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Beautiful Words


Submitted By meowcat
Words 2222
Pages 9
Those who kneel down to ALLAH can stand up for anything.

Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their JOURNEY is all about.

Kau bicara kau perlukan teman, mengisi kekosongan hidup dan membuang kelaraan. Tetapi apakah kau telah bersedia mempersiapkan diri untuk membawanya ke SYURGA, dan dari neraka menjauhkan?

Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in TOUCH.

Seorang TEMAN yang baik adalah yang akan membantumu untuk menjadi orang baik. Teman sejati yang boleh diajak bercinta untuk syurga.

"Aku menyintaimu kerana AGAMA yang ada padamu, jika kau hilangkan agama dalam dirimu, hilanglah cintaku padamu." [Imam Nawawi]

Allah tahu tentang dirimu lebih daripada engkau sendiri. Maka Allah telah menetapkan untukmu LEBIH BAIK daripada apa yang engkau kehendaki.

The most excellent JIHAD is that for the conquest of self.

Duhai hati, janganlah terkorban dengan DUNIA. Hidup hati sebenarnya untuk mencari mati yang sempurna.

Allah Maha Berkuasa. Ada kalanya takdir dan perbuatanNya terlalu MISTERI dan rahsia untuk dijangkau oleh pemikiran kita. Tetapi yakinlah 'what you give, you get back'. Itu hukum sunatullah dalam hubungan sesama manusia. Kebaikan yang kita buat akan kembali kepada kita. Yakinlah.

Apalah sangat PANDANGAN orang jika hendak dibandingkan dengan pandangan Allah?

Life is too short to waste time HATING anyone.

Tetapi yakinlah walau sakit nya terlalu, nanti KEMANISANNYA juga akan berganda. Terimalah kesusahan yang sedikit demi kebahagiaan yang lebih baik dan abadi.

Wahai wanita, semakin engkau menjaga dirimu, menutupi rapi auratmu, sopan gerak geri dan tutur katamu, semakin TINGGI NILAI engkau pada seorang lelaki.

Tidakkah kaum lelaki ini merasa tercabar dan cemburu melihat wanita yang di bawah tanggungjawab mereka yang sepatutnya hanya mereka melihat aurat mereka tetapi, sebaliknya lelaki lain juga mendapat HAK yang sama?

Sudahlah lahir dari saluran yang berkongsi dengan saluran qubul, hampir pula dengan saluran dubur. Setelah itu selama beberapa bulan menelan najis sendiri berkali-kali! Maka masih layakkah kita EGO dengan Sang Pencipta sedangkan Dia-lah yang memelihara di dalam ruang kecil diliputi tiga kegelapan itu?

Cinta Allah adalah cinta SEJATI yang kekal abadi.

"Nanti-nanti lah berubah, sekarang muda lagi" hanyalah kata-kata yang dipinjamkan oleh syaitan supaya kita diheret sama oleh mereka ke neraka Allah. Sedarlah, hidup di dunia sangat SINGKAT waktunya. Usia muda tidak bermakna ajal juga masih jauh duduknya. Tidak nampakkah kita dengan bukti-bukti yang telah Allah tunjukkan? Nauzubillah.

CINTA kepada bunga akan layu. Cinta kepada manusia akan berpisah. Cinta kepada Allah swt akan abadi.

Love ALLAH because He loves you.

SAHABAT yang baik, apabila dipandang wajahnya, membawa mengingati Allah, mendengarkan kata-katanya, menambahkan ilmu, terlihat gerak gerinya, meninggikan takut kepada Allah, berkawan dengannya, berjuang ke jalan Allah.

Lebih baik terlanggar tiang menundukkan PANDANGAN daripada terlanggar agama menurut panahan syaitan.

Allah adalah KEKUATAN. Untuk mencari kekuatan, carilah Allah.

ISLAM bukan hanya nama, islam adalah cara hidup.

"Agama islam mempunyai penganut yang paling ramai di dunia. Namun begitu, ramai dikalangan umat islam tidak memahami hakikat sebenar menjadi seorang penganut islam. Salah satu sebab mengapa perkara ini berlaku adalah kerana mereka dilahirkan oleh kedua ibu bapa yang Muslim dan menerima islam sebagai WARISAN." [Fathi Yakan]

SHINE ON and don't give up on what you have decided to do!

