...PNP issues updated guidelines on checkpoints In a bid to eradicate abuses committed by police elements in the conduct of anti-crime operations, Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Director General Nicanor Bartolome issued today a 10-point list of guidelines to be observed by lawmen manning checkpoints. According to General Bartolome, the PNP will strictly abide by the instruction of the Department of Justice to implement a “no tint” or “clear window” policy among marked police vehicles in order to gain the trust and confidence of the citizenry. The move is also designed to prevent scalawags in uniform from using police cars for their illicit activities or violating traffic regulations. The general public is thus advised on these 10 rules on military/police checkpoints: * Checkpoint must be well-lit, properly identified and manned by uniformed personnel. * Upon approach, slow down, dim headlights and turn on cabin lights. Never step out of the vehicle. * Lock all doors. Only visual search is allowed. * Do not submit to a physical or body search. * You are not obliged to open the glove compartment, the trunk or bags. * Ordinary/routine questions may be asked. Be courteous but firm with answers. * Assert your rights, have presence of mind and do not panic. * Keep your driver’s license and car registration handy and within reach. * Be ready to use your cell phone at any time. Save an emergency number on your speed dial. * Report violations...
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...Estudo de Caso Juca, sofreu Acidente vascular encefálico no hemisfério esquerdo, na avaliação clínica apresentou dificuldade na falar, na visão e dificuldade para realizar os movimentos do membro superior direito. a) quais regiões funcionais corticais foram lesionadas e onde se encontram? b) quais artérias cerebrais foram comprometidas? c) qual lado do corpo apresenta déficit motor? É importante primeiramente saber exatamente a extensão da lesão decorrente do AVE, e isso não pode ocorrer apenas com um exame clínico. Deve-se salientar que o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce depende da rapidez com que o paciente é levado a uma emergência médica. Outros exames serão necessários, entre eles estão os exames de imagem, tomografia ou ressonância magnética e estes devem ocorrer de preferência entre no máximo 45 minutos da ocorrência do AVE (a tomografia tem preferência pela falta de contraindicação, rapidez e disponibilidade). Outro exames complementares também poderão ser realizados, entre eles eletrocardiograma, ecocardiograma, ultrassom com Doppler das carótidas, Doppler transcraniano e exames de laboratório com vista a esclarecer a causa do problema. a)As regiões afetadas de acordo com a avaliação clínica provavelmente foram, sulco calcarino no lobo occipital na região posterior devido à dificuldade apresentada na visão. Já a dificuldade com a palavra falada está relacionada com giro frontal inferior do hemisfério esquerdo e a dificuldade para realizar os movimentos do membro...
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...reaguar më në fund edhe për skandalin e ngacmimit seksual në QSUT, për të cilin janë ndaluar 3 të rinjë dhe dy janë në kërkim. Me një shënim në Facebook, Rama shkruan se për të gjitha ngjarjet është reaguar në mënyrë të menjëhershme dhe janë vënë autorët para drejtësisë, duke sulmuar edhe opozitën duke e akuzuar për aludime. “Videoja e xhiruar në mjediset e QSUT? E turpshme dhe e dënueshme! Reagimi i shtetit i menjëhershëm. Autorët po vihen përpara përgjegjësisë penale. Rasti i truprojes së ministres që kërkoi rryshfet për të emëruar një mësues? I turpshëm dhe i dënueshëm. Reagimi i shtetit i menjëhershëm. Autori i larguar brenda orës nga minstrja dhe pastaj edhe nga Garda e Republikës. Sot përpara përgjegjësisë penale. Ngjarjet kriminale në Tiranë? Pa asnjë dyshim reagimi i shtetit ishte përsëri i menjëhershëm. Por ndryshe nga dy rastet e mësipërme, kërkohen hetime, prova, dëshmi e me radhë, gjëra për të cilat Policia e Prokuroria po bashkëpunojnë papushim. Të turpshme të gjitha aludimet e shtrembërimet mediatike dhe lëre pastaj shpifjet monstruoze të PD! Përpjekja për të bindur opinionin se krimi po bën kërdinë deri dhe në mes të Tiranës, përveçse me gjendjen e pashpresë të PD lidhet në fakt, drejtëpërdrejt, edhe me arritjet serioze të Policisë së Shtetit. Flasin shifrat, flet puna, flet rritja e respektit të qytetarëve për uniformat blu. Ngjarje të rënda apo të shëmtuara, krimesh apo korrupsioni, ka pasur e do të ketë, në Shqipëri si në çdo vend të Europës. Por ajo që...
