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Benefits of Learning and Technology


Submitted By laurynmag
Words 1037
Pages 5
Benefits of Learning and Technology Today, technology is a major part of life. Schools and workplaces alike are utilizing the modern forms of learning and communication to teach material and get work done. From online presentations to budding autodidacts, technology plays a major role in the school system today. It is found that over seventy-four percent of educators in the United States alone support the use of technology (Mehlinger, Powers). Projected as early as 1996, it was said that technology would reform schools for the better (Knapp, Roehrig, Glenn). And, this statement is not far from the truth. Technology has proven itself to be a growing advancement in instructional settings and for personal use, and impacts us in different ways. Various types of technology in schools have impacted students for the better by promoting personalized learning with three easy steps. The first step to incorporating technology in schools is familiarization. This step requires both the instructor and student to learn the product or software they plan to integrate into education. Familiarization may lead to using the tools the student and teacher get acquainted to, but it may also lead to ideas and new experiences that help the expanding of knowledge. This initial process has several flaws and is very likely the most time consuming. This phase contains a good bit of instructional innovation as it may start and end the integration process. Even though several students may not want to endure this long process, it was found that children aged eight to twelve were less motivated to work in a “traditional” class than children who were given technology as a resource (Purcell, Heaps, Buchanan. Friedrich). In a generation of digital natives, the next process, utilization, should not be very difficult to get accustomed to. The utilization phase consists of the instructor

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