...1920s Text Set Atlantic Fever by Joe Jackson A fast-paced, dynamic account of the race to cross the Atlantic, and the larger-than-life personalities of the aviators who captured the world's attention In 1919, a prize of $25,000 was offered to the first aviator to cross the Atlantic in either direction between France and America. Although it was one of the most coveted prizes in the world, it sat unclaimed (not without efforts) for eight long years, until the spring of 1927. It was then, during five incredibly tense weeks, that one of those magical windows in history opened, when there occurred a nexus of technology, innovation, character, and spirit that led so many contenders (from different parts of the world) to all suddenly be on the cusp of the exact same achievement at the exact same time. Atlantic Fever is about the race; it is a milestone in American history whose story has never been fully told. Richard Byrd, Noel Davis, Stanton Wooster, Clarence Chamberlin, Charles Levine, Rene; Fonck, Charles Nungesser, and François Coli--all had equal weight in the race with Charles Lindbergh. Although the story starts in September 1926 with the crash of the first competitor, or even further back with the 1919 establishment of the prize, its heart is found in a short period, those five weeks from April 14 to May 21, 1927, when the world held its breath and the aviators met their separate fates in the air. *525 pages *Adult/Young Adult *5 copies available The Diviners by...
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...FUTURE TENSE In Dutch, the future tense is expressed by using the construction gaan (to go) + infinitive for actions which will take place in the near (or immediate) future, and zullen (to shall, will) + infinitive for actions which will take place in the not so near future or when the time of the future action is unknown. In such constructions, the verbs gaan and zullen are used in the simple present tense. The conjugations for the two irregular verbs are shown below. | gaan (to go) | zullen (shall, will) | | | Dutch | | English | Ik ga. | | I am going. | Jij/U gaat. | | You are going. | Hij/Zij/Het gaat. | | He/She/It is going. | Wij gaan. | | We are going. | Jullie gaan. | | You are going. | Zij gaan. | | They are going. | | Dutch | | English | Ik zal. | | I will. | Jij/U zult/zal. | | You will | Hij/Zij/Het zal. | | He/She/It will. | Wij zullen. | | We will. | Jullie zullen. | | You will. | Zij zullen. | | They will. | | In the second person singular of the verb zullen, there are two alternatives which might be used. There is no specific rule as to which form should be used. It largely depends on personal preference. Some examples of the future tense: Future tense with 'gaan': Ik ga koken. = I am going to cook. Hij gaat een beetje lezen. = He is going to read a littlebit. Wij gaan studeren. = We are going to study. Jullie gaan sluiten. = You are going to close. We gaan morgen vroeg vertrekken. = We are going to leave...
Words: 1479 - Pages: 6
...inequality and how they can be addressed. (In the introduction you could have defined what inequality in education is all about.) In real sense, there has been the presentation of journal materials which have been able to provide a lot of data describing the inequality in education. There are many journals that provide far enough data that talks about inequality in education. Such materials have shown how the education system in this country (which country? Don't show you are cooking, talk about the world if you are not sure) has been very unfair and how it has been torn apart through racial lines and thus leading to failed status with the education delivery (Just write about the journals citing them. Just write "Author so and so says blab bla bla…"). Because of this kind of inequality in education delivery, and which has been in place for quite a long time, majority of the unfortunate members of the society have been greatly impacted. This has led to failed living conditions in different parts of the world You are just repeating this point.(Banks, 2009). As well, it has become very hard to have some issues addressed such as with provision of medical services and care due to the fact that the providers of such services have been on the decline (How is this sentence related to inequality in education?). One outstanding fact is that the failed provision of education and accompanying inequality had been a major contributor to the problems in the country such as lack of medical personnel...
Words: 1370 - Pages: 6
...BWST Allgemeines Steuerrecht • Begriff Steuern: Geldleistungen; keine Gegenleistung für besondere Leistung; an alle gerichtet die eine Leistungspflicht haben 1.) Einzelanalyse der Merkmale: Steuern sind: einmalige oder laufende Geldleistungen (keine Gegenleistung vom Staat); Abgaben ohne Gegenleistung; werden vom öffentlichen Recht erhoben (Bund, Länder, Gemeinden); dienen zur Erzielung von Einnahmen; Zwangsabgaben! - Gebühren und Beiträge : sind öffentliche Abgaben/ Gegenleistungen für besondere Leistung des Staates! - Gebühren: Wenn der Einzelne öffentliche Leistungen in Anspruch nimmt! Bsp: - Verwaltungsgebühren: (Pass,Standesamt) - Benutzungsgebühren: (Post, Parkplätze, Müllabfuhr) - Verleihung: (Rundfunk) - Beiträge: Entgelte für Leistungen, egal ob sie in Anspruch genommen werden o. nicht! Bsp: (Kurtaxen, Kammerbeiträge) (Seite 7 durchlesen!) 2.) Wichtige Steuerbegriffe: - Steuergläubiger: Gemeinwesen, Ertragshoheit - Bund: Mineralölsteuer - Land: Biersteuer - Gemeinde: Grundsteuer - Steuerschuldner: Steuerschuldner ist immer ein Steuerpflichtiger, aber nicht umgekehrt! - Steuerpflichtiger: jeder der durch das Gesetz bestimmte Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen hat! - Steuerzahler: - Finanzamt : ...