KEIMANAN menghapuskan keresahan, dan melenyapkan kebimbangan. Keimanan adalah kesenangan yang diburu oleh orang-orang yang bertauhid dan hiburan bagi orang-orang yang ahli ibadah.

Tak perlu menjadi sempurna untuk menjadi berguna, tetapi jadilah insan yang BERGUNA untuk menjadi lebih sempurna!

Semoga cantik kebanyakan diganti cantik sebenar kecantikan. Ternyata ianya INDAH.

HIDAYAH perlu dicari, bukan dinanti.

Beruntunglah sesiapa manfaatkan hidayah dariNYA. Hadiah jiwa hanya untuk mereka yang terpilih. Pelihara, pulihara dan PENJARAKAN ia jangan sampai terpergi lagi.

Aku keliru, apakah ertinya kecantikan wanita di mata lelaki? Adakah pada susuk tubuh yang menggiurkan? Atau pada akhlak yang menawan? Biar apa pun jawapannya, aku tetap aku. Aku seorang wanita. Fitrahku sukakan diri cantik jelita. Namun, bukan kecantikan di mata manusia, sebaliknya.. AKU MENCARI KECANTIKAN YANG DIIKTIRAF TUHAN!

LIFE is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Kau tahu kecantikan wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya ataupun bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya. Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari MATAnya, kerana itulah pintu hatinya. Tempat di mana CINTA ITU ADA

Changing from bad to good is a long-term adventure, but it is wonderful

Istighfar dan bertaubat lah. Sebelum pintu itu tertutup (yakni mati).

Jika dengan kematian kami dapat melihat wajahMu, matikanlah kami supaya terhindar kami dari fitnah dunia. Jika dengan kematian kami tercampak ke nerakaMu, panjangkanlah hidup kami supaya dapat kami perbanyakkan taubat kepadaMu.

Live as if you would die tomorrow, learn as if you would live forever.

Kalau sanggup berkorban kerana manusia, kenapa tidak sanggup berkorban kerana Allah.? Pasti ganjarannya lebih lumayan.

Allah loves you. Buktinya, Dia menciptakan kita sebagai MANUSIA, semulia-mulia makhluk.

Jual mahal adik-adik. Lagi mahal lagi berharga. Lagi dihargai, lagi dijaga rapi.

'Nafsu mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar rupanya. Akal mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar ilmu dan kepintarannya. Dan hati mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar akhlaknya.

Kaum hawa sering menitik beratkan aurat ketika solat tetapi mengabaikan aurat ketika di luar solat padahal tuntutan menutup aurat ketika atau di luar solat adalah sama.

Jangan risau, yang menilai itu Allah, bukan manusia.

'You are what you eat, you are what you read.' Avoid haram and unhealthy food. Avoid too much unnecessary readings. To keep 'halal', 'healthy' and 'necessary'.

Mencari cinta sempurna; cinta Allah.

Don't judge people until you know them. Don't underestimate people until you challenge them.

Jangan takut, ALLAH bersama kita.

Harga diri seorang wanita terletak pada sifat malunya. Malunya kepada Allah. Malunya untuk melakukan dosa.

Things are better if covered.

Saat sedih dan kesusahan, mencari Allah. Saat senang dan gembira, melupakan Allah. Padahal, yang memberikan kesenangan itu juga Allah.

Salah satu tips untuk istiqamah dalam penghijrahan adalah memiliki teman yang sentiasa mengingatkan kita kepada agama.

'Being born as a Muslim does not make you a better person. It's not how you start the race, but it's how you end it' [ImamSirajWahaj]

'Wahai Tuhan yang memegang hati ini, tetapkanlah hati kami dalam agamaMu dan ketaatan kepadaMu.'

Apabila anda terlalu banyak berfikir, syaitan sangat suka mendekati untuk meracun dan menggelisahkan anda. Tiba saat itu, BACA dan HAYATI lah ayat-ayat al-Quran.

Living abroad is not about where you are, it's about WHO you are.

'When nails grow we cut nails, not our fingers. Similarly when misunderstandings raise, we should cut misunderstandings not the relations'.

Bila gundah, solat adalah terapi terbaik untuk mendapat kembali ketenangan.

'Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning'.

