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Soccer Narrative

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It was the first day of soccer preseason my freshman year of high school. My shins were still killing me from the running we did in soccer camp 2 weeks earlier. The pain was terrible i could barely even walk. I did not want to tell coach that I was hurting because coach had told all of as that he does not complainers. My mom had to give me ibuprofen so that I could run and make it through all the running of preseason. And i could run fast enough with the ibuprofen to make the time for the running we had to make so we did not have to run more. Until the third week of the season when I forgot to get the ibuprofen from my mom that was the slowest I have ever ran in my life and finally I had to stop and coach and trainer Dan told me rest for two weeks.
I sat out …show more content…
then when i came back we had two games we lost to one to borga after that game it was still hurting. Five minutes into the second game the pain had gotten unbarible coach asked me if I was ok and I could not hid it i had to tell him. At half time trainer dan talked to my parents and they decided that i needed to go to the doctor. Went to doctor allen my regular doctor and he ordered me Physical therapy and to go see a specialist doctor names Dr. Passenise. I went to Dr. Passanise and i got x rays gone. I was waiting in the room waiting for the x rays to get back, all that was going through my mind was i hope it is not something serious. Something that could keep me out of soccer for longer than i had already been out for. The nurse came in and pulled up my x rays, told me the doctor would be in soon and left the room. Now i was staring at the computer i was looking for anything that looked like a fracture or something else that

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