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Black Hawk Down Book Report

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The book Black Hawk Down is extremely knowledgeable for children in school. Black Hawk Down gives kids the ability to learn new and more advanced vocabulary, opportunities to develop socially, and also develop nationalistically. The reason I am writing this paper is to try and persuade people to read the book. This book is a nonfiction book that shows events that did and actually can happen. Through the paper I will be trying to persuade you to read the book Black Hawk Down with your student. Black Hawk Down provides a great academic help through the explaining of multiple events. Through the book, Mark Bowden put advanced vocabulary and jargon, a type of military way of talking, to explain things. Mark Bowden used words like amassed, jutting, and interspersed that are not commonly used. With knowing more advanced …show more content…
This shows life lessons and possible ways to do things. A way it shows is in the way of guiding people to certain professions. Many people could be wanting to join a branch of military. This book gives a really good view on what war is like in different places of the world. A struggle between nations is also clearly visible through Black Hawk Down. When one thing went wrong in Mogadishu, the whole place went into a war with the United States. The Somalians and Americans fought a lot and many people on both sides had died trying to fight for what they believed in. Some places are also unfairly treated due to the countries state and whether it is a Third World country or the country has terrorized someplace else. Military workings are shown as well. Different groups like the Rangers, Delta, and pilots are talked about because they are or were a major part of the war in Mogadishu. The military is not all it is made out to be although. Really bad things happen during a war whether you think it is right or wrong. Real events are shown and they could repeat themselves at any moment in

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