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Benefits of Consuming Increased Amounts of Fruit and Vegetables


Submitted By zubbymj
Words 1870
Pages 8

A paper submitted for Seminar Class (5610) Presentation

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

December 4, 2013.

The possibility that fruit and vegetables may help to reduce the risks of damaging the human body cells has been studied over the years. People with a relatively high intake of fruit and vegetables have a moderately reduced risk of contracting various chronic diseases caused by body cell damage. A combination of different studies conducted in the area of fruit and vegetable consumption were summarized in this paper in order to access the benefits associated with fruits and vegetables consumption. People from different races, ages, and genders were used as subjects for the experiments. Most of the analyses were done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 16, Chicago, IL). Results were consistent with each other and revealed that fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary antioxidants. Increasing intakes of dietary antioxidants will help to reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals and provide protection against the progression of a number of chronic diseases. Diseases such as cancer, stroke, dementia and others can be minimized by consuming increased amounts of fruits and vegetables. Although consuming adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, it is widely recognized that young adults’ intakes are currently well below the Department of Health’s recommendation of five portions a day, with men consuming even less than women.
The advantages of consuming a reasonable amount of fruits and vegetables each day are enormous. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants; these are substances that protect body cells from oxygen free radicals which cause oxidation (cell

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