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Submitted By Mdlsaao
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Outline for Final Project (International Trade Research)
(40% of Final Mark)

1. Objective: students should be able to make an international trade research based on the learned knowledge in this course.
2. Methods: * Prepare a research brief and a research plan. * Design the research and gather the required information. * Analyze the results and prepare a report and presentation.
3. Explanation: 1) Prepare a research brief and an initial research plan
Find one potential foreign product and conduct an international trade research project to identify the opportunity based on the following aspects: * Product information. * Producer information. * Importing country information. * Regulations. * Customer profiles. * Product and service that fit with customer needs. * Strength of demand. * Barriers to entry. * Competitive marketplace. * And other necessary information.
2) Design the research and gather the required information. Students should collect primary, secondary, quantitative, and qualitative data, and whether the research should be exploratory, descriptive or causal. However, the design MUST include: * Create 20 questionnaires about the product or service. * Interview at least 10 individuals (not classmate) to collect the answers. * Other necessary researching methods.
3) Analyze the results and prepare a report and presentation. Students should analyze all of the collected data, include: * Assess the reliability of the research data you have collected. * Do you have enough data to support your research objectives? * Sort through the data and eliminate any material that is not required. * Group the data into categories, including numerical data and news reports. * Can you identify and trends in the data? * Prepare tables of the numerical data you have collected so that comparisons can be made more easily. * Prepare a research report that outline the findings. * Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and present it in the class. * Criteria for evaluation: * Written report should consist of no more than 20 pages, or 10% of mark will be deducted * Submit the project in time or 20% of mark will be deducted; * The writing format should follow LaSalle college’s criteria for academic writing; * The business scenario should be realistic and reasonable, meaning it should follow the basic business concept and principles;

3. Evaluation Criteria: * Very Effective – Establishes and maintains a comprehensive, realistic, and useful plan completing all required components, demonstrates an insightful understanding and approach to the project; applies and explains appropriate inventory and warehouse management concepts and terms skillfully; few or no errors in formatting, grammar, mechanics, punctuation and spelling. * Effective – Develops a comprehensive plan completing all required components, demonstrates an accurate understanding and approach to the project; applies and explains inventory and warehouse management concepts and terms accurately; few errors formatting, grammar, mechanics, punctuation that do not dilute the message. * Adequate – Establishes an adequate plan that may or may not be entirely complete (one missing component) and/or not realistic/useful based on business’s needs; demonstrates an adequate understanding and approach to the project; applies and explains some inventory and warehouse management concepts and terms adequately; some errors in formatting, grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling that do not significantly interfere with the communication of the message. * Inadequate -- Fails to establish a complete plan. Does not show an understanding of the project or client’s needs; does not use and explain inventory and warehouse management concepts and terms correctly and/or consistently; has errors in formatting, grammar, mechanics, punctuation and spelling that substantially interferes with the communication of the message. * Very Effective: 90 - 100 points * Effective: 80 - 75 points * Adequate: 60 - 74 points * Inadequate: 60 points and below

4. Criteria for Teamwork: * Work with your team members, teams are not allowed to change their members after being formed; * Teamwork is MANDATORY, therefore, no individual work will be accepted; * The strength of the team, the ability to solve its challenges; * The involvement of each member in the team work (those who do nothing in the teams should not expect to have the same points as the others); * All team members must make an equivalent effort and share the together. At the end of your report, you must place a page to indicate “WHO DID WHAT” in your team and the document must be SIGNED by each student. * Students who do little or nothing in the team WILL NOT RECEIVE THE SAME MARK AS OTHER MEMBERS. When there is evidence that a student has contributed nothing to the project, the teacher will give that student a zero mark.

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Comm 200

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Search Engine Optimization

...customers. a. Promoting Our Accessible Website i. Write Articles for Websites: Writing articles about fitness, cycling, bicycles, and reviews allows us to distribute our expertise to other editors to use as free content for their websites and newsletters. This exposure on other sites can produces hundreds of links to Bicycle Pro’s website. offers great tips and information on how to use this as successful marketing. ii. Request Reciprocal Links: Bicycle Pro will use other bicycle related websites to increase our sites traffic. We will include a section on our site that contains links to other sites that have Bicycle Pro’s link on their page. We will work with related companies to keep customers on our connected network of sites. Zeus and IBP Link Builder will help get us started. This takes time and effort, but it has no cost. iii. List Products with Shopping Comparison Bots and Auction Sites: A good shopping comparison website allows visitors to compare prices, features, reviews, and merchants side by side. Shopping bots compare a company’s products and prices to others. Examples of bots to use are: mySimon ( BizRate ( PriceGrabber(  ( iv.Promote Using Traditional Media: Don’t neglect the effectiveness of print advertisement. Bicycle Pro will use the magazines, classified ads, post cards, and newspapers to promote our website. The printed...

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