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...Resume: Novellen handler om et par, Simon og Ane, der kæmper mod fattigdommen. I deres kamp lærer de nogle kolde værdier at kende. Da de endelig kommer ud af deres nød, kan de ikke vænne sig til de nye værdier, som de ellers ønskede at leve efter. De er så uheldige at konen bliver alvorligt syg og det ender med at døden tager hende. Døden er Knokkelmanden. Det er trist at konen dør, men det virker mere tragisk og urimeligt eftersom de to har knoklet hårdt hele livet, for at kunne leve godt når de blev gamle. Simon og Ane isolere sig fra det lokale samfund, som de lever i. De gik kun i kirke tre gange om året, men det var fint nok for dem. De har sandsynligt aldrig haft brug for at blande sig med andre - eller turdet. De lærte jo som børn hvad ondt var, og de lærte kun at stole på sig selv og hinanden. Simon og Ane har i mange år kæmpet for økonomisk frihed. I starten af deres kamp, syntes det helt uopnåeligt. Derfor har de ikke haft fantasi til at sætte nye mål, da de endelig en dag får betalt huset af. De har hele livet skulle vende og dreje hver eneste 5-øre og har helt fundet sig deri. De har altså hele tiden haft et fælles mål at sigte efter, så den dag de er frie går de i stå. De når dog aldrig helt deres mål; en del af planen var nemlig, at de skulle nyde livet når de fik råd. Men nu da de er frie, ved de slet ikke hvordan man skal nyde tilværelsen. De ved ikke engang, hvordan man skal vise glæde - da Simon kommer hjem efter at have betalt huset helt...
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...As we enter a new millennium the post-colonial nations in the world are still searching for ways to compete in an increasingly globalized, consumption driven economic environment. Many developing countries have speculated that Tourism is an effective catalyst for development as well as increased international understanding. Thailand, who has embraced tourism as the key to its modernization strategy, has been hailed by many as a paradigm for success. Over the past twenty years Thailand has enjoyed one of the fastest economic growth rates of any developing country. This rapid progress has allowed Thailand to emerge as an economic leader in the Third world. The $4 billion a year in tourism revenue is the core support of the Thai economy (Bishop, p. VI). Thai officials have attributed the success of the tourism industry to the "many attractions located in various parts of the country" as well as "the uniqueness of the Thai people" --- "their friendliness and hospitality (Bishop, p. 67)." However the Thai government has failed to recognize the contributions of sex tourism which is estimated to generate about $1.5 billion every year, according to Professor Krikiat Phiapatserithan of Thammasat University (World congress, regional profiles, p. 3). Thailand's failure to recognize the sex tourism is reflective of the discourse used by the worldwide tourism industry to analyze the industry's success. From the standpoint of the tourism industry the success of tourism is directly related...
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...All of us have once have dreams. Dreams are a combination of images, sounds, emotions and ideas blended together to form and interesting story. In order to dream we must pass through five stages of sleep. The first stage is light sleep in which you are able to wake up easily. Stage two our breathing and heart rate slow and in the third stage you are in a deep sleep. By stage four you are in the deepest possible sleep. After 90 minutes of falling asleep and after stage four you enter REM sleeping. REM or otherwise known as Rapid Eye Movement is where you spend 20-25 percent sleeping. By the time you’ve awaken you have experienced four to seven dreams. So what happens if you can control your dream, well you are having a lucid dream. The definition of lucid dream is “when you realize you are dreaming and you are able to then control what happens in your dream.” It is estimated that around 100,000 people who possess this skill. Stephen LaBerge of Stanford University and Lynne Levitan had developed a technique for inducing lucid dreams. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams or MILD is a two step system in which you recognize when you're dreaming and reentering a dream until you go sleep. But since this requires lots of mental training they are working on using external stimuli to induce lucid dreams. From 1940 to 1985, Calvin S. Hall has collected more than 50,000 dream reports and has outlined a coding system to study 1000 college students. Basically dreams all have a common...
