...Peace Corps Volunteers Speak Out on RapeBy SHERYL GAY STOLBERG Published: May 10, 2011 Recommend Twitter comments (17) Sign In to E-Mail Print Single Page Reprints Share Close LinkedinDiggMySpacePermalink. WASHINGTON — Jess Smochek arrived in Bangladesh in 2004 as a 23-year-old Peace Corps volunteer with dreams of teaching English and “helping the world.” She left six weeks later a rape victim after being brutalized in an alley by a knife-wielding gang. Enlarge This Image Philip Scott Andrews/The New York Times Jess Smochek, who was raped in Bangladesh in 2004, advocates for former Peace Corps volunteers who were sexually assaulted. Related Times Topic: Peace Corps Enlarge This Image Philip Scott Andrews/The New York Times From left, Kate Finn, Meg Long and Casey Frazee of First Response Action, an advocacy group for former volunteers. Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Read All Comments (17) » When she returned to the United States, the reception she received from Peace Corps officials was as devastating, she said, as the rape itself. In Bangladesh, she had been given scant medical care; in Washington, a counselor implied that she was to blame for the attack. For years she kept quiet, feeling “ashamed and embarrassed and guilty.” Today, Ms. Smochek is among a growing group of former Peace Corps volunteers who are speaking out about their sexual assaults, prompting scrutiny from Congress and...
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...(UACE)|St Kizito S.S, Bugolobi-Kampala| 2000 – 2003|Uganda Certificate of Education. (UCE)|St Joseph’s College, Layibi-Gulu| 1993 – 1999|Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE)|Bishop Angelo Negri Primary School| Biography Nono Denis, 29 Gulu, Uganda Denis has 3 years of experience in both the non-profit and government organizations in Uganda. Denis grew up in the middle of the 26-year Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) war that claimed thousands of lives in Northern Uganda. Denis joined the U.S Peace Corps in 2011 as a Cross Culture Facilitator representing Northern Uganda where he worked closely with 46 U.S Peace Corps volunteers. He was the only Facilitator selected to develop the Calendar of Training Events (COTE) and the Acholi Language Training Manual by the U.S Peace Corps, Directorate of Training and Development. In the last eight months, he was working for a World Bank Project coordinated and implemented at Gulu University, monitored by Tridos Facet (Netherlands) named “Consolidation of Peace through Strengthening Women Economic Associations in Northern Uganda” as a Project Officer (Women’s...
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...The American Review of Public Administration http://arp.sagepub.com/ Mission Mystique : Strength at the Institutional Center Charles T. Goodsell The American Review of Public Administration 2011 41: 475 originally published online 25 May 2011 DOI: 10.1177/0275074011409566 The online version of this article can be found at: http://arp.sagepub.com/content/41/5/475 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: American Society for Public Administration Additional services and information for The American Review of Public Administration can be found at: Email Alerts: http://arp.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://arp.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://arp.sagepub.com/content/41/5/475.refs.html >> Version of Record - Aug 9, 2011 OnlineFirst Version of Record - May 25, 2011 What is This? Downloaded from arp.sagepub.com at GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIV LIB on April 23, 2012 409566 American Review of Public Administration ARP41510.1177/0275074011409566GoodsellThe Invited Essay Mission Mystique: Strength at the Institutional Center The American Review of Public Administration 41(5) 475–494 © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0275074011409566 http://arp.sagepub.com Charles T. Goodsell Abstract Despite discussion...
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...[pic] ANNUAL REPORT (2010) RESIDENTIAL REPORT OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICE AND DEVELOPMENT Submitted by Rev. Rolando E. Santiago Chief Executive Officer Kalinga ng Ama shelter for Children I. INTRODUCTION The Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children is a duly registered Social Welfare Agency that is manned by volunteer workers and one social worker with the commitment to be of service to humanity in the name of Christianity. It’s operation is being funded by voluntary contributions from us, our families, friends, churches, and individuals who see the need and who respond accordingly. It is dedicated to serve the street children, poor and abused children, abandoned, as well as neglected children, and those who voluntarily present themselves to the shelter because they have a desire to be nurtured through a Godly and Biblical Family Atmosphere. The year 2005 is the first year of formal operation. II. SALIENT ACCOMPLISHMENT a. In response to organizational objectives, programs implemented and services extended, corresponding activities and number of clients served per service during the year as compared to the targets. |PROGRAM |ACTIVITY |RESULTS | |RESIDENTIAL |Repairs...
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...von Steuben was a second lieutenant. He was wounded at the Battle of Prague, where the Prussian army was victorious, despite being outnumbered 2 to 1. In 1758 he served as General Johann von Mayer’s adjutant and principle staff officer in a special detached corps. Von Steuben was promoted to first lieutenant in 1759, and he was again wounded at the Battle of...
