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Belgian Blue Cattle

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The continental European beef cattle breeds are a crucial part in the beef industry of the world, and have been for a substantial part of the history of the world. More recently, farmers and ranchers in the United States have been more actively using and capitalizing on the benefits offered through crossbreeding the group with others. The continental European beef breed group adds great size, weaning weight, saleable product, and higher yield than other breeds and breed groups (Ensminger, 1987). The first arrival of European breeds in America is assumed to be when colonization of the New World was so active (rare breeds). Since that time, breeds have been created, and introduced; some have gained more credibility than others and some are still …show more content…
Belgian Blue bulls can weigh from 2,400 and 2,750 but it is no rarity to see a bull weigh 3,000 pounds or more. An average Belgian Blue cow weighs about 1,600 pounds but can reach a ton very easily (Purdy, Dawes & Hough, 2008). Market/weaned steers will weigh about 1,300 pounds, which is considerably more than other breeds’ average market weight (Purdy, Dawes & Hough, 2008). The year 1919 marks when the first breed selection chart was released, however before 1919 Belgian Blue was not a formally recognized, reported or documented breed. One may assume that the time gap between the breed’s origins and formal acknowledgement is attributed to World War one. As the Belgian Blue breed was advanced in Europe the ultimate goal was to improve the quantity, but also the quality of the beef industry as a whole. Perhaps most well known for its extreme characteristic, the myostatin double muscling gene (McPherron & Lee, 1997). Not all Belgian Blue cattle have the valuable, yet almost gruesome looking trait of double muscling. In terms of the beef industry, the double muscling gene is one that has proven to be profitable as it literally means double meat; instead of there being one chuck roast, there will be two. Belgian Blue veil calves can be worth up to twice what the market is at the time simply because the carcass yields more meat (Purdy, Dawes & Hough, 2008). For the typical meat market weaned steers and heifers, culled cows, and mature bulls, Belgian Blue has a lot of meat but not so much high quality meat when compared against other breeds in other breed groups. Belgian Blue cattle are highly muscled, therefore possess less fat, which means less marbling in the meat. Belgian Blue birth weights are extremely high because of their large bodies. One may assume that beef

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