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...REKABENTUK BANCUHAN KONKRIT KAEDAH BRITISH (JABATAN ALAM SEKITAR - DoE) 1.1 PENGENALAN Berbagai kaedah diterimapakai dalam merekabentuk bancuhan konkrit termasuk yang diberi didalam `Rekabentuk Bancuhan Konkrit Normal’ oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) United Kingdom (UK) 1975 (disemak 1988). Kaedah ini mematuhi prinsip yang sama yang digunakan dalam `Rekabentuk Bancuhan Konkrit’ Road Note No. 4, Penyelidikan Jalanraya UK, tetapi telah ditukarkan kepada sistem metrik dan menyatakan pecahan bancuhan dalam bentuk kuantiti bahan per unit isipadu, bukannya dalam bentuk berat. Kaedah ini adalah setara dengan praktik Amerika dan Eropah. 1.2 GRED KONKRIT Bancuhan konkrit biasanya direkabentuk untuk menghasilkan kekuatan mampatan purata pada 28 hari yang akan menyediakan keperluan kekuatan minimum yang diperlukan. Kekuatan purata 28 hari inilah yang mencirikan konkrit tersebut. Nilai kekuatan ciri ini yang akan menentukan gred konkrit tersebut. Sesuai dengan kegunaan dan keperluannya, konkrit dibahagikan kepada 9 gred tertentu seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Piawai British Praktik Kod (BS CP) 110:1972 dan disenaraikan dalam Jadual 1.1. Jadual 1.1 Kekuatan ciri (gred) konkrit untuk pelbagai kegunaan (BS CP 110:1972) |Gred |Kekuatan ciri |Gred terendah yang sesuai untuk | | | |kegunaan tertentu ...
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...The most important thing in BUSINESS is PLACE. PLACE. Place Dsfsd dsdasd sfdasfsa fdsadfsdf asf sf s fa sdf asf as fa sf d asf sd f ds da d af s f asf a f ax fas f s d a sf sf asf s fa sffs f fa f a sf as fa a f asf sd f zxf as f wsf a fa sgv sag a sf a f fa sf sd fs a xf sv dsafasf fas fs fa sf d f f j fdghj dfgh dfgh fdgh fdgh dfgh dfgh fgh fgh fgh fg hj fgh fgh fgh tyu t yu fgh fgh fgh fgh fg fg fghf gh cfv fg fg fgh fgh fghjf ghf cg fgh fgh tyu tyu c vb xcvb xzc sd sa de rtr ty fgh fgh fg frgh fdgh fghr ftgyufgh jfgh fghj fghjrty ue drtwqe qwe qw we ewe w err t y u j sfdsgd sdgf sdgfs sgfsdg fsdgf sdgsd gsg sg sdg sg s fs fa f af s g sf s gfd g dsg bcx bg sd gs f xsg a d a gs gef hg eg sd h rg fa fg f ghgf hgfd jhg fj hgf nh g nhgf gh fs dg dh dfg fhg d j d h vhb dh fdh d hd h d hx dst d st fjdh sd dgd fh fgvjh df j dfh fg hx fhu fdt gfgj hgx fhd cf fhvcg fghc gdf cnfgj fcj gfc vjhtf v ghfchvg rtjf h...
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...这里我要说的既不艰深也不易引起纷争;我之所以认为它值得探讨,是因为它真实存在,至少部分如此。我们要讨论的现象既普遍又显见,不注意到它简直是不可能的,人们至少可以在此处或彼处零星地看见它。尽管如此,我还是发现没有人特别地就此进行研究。 哲 学家关于“陈述(句式)”的任务只是“描述”事物状态或“陈述某项既非真亦非假的事实”的假设古已有之。确实,语法学家不断指出,不是所有“句子”都是 (用来组成)陈述的:[1]传统上,在(语法学家的)陈述句之外,还有疑问句和感叹句,表达命令或愿望或让步的句子。无疑,哲学家们也不打算否认这点,尽 管它们多少有些不准确地用“句子”来指代“陈述句”。当然,语法学家和哲学家都认识到,甚至是用现有的稀少而空洞的语法标记,诸如词序、语气等来把问句和 祈使句等句式与陈述句区分开,也绝无容易可言:尽管,也许,人们不会老是惦记着明显出自这一事实的种种困难。我们如何确定什么是什么呢?它们各自的界限与 定义又是什么呢? 然而近年来,许多此前人们——哲学家和语言学家们——不假思索地当作“陈述”来接受的事物得到了新的关注并受到 了详细的检查。此番审查多少是间接兴起的——至少在哲学来说是这样的。首先是(对事实的)陈述应该“为真”这样一个观点——这倒不是说,这种观点的形成不 伴随着某种可叹的教条主义——,接着也就有了许多“陈述”只不过是伪陈述(pseudo-statement)这样的观点。最显而易见的是,许多“陈述” ——康德也许最早系统地提出这点——严格来说是没有意义的,尽管它并不违背语法形式:接下来对新生无意义话语(nonsense)——有分类却不系统,有 解释却仍显神秘的无意义话语——类型的发见,大体上看还是好的。然而我们却,也就是说,甚至是哲学家,也为我们准备加以谈论的大量无意义话语设定了一些限 制:为了便于自然地发问,作为第二个步骤,许多明显的伪陈述实际上成不成其为“陈述”。