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...Global Issues | Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Gender equality is a human right,1 but our world faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power for women and men.2 Globally, women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks, and less political representation.2 Guaranteeing the rights of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals. Empowered women and girls contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone. The word gender describes the socially-constructed roles and responsibilities that societies consider appropriate for men and women.17 Gender equality means that men and women have equal power and equal opportunities for financial independence, education, and personal development 3 . Women's empowerment is a critical aspect of achieving gender equality. It includes increasing a woman's sense of self-worth, her decision-making power, her access to opportunities and resources, her power and control over her own life inside and outside the home, and her ability to effect change.4 Yet gender issues are not focused on women alone, but on the relationship between men and women in society.5 The actions and attitudes of men and...
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...primarily focuses on the warfare experiences of the author E. B. Sledge. The author has become almost a legend after the publication of this book. The reason behind this book’s publication is the fact that, when the author E. Sledge came back from the World War II, he had begun to experience night terrors and horrible dreams about the war. In order to make peace with his experiences of war, Sledge’s family advised him to start writing the memoirs of the war. Sledge used to keep a Bible in his pocket during combat and he had written these memoirs in that Bible. After many years, the author’s family persuaded him to publish these writings too. So, Sledge has published his war experiences by the name, With the Old Breed. In this book, the author has narrated his life, from the time of his admission in the US Marine, till the finish of the Second World War. In this report the overall evaluation and criticism of the book will be presented. The effects of this book on the thinking of general people about warfare and combat will also be analyzed. Major strengths and drawbacks of this book will also be taken into consideration in this report. About the Book With the Old Breed was published by Sledge, in the year 1981, as a terrible account of the Second World War experiences; as a Navy man. But this book was introduced to a wider section of audience in the year 1984, when Sledge was interviewed by Studs Terkel for The Good War. The Good War includes planned interviews regarding the Second...
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...NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM What is the National Service Training Program (NSTP) law? NSTP law or otherwise known as Republic Act 9163, is a program aimed at: Enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth Developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components Enhancing the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare. What are the program components of NSTP? Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Literacy Training Service (LTS) Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness. Literacy Training Service (LTS) Designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) Refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community, or the enhancement of its facilities specially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services. Who shall take the NSTP? All incoming freshmen students, male and female, enrolled in any baccalaureate courses (and in at least two (2)-year technical-vocational or associate...
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...Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores Sheila Thomas Webster University Abstract Lowe’s exists to help customers improve and maintain their biggest asset- their home. We do this by meeting the changing needs of our customers by providing inspiration and support whenever and wherever they shop. Whether our customers shop in store, online, by phone, or if we’re meeting them at their home or place of business, Lowe’s is ready to help. In our more than 1,830 stores, we have implemented multiple systems to improve the customer experience, including an upgraded store information technology infrastructure that allows customers and employees to access richer product information, enjoy an endless aisle of product choices and manage their projects from inspiration to enjoyment (Lowe’s.com). Online, we are rapidly expanding our assortments to offer customers a broader range of products that can be researched and purchased online, in store or via our mobile app. MyLowe’s makes it easy for our customers to automatically track and store all purchases on their online customer profile. We’ve vowed to “Never Stop Improving” so we can satisfy the ever-changing needs of our customers (Lowe’s.com). Lowe’s operates more than 1,830 stores in the United States, Canada and Mexico. We serve approximately 15 million customers each week and employ more than 260,000 people (Lowe’s.com). Our stores stock 12 product categories ranging from appliances and tools, to paint, lumber and nursery...
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...If you had told me ten years ago that I would be writing this essay and planning for yet another ten years into the future, part of me would have been surprised. I am a planner and a maker of to-do lists, and it has always been my plan to follow in the steps of my father and become a physician. This plan was derailed when I was called to active duty to serve in Iraq as part of the War on Terror. I joined the National Guard before graduating high school and continued my service when I began college. My goal was to receive training that would be valuable for my future medical career, as I was working in the field of emergency health care. It was also a way to help me pay for college. When I was called to active duty in Iraq for my first deployment, I was forced to withdraw from school, and my deployment was subsequently extended. I spent a total of 24 months deployed overseas, where I provided in-the-field medical support to our combat troops. While the experience was invaluable not only in terms of my future medical career but also in terms of developing leadership and creative thinking skills, it put my undergraduate studies on hold for over two years. Consequently, my carefully-planned journey towards medical school and a medical career was thrown off course. Thus, while ten-year plans are valuable, I have learned from experience how easily such plans can dissolve in situations that are beyond one’s control, as well as the value of perseverance and flexibility. Eventually...
