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Shark Attack Research Paper

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Shark Attack Joe is a professional basketball player who lives with his brother Sam in a small apartment building in the year 201.5 Joe played point guard on the golden state warriors. Sam’s is disabled, and his medicine costs a lot of money, so most of Joe’s money goes towards that. Joe’s mother was murdered when he was 5 and his father left them before he was born. Joe and Sam lived with their aunt Sarah until Joe moved out when he was 23, Sam loved Joe, so of course he went with him. Sam always wanted to go to the beach, and Joe always took him when he wanted to go. Sam was born with a rare leg disease so he has been in a wheelchair since he was little. Sam wanted to go to the beach all the time because he felt like when he was laying in the shallow water people thought he was normal. Joe always kept an eye out for him to make sure he didn't go into far. Joe noticed that there were a lot of fishers at the beach today, so he wondered what they were fishing for.
“What are you fishing for today” Joe spoke loudly to one of the fishermen.
“Oh we all heard the news that there were a group of small sharks, they go for a lot of money, they are …show more content…
Joe quickly got up when he heard the screams of people in the water, everyone was out but one, Sam was floating on his back with red water surrounding him. Sam was dead. Joe was not angry, not sad, but in complete shock. Joe’s Aunt wanted the funeral to be at a beach, because that was where Sam always wanted to be. Joe did not handle this with aplomb, Joe never wanted to go to the beach again. Joe did it for Sam, though, when he was at the funeral, he realized that there was only five people at the funeral, Sam did not have that many people that loved him. Joe thought for a minute about Sam and then spoke in his head, “Sam wouldn’t want me to be afraid of the beach, the place he

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