人们普遍认为,许多看似陈述的话语(utterance)本就无 意,或只是半心半意地记录或直来直去地传递关于事实的信息:譬如,“伦理命题”也许意在,只是或部分地意在标示情感或规定行为又或以特定的方式影响行动。 在此问题上康德也算是先驱者之一。我们常以超出(至少)传统语法的视野的方式来使用话语。可以看出,很多嵌在显然是描述性陈述中令人迷惑的词语并不为指示 寓于被报道事实的某种特别古怪的附加特征而服务,相反,这些词语指示(而非报道)的,是人们做出陈述的环境或为陈述所服从的保留意见 (reservation)甚或陈述被接受或看待的方式。以曾普遍存在的方式忽视这些可能性被称作“描述性的”谬误(fallacy);这也许不是个好名 字,因为“描述性”本身就很特殊。真假陈述不都是描述,出于这样的原因,我更倾向于使用“述谓(constative,述事性的,陈述事实的)”一词。至 此之前这点仅只得到零碎的展示,并由此给人以至少是如此的印象,即许多传统哲学疑难都来自于这样一个错误——把那些要么(以有趣的非语法学方式)无意义要 么意不在此的话语当作简单的陈述来讨论。 无论对这些意见和建议作何想法,也无论对此原初混淆——哲学学说与方法论已深陷其中—— 的研究有多深入,这些意见和建议正在引发一场哲学革命,这点是毋庸置疑的。有人会说这是哲学史上最伟大也最有益的一次变革,事实也如此,如果你仔细思考, 就会发现这并不是什么大而不当的论断。不奇怪,对于体系外(extraneous)的目标来说,由于先入之见的影响,开头总会零碎而散乱;这在革命中尤为 普遍。 施事句[2]的初步离析 ...
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...Management & Organisatie Antwoordenboek 2 vwo Auteurs: Sarina van Vlimmeren Wim de Reuver Projectcoördinatie Bataille Tekst Etc., Utrecht Vormgeving Pauli-Producties, Nijmegen Redactie en lay-out Ivonne Hermens, Eindhoven Fotografie Stef Verstraaten, nijmegen NijghVersluys Ericastraat 18 3742 SG Baarn Correspondentieadres Postbus 225 3740 AE Baarn Customer Contact Center Voortgezet Onderwijs Telefoon: 035 - 548 24 70 Fax: 035 - 541 82 21 E-mail: vo@nijghversluys.nl Internet: www.nijghversluys.nl www.menoinbalans.nl ISBN 978 90 425 3341 7 / NUR 162 © 6de druk 2006 Uitgeverij NijghVersluys, Baarn, The Netherlands Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of enige andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voor zover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 j° het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, St.b. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, St.b. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan de Stichting Reprorecht (Postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp). Voor het overnemen van (een) gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever...
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...Journal of Management http://jom.sagepub.com/ New Venture Teams: A Review of the Literature and Roadmap for Future Research Anthony C. Klotz, Keith M. Hmieleski, Bret H. Bradley and Lowell W. Busenitz Journal of Management published online 26 June 2013 DOI: 10.1177/0149206313493325 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/06/26/0149206313493325 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Southern Management Association Additional services and information for Journal of Management can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jom.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jom.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav >> OnlineFirst Version of Record - Jun 26, 2013 What is This? Downloaded from jom.sagepub.com at Jonkoping University Library on November 11, 2013 493325 research-article2013 JOMXXX10.1177/0149206313493325Journal of Management / Month XXXXKlotz et al. / New Venture Teams Journal of Management Vol. XX No. X, Month XXXX 1–30 DOI: 10.1177/0149206313493325 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav New Venture Teams: A Review of the Literature and Roadmap for Future Research Anthony C. Klotz Oregon State University Keith M. Hmieleski Texas Christian University Bret H. Bradley Lowell W. Busenitz University of Oklahoma As entrepreneurship...
