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Behavior-Based Interview: Article Analysis

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Telephone-Administered Behavior-Based Interview - Article Critique An article critique of Oliphant, G. C., Hansen, K., & Oliphant, B. J. (2008). A review of a telephone-administered behavior-based interview technique. Business Communication Quarterly, 71(3), 383-386.
Author's Main Points Oliphant, Hansen & Oliphant (2008) noted the importance of the behavior-based interview, which is a structured style interview that that employs the idea of past behaviors is good predictors of future behaviors. I really enjoyed this article and felt there were many great points listed that would aid in understanding the techniques of an interview whether from the interviewers standpoint or the interviewee'. Additionally Universities are empowering students …show more content…
When thinking about how I agreed I noted that I do believe that having a structured interview where the questions where identical for each applicant based on a specific need is very important and helps reduce unnecessary time and resources. However, I also disagree that this would be based on a single position regardless of the company's need because in most cases a business needs a person that can do their job as well as have the desire, and drive to learn other aspects of the business in order to be cross trained and help when and where needed to get the job completed. This is not something that was mentioned in the article however, it is something that is important to me and something that I have utilized in past positions when …show more content…
When I was the Service Manager of a local Dodge Dealership, I was in charge of hiring for technicians, runners, service writers, and warranty clerk positions. Each time we placed an ad for a position we had numerous applicants and our process included narrowing by resume or lack thereof, brief phone interview, and then a face-to-face interview. Using a phone interview initially is quite successful as it affords a level of ease where the interviewee is able to answer questions without fear of being judged by looks rather they are being judged by their merit alone. Additionally it saves time, and resources as it allows an employer to ensure the applicant is still interested, what schedule they are looking for, salary range needed, and offers the opportunity to ask questions about their resume that you may have before continuing to narrow the list of

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