded. How could the misunderstanding...
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...Assignment 1.1 Tangi Johnston BCOM/275 12/1/14 Timothy Williams Assignment 1.1 Misunderstanding 1 Directions: Think of a misunderstanding you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home, or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. |Who was the sender? manager | | |Who was the receiver? Me | | |What was the message? That money was missing out of my drawer and if it's not found then I’m fired. | | |What channel was used to send the message? It was a direct verbal communication. | | |What was the misunderstanding that occurred? That she blamed me. All the cashiers share drawers. This was a seasonal position. | | |How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? By them watching the video after they asked everyone who use that register that day if | | |they took the money. | | Bring your completed chart to class for sharing in small groups. After each group member has shared his or her example with other group members, answer the following questions: 1. What did you learn about the...
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...Article Rebuttal xxxxxxxxxxx BCOM/275 – Business Communications and Critical Thinking March 4, 2013 Joel Maier Article Rebuttal A major question that is asked frequently every year is “Should I get a flu shot?” As the flu season gets closer, people start asking this question and wonder the same thing “Will I still get the flu even if I get the shot?” Can one assume that if you if an immunization is received, that there is no possibility of catching the flu? Because medical insurance is yet another controversial issue, what about those who do not have coverage? Is there an affordable plan for the shot for these individuals and if not will these individuals definitely be plagued by the flu? The Mayo Clinic states that “Flu shots are the most effective way to prevent influenza and its complications” (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013, pg.1). After reading the entire article, it shows evidence that the shot has been effective anywhere between 60-70% of the time, not 100% of the time. The article is contradicting in stating that the most effective way of fighting the flu is getting the flu shot. What about those individuals who fall into the 30-40% ineffective? Research shows that the flu immunization needs to be administered annually to have the most effective results. One has to question how researchers can be certain what the next string of flu may look like. The Mayo Clinic states that the circulating strains of flu virus can be close but not always an identical match to the...
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...Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Loretta Lucero BCOM 275 May 30, 2012 Glenn Arola Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication On August 5, 2012. The San Jose mine in northern Chili, collapsed, trapping 33 miner. The is owned by Minera San Esteban Primera. This was the third collapse since 2007. The miners were trapped 9842 feet under the ground. They had very little food, water and oxygen. According to Raul Villegas, who barely escaped the mine collapse, at approximately 2:00 pm that day, dust was filling the cavern, but he was only mildly concerned because that was a normal occurrence. However, as he got closer to the surface, he and his truck was almost over taken by a bigger cloud of dust, in circling him in dirt and darkness. Raul stated that he just made it out of the cavern when the mine collapsed. He goes on to state that it felt like a dynamite explosion, with an immense wave. He did report the incident to his supervisors, but it was hours later that the company notified the authorities. He and other workers tried to enter the cavern to start a recue effort but they soon realized that the ramp to enter the cavern had disappeared. The regions six-person special operations squad then triesd to enter the cavern arounf 9:00 pm, but returned around 6:00 am the next morning empty handed, shaken and drenched in sweat. By this time, relatives and reporters had arrived on the site, demanding answers, alonf with a number of independent miners,...
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...Rocco Pugliese Chapter 1 - Assignment 1.1 BCOM/275: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS AND CRITICAL THINKING April 23rd, Monday 2012 Geri Markley Chapter 1 - Assignment 1.1 Misunderstanding 1 Who was the sender? | Rocco | Who was the receiver? | Manager | What was the message? | Determine if network devices were PCI compliant | What channel was used to send the message? | Excel worksheet, Verbal conversation via telephone | What was the misunderstanding that occurred? | Determination if network devices were PCI compliant | How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? | More experienced manager needed to determine if controls met compliance controls | Legend: Company X (purchaser) Company Y (purchasee) 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? * This was my first project with PCI controls with a client who was being acquired by another company. PCI controls are very specific and detailed. I was chosen for this project for my attention to detail and understanding of network devices, routers, firewalls etc. * Through detailed, verbal meetings with Company X network team, it was determined all network devices monitored and audited by (X) were PCI compliant. Therefore I began completion of each sample documentation examples requiring the review of network device configurations as complete. The verbiage read as “All audits and controls are compliant by Company X. No further documentation required. * The manager...
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...Miscommunicating in the Workplace BCOM/275 05/21/2012 Steve Hynds Miscommunication and misunderstandings happen all the time in the home, workplace and even when we are in our favorite store. Today I am going to focus on a few examples of miscommunications and misunderstandings that I have experienced in the workplace. At times the miscommunication could be at the fault of the sender or receiver with the misinterpretation of the message delivered or received and other times it could be that the information given is correct but it is not used for its intended manner. Example 1: Misuse of Correct Information In one of my positions at a major bank, I was a telephone (the channel) support representative for the branches. I had a caller (the receiver) ask me (the sender) a basic policy question about how to stop a direct deposit from going into an account incorrectly. I advised him that he needed to contact the appropriate department and also gave him the phone number to complete this task (the message). Several weeks later his manager happened to get me on the line. She was calling in because of the actions of this employee based on information he received from my department. I was able to verify that it was me that spoke to him and asked her to simply ask me the same question because the policy is the policy and my response should be the same regardless. The question was the same and my response was the same but the banker had taken the correct information and...
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...Business Communications and Critical Thinking BCOM/275 – Week 1 Patty Haynes 07/11/13 Virginia Carter Assignment 1.1: Communication Process Model Misunderstanding #1 – Sample Claim Instructions vs. Provider Billing Who was the sender? The sender of the misunderstanding was the Credentialing Department manager. Who was the receiver? The receivers were 4 Network Development Representatives. What was the message? The message was that if a Provider sent in a Sample Claim Form and if the form was missing information, they could confirm with the provider what the correct information was, then insert it into the form themselves. What Channel was used to send the message? The message was sent through an E-Mail message. What was the misunderstanding that occurred? In the E-mail that was sent the manager loosely worded the new exeception to the Sample Claim Form rules. In the explanation she did not site that we would need to provide written confirmation from the Provider that was missing information from their Sample Claim, that states the Network Development team has permission to add the missing information. Since this small detail was not added, when the representatives heard the information, they thought that they could gather the information needed from other documents submitted by the Provider, and insert it into the form without gathering a confirmation from the Provider that the information is correct. When the representatives began a large project, one of the...
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