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...Fall 2014 Take-Home Assignment 1: Exercise 2 In the following table we calculated the present value (PV) of all three plans at the given discount rate and summed them up to the net present value (NPV). For part a) the highest NPV of CHF 185’914 results in Plan C (marked in green). In part b) Plan A provides the highest NPV of CHF 92’828 (marked in orange). Comparing to a), the change in plan can be explained with the changing discount rate from 8% to 30%. Later returns loses weight due to the higher discounting, therefore the attractiveness of a longer education decreases. Discount Rate | 8% | | | | | Impatience discount rate | 30% | | | | | | | | | | | | Period | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Plan A | 30'000 | 40'000 | 40'000 | 45'000 | 45'000 | Plan B | -20'000 | 60'000 | 60'000 | 70'000 | 70'000 | Plan C | -20'000 | -10'000 | 90'000 | 100'000 | 100'000 | | | | | | | | PV @ 8% | | | | | Plan A | 27'778 | 34'294 | 31'753 | 33'076 | 30'626 | Plan B | -18'519 | 51'440 | 47'630 | 51'452 | 47'641 | Plan C | -18'519 | -8'573 | 71'445 | 73'503 | 68'058 | | | | | | | | PV @ 30% | | | | | Plan A | 23'077 | 23'669 | 18'207 | 15'756 | 12'120 | Plan B | -15'385 | 35'503 | 27'310 | 24'509 | 18'853 | Plan C | -15'385 | -5'917 | 40'965 | 35'013 | 26'933 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | a) | b) | | | | | NPV @ 8% | NPV @ 30% | | | ...
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...Line 1 Dialogue from the ending of PB. Go to hell, Jojo! Line 3 Dio : Go to hell, Jojo! I can't teach you the principle of life! You don't want to be 'lectured'! George : You two fought again?! Tonight you two don't get dinner. Dio : Don't make a fool out of me! Faced with sudden revolt and angrily fighting back, I hate people who lost their self contain. Line 18 Dio : This guy... Jona : I've come to kill you, Dio! I won't hesitate to hurt you badly now. Line 37 Dio : Surrender, Jojo! Accept my vampiric essence. For centuries until forever, I, Dio, will survive. If you become a zombie, I can make you live forever! Jona : Well sorry, Dio, I really am. Maybe you don't understand this but this is my life. I want to purify your filthy heart. Dio : Why don't you just let me save you, inferior human?! Line 56 Dio : Mama! Dio monologue : Human life is very vulnerable. Sudden death. The future is very limited. Only eternal life can bring endless hope. Dio : Hey, how many nights has it been since you last slept? Jonathan : Time is valuable Dio : Is it because of the exam again? Jona : Nah. Recently, historical understanding of things are quite limited Line 61 Jona : So I have to put in more effort, dedicating my life for it. It's a little embarrassing to say it. Dio : And then what? Line 63 Then to put it nicely, human's value is only its flesh and blood. Jona : Fly little bird. You can do it! You can do it! It seems there is a problem... Dio : What are you...
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...ADDITIONAL TIPS: ON SOURCES, IN-TEXT CITATION AND THE USE OF ACADEMIC LANGUAGE I’m writing you this additional worksheet because I love you very much and I want us all to have an easier time putting our efforts into this thing grrrrrness In general, please remember that in the RRL * NOTHING of your own input should be in the chapter. Whatever data you’ve collected from Bambang is applicable to the Data and Analysis. * This chapter is basically dedicated to the borrowing of information from other sources relevant to your cause, and the organizing of it in a sensible manner. * I divided the RRL proper into three parts: the macro-level matter (government efforts, etc., to let me know that the problem is relevant to the Philippines), the research specific to your topic (to let me read up on concepts that are important to your research problem) and related studies or articles (to show me that similar formal research endeavors have been made and make your research a necessary complement to the growing pool of knowledge). A. SOURCES a. What kinds of sources I could be expecting from each part: i. Macro-level = articles from newspapers about government efforts, pertinent information from reputable government online databases ii. Research specific to your topic = information from books specific to your topic (ex. the subject of the family from a psychology book) iii. Related studies = case studies from periodicals or databases...
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...Consultative Selling Step of the sells process: Introduction and questioning (in order to be chosen by the company) At the end of the meeting we have to know what to offer and how to offer it. Consultative selling; Problem solving + value-added selling (what is our value added selling for Victoria?) Conduct Analysis - Discovery Ask questions to identify areas of potential problems, difficulties, challenges and unresolved issues within the prospect organization. Identify and agree on a single primary issue, which is both a concern for the buyer and a relevant area of product and/or service opportunity for the seller. Ice breaker: This is a good (or a bad) weather to go on the road with a motorbike isn’t it? We so that your sell have a positive growth of 10% a year, which is quiet good, but we would like to know what you think of this figure. Does it match with your expectations? Would you say that today Victory isn’t the growth drivers that you had expected? Did you face any significant problem during the launching of the motorbike? (Bad reactions of competitors, lack of understanding of customers, Wage-claim or strike by workers ) According to you, are you able to increase the sales? If yes do you have any idea of the potential percent of increasing and how to reach this objective? If no, we think that a company of this size can have higher expectations, and hope more of their sell. This is precisely where we can intercede, because our company well...
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