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Being an Effective Leader in the Healthcare Industry


Submitted By lotojd
Words 428
Pages 2
Being an effective leader in the healthcare industry
Student Paper

October 6, 2013

I. Introduction
There are many traits that an effective leader has. Denise Brooks-Williams, the President and CEO of Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, is a great example of an effective leader in the healthcare industry. II. Healthcare Administration- I have always wanted to be in an environment that allows me to help people. I chose healthcare because I was at the hospital quite a bit when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I saw many things that I liked as well as things I'd like to change about some of the hospitals I went to with her.
My expected graduation will be in December 2016.

III. "I've always had an interest in helping people; I enjoy making a positive impact in the communities in which I live and work. And what better place than through our healthcare systems," says Ms. Brooks-Williams. Denise Brooks-Williams- Received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Health Services Administration from the University Of Michigan. She has received several awards. Active in several community and charitable-based organizations. She was appointed by the governor to the Certificate of Need Commission as a representative of the hospitals and serve as a democrat in a 3 year term that expires April 9, 2016.

IV. Traits Of A Great Leader• Interpersonal skills • Team working • Negotiation skills • Communication skills –• Time management – the Other key soft skills are always having a positive attitude, setting high personal values, sticking to your principles, having a strong work ethic being, Transparent, being honest, acting with integrity and also having the ability to accept and learn from criticism. According to Troutman there is a saying that "He who risks nothing has nothing, does nothing and is nothing. (Troutman 2013), “Leaders must take

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