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Benefits Analysis Ii


Submitted By rbirch
Words 1303
Pages 6
What is communication? Communication is an important part of everything in life. The same holds true in business and plays an effective part of ensuring that employees understand their benefits package. As mentioned in the previous portion of the paper, benefits are wonderful tools for employees to help protect themselves and their families, but what good are they if the employees do not receive the proper information regarding their benefits, learn how to use them, or how important they are. The necessary steps to ensuring that employees receive information regarding their benefits are through effective trainings, webinars, email, and policy implementation. The first step in ensuring communication gets through to employees is to implement a consistent training program. A consistent training program can include the human resource manager to make sure that trainings are given at least once a year if not more. These training meetings should include the types of benefits that are offered through the company, why these benefits are important, and how to effectively use them. When explaining how to use those benefits it may consist of bringing in an additional professional such as a financial planner for 401k’s and retirement benefits or an additional human resources representative. Whatever is necessary in order to carryout communication and to perform the tasks should be done within reason. The next form of communication that should be attempted would be email. For most workers who are employed by a large company, company email accounts are issued to each employee. If this is not the case then the information should be sent through the employee’s personal email. Email is an important tool as we enter into the digital age and for the employees who want their information quicker. In my organization human resource sends out email notifications when benefits change,

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