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...United States Army – Recruitment, Training and Compensation The United States Army serves as the land-based branch of the U.S. military. It is the largest and oldest established branch of seven U.S. uniformed services. The Army reports to the Department of Defense and is made up of three components: the active component, the Regular Army; and two reserve components, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve (U.S. Army, 2012). Both reserve components are made up of part-time soldiers who train once a month. Battle assemblies conduct two to three weeks of annual training each year. Regardless of component, the Army conducts both operational and institutional missions. The operational Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world. According to the U.S. Army website, its primary mission is "to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and conflict in support of combatant commanders” (2012). This includes preserving the peace, security and defense of the United States and its Commonwealths, possessions and occupied areas; supporting national policies; implementing national objectives; overcoming any nations carrying out aggressive acts against the United States; and accomplishing missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense and combatant commanders. Institutional Army organizations provide the infrastructure...
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...9-409-106 MARCH 27, 2009 CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS ROSABETH MOSS KANTER IBM: The Corporate Service Corps In February of 2009, Kevin Thompson, program manager for the IBM Corporate Services Corps sat down with Stanley Litow, Vice President of Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs, and Robin Willner, Vice President of Global Community Initiatives at IBM. They had recently received the results of an independent evaluation of the first 100 participants in IBM’s new employee leadership development program called the Corporate Service Corps (CSC). The CSC was an international community service assignment for high-potential IBM employees and 2008 was its pilot year. 11 teams of IBM’s best global employees had been deployed to work for local partners, frequently non-governmental organizations (NGOs), in locations such as Ghana, Tanzania, Romania, Philippines and Vietnam. Each team had worked for a month on projects as diverse as digitizing the supply chain of the Ghanaian handicraft sector to establishing a strategic plan for the Davao City Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines that would maximize job creation among locally owned small businesses. IBM had high hopes for this program, both as a way to deliver social value to emerging markets, but also as an important strategic business initiative. As globalization had proceeded, IBM CEO Samuel J. Palmisano had focused extensively on making global integration successful and how the new business environment would require globalizing...
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...1 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Study Can the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary survive in the 21st Century? How changing generational attitudes will affect an all-volunteer organization August 2006 1 This page intentionally left blank INDEX 1. Introduction 1 2. Analysis 3 A. The canary in the mine 4 B. Understanding generational attitudes 4 C. Four generations 5 D. Exploring the next generation of retirees: The Baby Boomers 6 E. Gen-X: It’s about lifestyle 8 F. Call them Gen-Y or Millennials, they deserve our attention 10 G. The new volunteers: What to expect 12 ` H. My time is not your time 14 I. Generational differences shaping leadership 15 J. American volunteer rate steady 17 3. Conclusions 19 A. Past expectations 20 B. Present construct 20 C. Spontaneous volunteer: Something new 21 D. High touch 21 E. Exploring contemporary trends in volunteering 23 1. Volunteer burnout 23 2. The human touch 24 3. Professionalizing the volunteer corps 25 4. New forms of volunteerism 25 5. Diversity 26 6. Technology 26 F. Communications challenge 27 4. Summary 29 6. Appendix 31 1 Membership numbers How many members the Auxiliary needs to meet their mission obligations and how many members it needs to meet its financial requirements would be two different answers. Getting a specific answer from the leadership is difficult because of the way the two spiral around each other like a double helix strand of DNA. They are – for now – inseparable...
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...And there was another attack. This time, it was a young former Peace Corp. volunteer. On October 15, 1980, it was the end of a long Columbus Day weekend. Anne Alderson, 26 years old, sat alone in an amphitheater watching the sunset. She had gone out for a relaxing jog through the park and was taking a breather as the light faded. The park’s caretaker remembers seeing Anne in this serene scene. He would also be the last person besides her killer to see Anne alive. The caretaker later said he considered warning Anne how it might be unsafe out there by herself as dark fell. But he didn’t want to disturb her solitary moment. When her body was found later, it appeared that Anne had been shot with a single bullet through the right side of her head. The bullet was from a .38-caliber pistol. However there was a distinction...
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...Opportunity Description We aim to address the problem of needless food waste that occurs all around the world. Much of this waste can be attributed to the inefficiencies of the grocery shopping itself. For any number of reasons, shoppers purchase food in excess, or without a specific plan for how they will use a given item. A simplified example: suppose a shopper purchases a ripe tomato because it is being sold for a fair price, he enjoys tomatoes, and assumes he will use it in a dish soon. Over the course of the following week, however, the individual fails to consume the tomato. He dines out with friends, chooses to prepare meals that do not require tomatoes, or simply forgets he had purchased the tomato at all. The tomato spoils and he throws it out. He has not only misused his money, but he has disallowed the possibility for any other person consuming the tomato. Our customer feels upset at this waste. We hope to provide a solution for our customers that will reduce grocery buying inefficiencies and make our customers’ lives better. Our customer is the socially conscious grocery shopper. They are adults with middle to high income, and middle to high education level. Our product is best suited to individuals who do want to prepare food at home. Our customer is willing to change his grocery shopping habits in an effort to waste less food. The solution is Mela. Mela is a subscription service that makes the grocery buying more efficient and reducing food waste is its primary...
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