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Bed Wetting Research Paper

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Homeopathic Treatment for Bed Wetting
Bed-wetting, also called as nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis is a medical condition characterized by involuntary urination while asleep after the age when bladder control is reasonable expected. Enuresis is the medical term used for wetting, whether in the clothing during the day or in bed at night. Another name for enuresis is urinary incontinence.
Although bedwetting is a standard developmental stage in some children, but in some cases, it can be a symptom of underlying illness or disease in adults as well. As per National Association for Continence, almost 2% of adults suffer from urinary incontinence disorder.
Although bedwetting gets cured with time, if it continues, it is important to treat the problem with patience and taking important steps such as lifestyle changes, bladder training, or natural homeopathic treatment to control bed-wetting. …show more content…
This condition is called as urge incontinence.
When to visit a specialist
Due to the embarrassing nature of the condition, patients suffering from nighttime incontinence often resist seeing the specialist. However, one must visit a specialist/ doctor as soon as there are symptoms of nighttime incontinence. If recognized early, the condition is completely treatable. Remember, it is-
Perfectly curable
It needs timely treatment
It is nothing to be ashamed

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