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Black Family Poverty Research Paper

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I agree with Gates, there should be no more time wasted. We need to address poverty within black families and also among the other minority families. The family structure in a minority family never seems to look like the family structure of a white American family. In many cases these households are ran by a woman and there is no father figure in sight. A mother can handle many things, but sometimes dealing with multiple children can be very demanding. This can cause the values of the family to diminish over time and not seem as important compared to other problems. According to Gates, “45 percent of black households with children are headed by women”. That is only in black households, imagine what the number if it would include Hispanics and refugees from other countries. It is not only the black community that poverty seems to be attacking; it is the minorities of the United States as a whole. The living cost is going up everywhere without the minimum wage going up with it. 20 years ago, a family could be supported by one person working full time and another taking care of the household. Today, both parents have to work full time to be able to afford what they need to survive. This can be an issue when most households are ran by women. …show more content…
With bills needing to be paid, you need to get out there and work. Education can many times be easily be put on the back burner without you even noticing it. Life just takes off at full force. If your family needs help with rent or putting food on the table, that will take precedence over a few credits in college, or even getting your high school diploma. Many times there is just not enough hours in one day to be able to accomplish everything you want. That is when you need to prioritize. The downside of this is not being able to find a job. Today, jobs are already very scarce and it is only getting

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