Lelaki yang baik takkan pernah memaksa wanita melakukan sesuatu yang boleh mendatangkan murka Allah. Bijak membuat pilihan, lelaki bagaimana yang bakal dijadikan imam keluargamu wahai wanita.

Jangan hanya inginkan lelaki yang baik selagi kita tidak menjadi baik, tetapi jadilah wanita yang baik sehingga kita diinginkan oleh lelaki yang baik.

Jangan kedekut sangat.! Tak ada apa pun yang kalian miliki. Semua milik Allah.

Bercinta lepas kahwin. Mesti lagi best sebab lebih diberkati Allah.

Let them talk. Then put a smile. Because after all I know, ALLAH KNOWS BEST.

Everyone has their own past. And the past is not to be judged, but to be learned.

Kecewa kerana cinta?? Kalaulah cinta ILLAHI yang kau cari, kau tidak mungkin dikecewakanNya.

Q: Awak marah ke bila saya tengok perempuan/lelaki sexy..?
A: Jangan risau pasal saya marah, tapi risau pasal ALLAH marah.

Jangan minta hidup yang mudah tetapi pintalah hati yang tabah untuk menghadapinya.

Hiduplah untuk hari ini kerana semalam sudah berlalu dan hari esok masih belum tentu.

'Tak kenal maka tak cinta'.. Cukup kenal kah aku akan Rabb ku.?

Jika kita sudah istiqamah solat lima waktu, apa kata tingkat lagi sikit level ibadah dengan istiqamah juga solat sunat Qabliyyah dan Ba'diyyah kerana ia adalah sunat muakkad. Semoga IMAN kita sentiasa meningkat.

'I can't brag about my love for ALLAH because I fail Him daily but I can brag about His love for me because it never fails'.

'Real Love means helping each other to attain Jannah, Not holding each others hands walking towards The Hellfire'.

Kita hidup bukan kerana manusia, kita hidup Lillahi Taala, kerana Allah.

Hawa, perlu kita jual mahal kerana harga diri kita sangat tinggi.! Sesuai dengan tingginya darjat seorang hawa disisi islam.

Differences in thought need to be discussed, not to be suppressed.

Yang wajib jangan tinggal, yang sunat diperbanyak.

Kita perlu lantang menyuarakan pendapat, bukan lantang membahaskan betulnya pendapat. PENDAPAT BUKAN HUKUM. Dan Allah ciptakan manusia masing-masing mempunyai daya fikir yang berbeda.

Siapalah kita untuk menilai hati manusia. Kan hati itu misteri, rahsia yang hanya Penciptanya mengetahui :)

Sebenarnya ada beza antara PENGORBANAN dengan KEBODOHAN.

Have you ever asked yourself, where is Allah in your heart..?

Allah tak melihat rupa kamu, pakaian kamu, tetapi Allah melihat HATI kamu kerana itulah tempat paling rahsia diantara manusia.

'Kecantikan seorang wanita ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan (menjaga) malunya, sementara kegagahan seorang lelaki ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan (menjaga) marahnya.' [Hukamak]

'Kita sering merungut mengatakan Allah tidak adil apabila kita tidak dapat apa yang kita doakan. Adilkah kita kepadaNya.? Hanya dekat kepadaNya ketika susah, menjauhkanNya ketika senang.?
You first put a smile if you want others to smile at you.

