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Be More Chill Book Report

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Fret no more, your official cool book solution is here! Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini is a book about a high school senior named Jeremy Heere, who goes to school at Middle Borough High School. Middleborough is that type of school where everyone is separated by cool or complete dork. Jeremy was never really able to “fit in” with his peers and was much rather seen as one of the dorks. Upon realization of this, Jeremy tries to find a solution until Rich, one of the cooler kids, approaches him with his answers to his quest. A SQUIP, a drug-like computer that travels through your blood and into your brain and tells you what to do, is presented to Jeremy. Jeremey, of course, buys one and his Squip does it’s job for the most part. While he thinks

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Social Activity, Care for Outdoor

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