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Biology Answer


Submitted By melodymelody
Words 355
Pages 2
Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn
(Note: The overseas examination boards bear no responsibility for the suggested answers contained in this publication. Answers for HKCEE and HKALE questions are not available due to copyright restrictions.)

Ch 1 Introducing biology

Multiple-choice questions (p. 1-15)
|1 C |2 D |3 B |
|4 B |5 A | |

Short questions (p. 1-15) 6. Organisms can obtain food by nutrition; 0.5m break down food to get energy by respiration; 0.5m move; 0.5m grow; 0.5m sense the environment and respond to it (irritability); 0.5m reproduce; 0.5m remove metabolic wastes from their bodies by excretion. 1m But non-living things cannot. 1m
7 a Asking a question 1m b Proposing a hypothesis 1m c Making a prediction 1m d Doing experiments 1m e Drawing a conclusion 1m f Revising 1m

8 Some foods (e.g. cheese and yoghurt) are made with the help of microorganisms. 1m Vaccines give us protection against certain diseases. 1m (or other correct answers) • Hook & loop fasteners • Botox for anti-wrinkle treatment • Contraceptive pills (避孕丸) • Fertility drugs (受孕藥) • Kidney machines • Biological washing powders • Protein removal tablets for cleaning contact lens • Blood transfusion (輸血)

9 Pollution / diseases / genetically modified food / cloning (any 2 or other correct answers) 1m x 2

Reading to learn (p. 1-16)
1 Microbes were found in nutrient solutions. 2m

2 Microbes fell into the solutions from the dust particles in the air. 2m

3 Experiment 1 was the control set-up while

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