Mulakan harimu dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang dan sekuntum senyuman. Selamat Pagi Malaysia.
Hidup bukan semata untuk hidup, hidup untuk Yang Maha Pencipta.
Kadang aku kuat, kadang aku lemah. Ya Rabb, peliharalah hati-hati kami.
Takkan lah ingin menunggu nyawa sampai ke halkum baru ingin berubah.? Takkan lah ingin menunggu matahari terbit dari sebelah barat baru ingin berubah.? [TanyalahUstaz]
Dambakan imam muda, didiklah diri menjadi makmum muda. Dambakan putera puteri agama, didiklah diri menjadi permaisuri agama.
A smile does not cost anything but it gives a great deal.
Cinta siapa yang kita dambakan.? Cinta manusia atau cinta Allah.? Dambakanlah cinta Allah kerana ia memupuk cinta suci kepada manusia, dan kerana cinta sesama manusia belum tentu dapat memupuk cinta suci kepada Yang Maha Penyayang.
Cantik di dalam cantik lah di luar. Cantik di luar belum tentu cantik di dalam. HATI.
Sebelum berterima kasih kepada orang, berterima kasih dulu kepada Allah kerana kebaikan itu diberikan oleh Allah kepada kita melalui orang tersebut.
When you need proof about this universe.. everything is stated in Holy Quran.
Worldly life is very short yet Hereafter is forever. It's worth to bear the hardship in this short life now if it leads us to the better place in Hereafter.
Dunia yang sementara. Penting. Menentukan di mana tempat kita di akhirat kelak. Akhirat yang kekal.
ISLAM is not just a religion, it is also a WAY OF LIFE.
My dearest Muslimah, learn patience from Asiyah, loyalty from Khadijah, sincerity from A'ishah and steadfastness from Fatimah.
Ya Allah, peliharalah hatiku, jangan biar ia dikotori lagi.
Judge ISLAM by judging the QURAN, not the muslim as muslim is a human being who always makes mistakes while QURAN is perfect; WORDS FROM ALLAH.
'A devout Muslim women have never felt lonely, because the presence of God is closer than her own veins'.
Jangan lupa lelaki pun ada batasan aurat.!
How to achieve a happy life.? -Have the habit of smiling and being cheerful, and keep company with optimistic people.
Betapa Allah menyayangi kita. Diberikan hidup yang sempurna. Masih ego untuk kita bersyukur kepadaNya.
Apabila kita senyum kepada seseorang, ada kala senyuman kita tak berbalas. Tapi yakinlah, ALLAH sentiasa membalas senyuman kita.

Ayuh bangkitlah bangsaku. Usah selesa ditakuk lama. Kita perlukan pewira, pewira untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan islam.! Bangkitlah.!
Please read and understand the Quran before talking about islam.!
Siapakah kita telah jadi hari ini, dan siapakah kita akan jadi pada hari esok.? Muhasabah diri.
Jagalah maruahmu wahai puteri agama, jagalah martabatmu ahai putera agama.
Nak ubah Malaysia kena ubah diri dulu.! PUNCTUALITY.

Yang menentukan dosa pahala seorang muslim bukanlah seorang muslim yang lain tetapi Allah.

Tiada ketenangan yang dapat menandingi ketenangan di dalam SOLAT.
Don't be too harsh, nak menegur kena berhikmah, baru dapat melembutkan hati yang ditegur.
Tanpa iman, Islam tidak akan bangkit.!
When you wake up in the morning, do not expect to live until evening.
Let your morals and attitudes be even more beautiful than a garden.
'What if tomorrow never comes.? Then today we die, doing something haram'.
Say yes to your smile that sends a message of warmth and friendliness to others. Smile is one of the easiest sunnah. Smile is one of da'wah.

'Andaikan kekurangan diri dijadikan alasan untuk tidak berdakwah, nescaya tiadanya dakwah yang akan berjalan dimuka bumi ini'. [ImamSyafie]
'Ya Allah, teguhkanlah pendirianku, jadikanlah diriku pemberi petunjuk yang selalu mendapat petunjuk'.
'Ya Allah, cahaya kemerahan itu (pada matahari) menandakan siang akan menutupi tirainya. Malam akan menjelma. Engkau menjadikan malam itu ditemani kegelapan. Aku bermohon kepadaMu ya Allah, janganlah Engkau gelapkan hatiku sepertimana kegelapan pada malam, sehinggakan aku lalai dari mengingatiMu (bangun malam untuk beribadah)'.
Logik kah kita menunggu hidayah tanpa perlu mencarinya.? Bak perut yang sedang kelaparan, logik kah ia kenyang tanpa dikenyangkan.? Ada kalanya kita beruntung ada orang yang menghantarkan makanan, tetapi logiknya kita mesti mencari makanan itu sendiri. Begitu juga dengan hidayah.
'Ish 'Azizan, Aw Mut Syahidan.! Hidup Mulia, Mati Syahid.!
Majoriti manusia inginkan kecantikan, harta, nama dan kuasa. Semua itu dikejar oleh manusia. Namun semua itu tidak ada nilainya jika dibandingkan dengan cinta Allah -sumber segala kekayaan, kecantikan, kekuasaan dan keagungan.
Aku mesti mencari cinta Allah sebelum aku mencari cintamu.