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...Cervixcarcinoom Een literatuuronderzoek naar artikelen uit het Nederlands Tijdschrift van Geneeskunde, tussen de periode 1925-1931 en het heden M. J. Holtslag 0905585 Groep 4 10 april 2012 LUMC Geneeskunde jaar 1 Abstract Literatuuronderzoek is verricht naar de pathogenese, diagnose, behandeling en prognose van cervixcarcinoom in de periode 1925-1931. De bevindingen zijn vervolgens vergeleken met huidige technieken en kennis over cervixcarcinoom. Hiervoor is gebruik gemaakt van Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie en GoogleScholar. In 1925-1931 was de oorzaak van cervixcarcinoom onbekend. De diagnostische middelen waren een vaginaal toucher en proefcurrettement. Operaties en radiotherapie waren standaardbehandelingen, chemotherapie bevond zich toentertijd in een experimentele fase. Afhankelijk van patiënt-delay werd de prognose slechter alhoewel het relatief late verschijnen van klachten een goedaardig proces indiceerde. Tegenwoordig is de diagnostiek verbeterd middels uitstrijkjes, HPV-test, colposcopie, echografie en hysteroscopie waarmee cervixcarcinoom in een vroeg stadium gedetecteerd kan worden. Voor premaligne laesies worden portiosparende technieken (cryochirurgie en laserevaporatie) en destructieve technieken (lisexcisie en exconisatie) gebruikt. Afhankelijk van het stadium cervixcarcinoom worden conisatie, radicale hysterectomie met mogelijkerwijs bilaterale pelviene lymfadenectomie...
Words: 2840 - Pages: 12
...Abstract The paper examines the key factors influencing the adoption of e-business technology by SMEs. To this end, the paper draws on a range of literatures on the diffusion of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), many of which have hitherto been treated as separate. The reasons for this are two-fold. First, e-business technologies are the latest in a line of new ICT technologies. When exploited successfully, ICTs have increased firm competitiveness either by raising the efficiency of internal communication and organisation and/or supply chain relationships, or by facilitating the development of new/improved products and services. Second, it is hypothesised that many of the factors affecting the successful adoption of new technologies are generic in nature. With regards to SMEs specifically, consideration of earlier research may assist us in identifying a set of enablers and barriers to e-business adoption. Hence, by explicitly acknowledging the context and prior history of research in the area, we are able to map out the dimensions of future theoretical and empirical research in e-business adoption by SMEs. In addition to drawing together factors identified by existing research, the paper highlights the implications of network externalities for the timing of technology investments and the returns that accrue to early and late adopters. It also draws attention to a number of problems associated with the analytical concept of ‘the SME’ when it...
Words: 13062 - Pages: 53
...Leading Edge Review Immunity, Inflammation, and Cancer Sergei I. Grivennikov,1 Florian R. Greten,2 and Michael Karin1,* 1Laboratory of Gene Regulation and Signal Transduction, Departments of Pharmacology and Pathology, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92093, USA 22nd Department of Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich, 81675 Munich, Germany *Correspondence: karinoffice@ucsd.edu DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2010.01.025 Inflammatory responses play decisive roles at different stages of tumor development, including initiation, promotion, malignant conversion, invasion, and metastasis. Inflammation also affects immune surveillance and responses to therapy. Immune cells that infiltrate tumors engage in an extensive and dynamic crosstalk with cancer cells, and some of the molecular events that mediate this dialog have been revealed. This review outlines the principal mechanisms that govern the effects of inflammation and immunity on tumor development and discusses attractive new targets for cancer therapy and prevention. Introduction The presence of leukocytes within tumors, observed in the 19th century by Rudolf Virchow, provided the first indication of a possible link between inflammation and cancer. Yet, it is only during the last decade that clear evidence has been obtained that inflammation plays a critical role in tumorigenesis, and some of the underlying molecular mechanisms have been elucidated (Box 1)...
Words: 16734 - Pages: 67
...Форма № Н-6.01 Міністерство освіти і науки України Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича факультет іноземних мов кафедра англійської мови Курсова робота (проект) з ________________англійської мови__________________ (назва дисципліни) на тему: Термінологічна система «foods» в англійській мові Студента(ки)_II__курсу групи__205__ напрям підготовки___0305______ філологія 6.020303 Англійська мова та література Гуцул Юлія Миколаївна Керівник к.ф.н., доц.. Суродейкіна Т.В. (посада, вчене звання, науковий ступінь, прізвище та ініціали) Національна шкала ________________ Кількість балів: __________Оцінка: ECTS _____ Керівник к.ф.н., доц.. Суродейкіна Т.В. (посада, вчене звання, науковий ступінь, прізвище та ініціали) Національна шкала ________________ Кількість балів: __________Оцінка: ECTS _____ Члени комісії ________________ ___________________________ (підпис)...
Words: 20998 - Pages: 84