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Behavior Decision Theory Paper

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“All my life I’ve been teased about being fat…skinny and pretty…that’s the way to be.” Elena began struggling with weight at the early age of seven when her parents were going through a difficult divorce. Elena’s parents were never fully engaged in her schoolwork, friends or interests. However, Elena was spoiled by her dad and often given food for comfort. Elena is currently a young teen who began coping with her weight struggles by smoking marijuana and a methamphetamine known as crank. Elena also experimented with sexual partners, and is currently involved with Johnny, who smokes marijuana and carries a gun. Elena does not always practice safe sex, and Johnny is not her first sexual partner. Elena’s peer group is known for their interest …show more content…
This theory shows that people evaluate these five questions to make a decision: 1) What are my choices? 2) What are the possible consequences? 3) What are the costs and benefits of each choice? 4) What is the likelihood of each possible consequence? 5) Evaluate all of the information according to some decision rule. Behavior is determined by how each person evaluates costs and benefits. It is common for adolescents to overestimate rewards. Adolescents’ use the same process as adults to make a decision, but adolescents may have different values and beliefs. This theory predicts how people rationalize their decision-making. The Family Systems Theory suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system. This theory has several aspects to it: the family is a system of individuals, the family is a complex system only described as a whole, family roles, family rules, boundaries, adaption, and changing over time with predictable and unpredictable circumstances. This theory states it is common for adolescents to have more distance between their parents. This theory helps to understand adolescent identity based on how family dynamic shifts over time in regards to family roles, rules, adaption and boundaries. The subsystems within the family, usually 2-3 members, shifts through age and affects the whole differently. This theory predicts the behavior of a family unit based on changes a family goes through as children become adolescents and adults. It also predicts that one family member’s changes can affect the family as a whole. The equilibrium of the family unit can be upset by changes in family

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