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Compare How the Poets Present Ideas of Time in ‘to His Coy Mistress’ and One Other Poem.

...At the start of ‘to his coy mistress’ the poet describes how the voice would love his mistress if he had all the time in the world. This is represented in the first line which says ‘had we but world enough, and time,’ This immediately gives the reader a sense of urgency as it creates the image of time being limited and constricted. The use of the word ‘if’ suggests that time is imperative in order to be able for love to reach it’s full potential and that there is an absence of time so it is impossible to patiently enjoy love without rushing it. Alternatively, the language used in the first stanza could be seen as making a mockery of the idea of taking love slowly as it is referred to as ‘vegetable love’ that grows slower than empires. This guides the reader to view the idea of a love that is drawn out as boring and undesirable. This is emphasised towards the end of the poem when the voice describes the love that he wishes for with similes like ‘instant fire.’ This creates a contrast to the idea of a ‘vegetable love’ and makes the voice’s idea of a love sound much more favourable. Therefore, one of the ways that the poet presents ideas of time is that it is necessary for love to be savoured but at the same time it makes love boring. Another way that the poet presents ideas of time is in the first paragraph. This is because the voice says ‘but at my back I always hear, time’s winged chariot hurrying near.’ This creates the idea of time being powerful and ruling over love because...

Words: 1143 - Pages: 5

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A Beautful Mind Summary

...A Beautiful Mind Summarization of A Beautiful Mind Bryan Gudiel College of Southern Nevada What a Beautiful Mind First the story begins in Princeton University at September 1947. John Nash and his colleagues are being introduced to the university. After the introduction the students meet outside for formal party in the school. This is where John first meets Martin Hasson his rival during the film. Martin and John both got to Princeton through the same scholarship. John Nash eventually makes it to his dorm room and eventually meets his roommate Charles Herman. John Nash was very passionate on trying to find a dynamic. John Nash was using a lot of time finding equations and Charles his roommate was frustrated on him not breaking the ice and took him drinking up at the roof where they spoke. The next day John Nash was studying how birds reacted and he tries to calculate their behavior. He then runs into Martin which challenges him on a game. Martian wins the game and talks down to John. Later on John was still stuck on trying to have an original Idea (Find Dynamic), Charles told him to go to the bar to eat some pizza and drink some beer. They went to the bar and you see John Nash playing pool. Martian comes to the bar and looks at his friends that’s calling him at the bar. Martians friend told him that this girl wanted Nash. Martian tells Nash and then Nash left to talk to her. He failed completely on trying to pursue her because he told her he just wanted to sleep with her...

Words: 1925 - Pages: 8

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...have a make out session of our own. Surprisingly, it worked. The power of YOLO, you guys! 2. One night recently I went to an ex-boyfriend’s birthday party and waited around until everyone left so I could seduce him. My plan backfired, however, because by the time everyone left, I was so wasted that I ended up just passing out on the couch. The next morning, my ex was like “…” and I was like “…” and we both were like “YOLO.” 3. Anytime I eat after 4 a.m., it’s predicated upon the excuse of “YOLO.” There should be a sandwich at the deli just named “YOLO.” “I’ll take the YOLO to go and, no, I prefer not to talk about it.” 4. Last month, I stayed up till 6 a.m. with a beautiful boy I just met. He was so gorgeous but so, so dumb. I don’t ordinarily do things like that. I don’t just go home with beautiful boys and stay up till 6 a.m. I am a lady, dammit! But, I swear it was the YOLO taking over me. Okay, and maybe like a little bit of the MDMA I ingested earlier in the evening, if you want to be honest, WHICH I DON’T. That night, as he was bringing me to climax, I wanted to scream “YOLO YOLO YOOOOOOO-LOOOOOOOOO!” but I didn’t. Missed opportunity, for sure. 5. Ordering delivery three times in one day. #YOLO. 6. Crying in a dressing room because you went up a size. #YOLO. 7. I quit my job six months ago because I hated it and the florescent lighting was hurting my eyes. I thought that by quitting, it would motivate me to finally follow my dreams or whatever, but so far...

Words: 551 - Pages: 3

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Sunrise on the Beach

...after she took a teaching position and continued to paint in Eskimo and Aleut villages in Alaska. It was in Alaska that she took a watercolor workshop from the internationally known artist, teacher, and author Zoltan Szabo. Virginia went on to earn a Master’s Degree and Ph.D. at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She has works in private, public and corporate collections worldwide. Virginia has also won juried awards in visual art and in video production. Virginia now resides in Port Isabel and many of her “local” pieces can be found at the Art Gallery in the lighthouse square. “Sunrise on the Beach” with out a doubt shows an outdoor setting with images in relation to a beautiful sunrise walk on the beach. The imagery used is from a personal perspective of an actual sunrise on the beautiful South Padre Island. A person, water, sand, a seagull, waves, clouds, and the vivid colors of the sunrise are all imagery that brings this painting to life and making the painting realistic. Being a surfer and enjoying sunrise surfing on South Padre Island, this painting brings a calming, peaceful, and happy feeling to me. I also think that the images are vague enough that just about anybody that has been to the beach can be taken back to their own memories of that time the experienced. These feelings lead me to believe that this seascape is an impressionistic...

Words: 592 - Pages: 3

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A Beautiful Mind

...|A BEAUTIFUL MIND | |Film By Ron Howard And Brian Grazer | |Written By Akiva Goldsman | |Biography By Sylia Nasar | | | |Scott H. Smith | |Ron Riggs, M.A., Sociology 101 | |H00166781 | |October 19, 2011 | A Beautiful Mind is the 2001 movie interpretation of Sylvia Nasar biography about John F. Nash Jr. by film makers Ron Howard, Brian Grazer and screenplay written by Akiva Goldsman. The film is about the true life story of John Forbes Nash Jr. of West Virginia. The movie has succeeded in showing that the very brilliantly minded John Nash can...

Words: 2252 - Pages: 10

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Journal Entry in Hawaii, the year is 1922. I came to Hawaii because my family enlisted a nakodo’s (go-between) on my behalf in my homeland of Korea, to find me a husband to take care of me. Many Korean men have been leaving our poor area outside of Okinawa to find more lucrative work. There have been quite a few who leave with the intent of working in Hawaii and building a beautiful home and having a family. There were many stories at the time of how well Korean mother's sons were doing in Hawaii, many pictures of homes, properties, beautiful beaches, gardens and animals. Additionally, a monthly check is sent from the sons to support their families back home in Korea. Many hundreds of young men have left Korea to work in the sugar cane fields in Hawaii. Families never know of the hardship their son's suffer, as the son's would never say; it would do no good to have their families worried or afraid for them. So they put on a happy face for all of the pictures, and sent as much money as they can without starving. Mothers of daughters saw these things and wanted their daughters to marry these successful men and live the beautiful life they saw in pictures. So they hired nakodo's to find suitable partners for their daughters, and would send our pictures to Hawaii, and so we were called "picture brides". My nakodo's name was Daka, and he never, ever smiled, even when my baby brother giggled and fell, Daka didn't even look at him. I wondered how such a sour man...

Words: 1283 - Pages: 6

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The Glamour and Heartbreak of Scott Fitzgerald’s American Dream

...The Glamour and Heartbreak of Scott Fitzgerald’s American Dream When one is moving to the United States of America, all they must be able to think about is living the American Dream. They must imagine having a family, a nice house, a good job, money and maybe even being famous. Those who live in America must know that the American Dream is not an easy thing to achieve nor is it as great as it seems. Those lucky few who manage to achieve the American Dream sometimes get so caught up in all the glamour that they let it get to their heads. When that happens, the American Dream usually ends in heartbreak for that person. A perfect example of this situation was F. Scott Fitzgerald. He went from being a nobody to becoming a rich and successful American novel writer. Although, he did not stay that way for long as his doomed marriage, drinking problems, and partying habits put him on such a decline, that his books stopped being printed at one point. Therefore, no writer has more closely personified the glamour and heartbreak of the American Dream than F. Scott Fitzgerald in his early, middle, and late life. Even as a young man, Fitzgerald strived to achieve the American Dream for himself. In school, Fitzgerald gained a reputation as a show off. He used his high levelled writing skills as a way to become popular and become the centre of attention. In university, Fitzgerald began to seriously write. He began to write for the campus magazines and his lyrics for a Princeton musical caused...

Words: 1226 - Pages: 5