..."The Crucible, " is related to today through the streotypes of Muslims being blamed of terrorism. Muslims are being blamed of being terrorists eventhough they are innocent, similarily to characters of, " The Crucible," when people started blaming others of witchcraft either of tragedies that occured to them coincidently or a calamity. Muslims are the main targets being blamed of the disasters in the United States since of the situation in 9/11 and on ISIS, and in " The Crucible," Rebecca Nurse is being blamed because of th tragedy she had of losing her kids- that apparently she killed. In both of the situations someone is being blamed because coincidently the tragedy was caused by a specific race or natural cause. Eventhough not...
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...Elizabeth Proctor and I “ I surely do. There be no mark of blame upon my life, Mr. Hale. I am a covenanted Christian woman.” This quote is said by Elizabeth Proctor who I believe mostly relates to me. After learning about her, I’ve learned that we shared a lot of the same characteristics. In the Crucible, Elizabeth plays a nice Christian woman who is married to John Proctor. She is accused of witchcraft but does not confess because of her beliefs. After reading the Crucible I am most like Elizabeth Proctor because I am religious, loyal, and forgiving. Being religious is a characteristic that I found Elizabeth and I had in common. One way Elizabeth shows her religious side in the Crucible is when she told John in Act lV that if he lies and confesses to witchcraft he will sin. Although she knows it will save his life, she didn’t want him to sin. I am religious because my family and I go to church every Sunday....
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...Who is to Blame? In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, there are many different characters that could be blamed for the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail Williams is a seventeen year old girl that is in love with an older married man. In her hunt to have him as her own, she leads her group of friends to accuse his wife and many others of witchcraft. It is most clearly demonstrated that it was Abigail William’s flaws – envy, dishonesty, and lust – that led her to be most responsible for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. Throughout The Crucible Abigail is envious of Elizabeth Proctor, and tries to get rid of her. One example is, ‘Oh, I marvel how such a strong man let such a sickly wife be’ (Miller 470). Abigail is commenting on Elizabeth’s health. She does not understand why John would rather have a sick wife than her. She is jealous that he chose His wife over her. Then she commented, ‘You loved me John Proctor, and whatever sin it is you love me yet,’ (Miller 471). This shows that Abigail thinks John loves her, and she is trying to convince him to be with her again. Abigail’s envy of Elizabeth drives her to get many people killed. In the play, Abigail is dishonest, pretending that there are actually witches. She does this in order to prosecute Elizabeth proctor. She...
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...Condemned Do you know the story of the crucible, if so do remember abigail williams. I just wanted to tell you do you think that abigail is guilty for the lies she made. She has committed in the town of salem. Is Abigail to blame for everything is she responsible? Abigail in the crucible is a very chaotic girl. She is a girl that hates everyone she wants everyone to do what she wants to do. She is a girl who will do something bad and she will get in trouble and she won’t get in trouble. Abigail is a horrible girl she made up a lie to get out of trouble and it cause many of innocent people to die for it. How much is Abigail to blame for the events that took place? She is all to blame for all of the horrifying events that happened in the town of Salem. She did...
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...The One to Blame While reading “The Crucible” we were so bewitched by what was happening that we never thought about who caused these trials. There are many characters that could be to blame. Whether it be John Proctor or Reverend Parris. There is only one character whom possess the traits to pull off something like this and not get into trouble. This would be Abigail. In Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” Abigail uses her flaws lust, mendacity, and vengefulness to her advantage. As the play first starts off, Parris is praying over Betty while waiting on Doctor Griggs diagnoses. Susanna Walcott comes to talk about Doctor Griggs findings and the possibility of unnatural causes for Betty’s illness. Parris tells Susanna that his daughter...
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...People can better understand human nature from Studying The Crucible. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller there is a group of girls and one of them in Abigail who is the main antagonist in the story. The group of girls was seen in the woods doing “witchcraft”. Abigail and the girls are accused of witchcraft. The group of girls start to name other women in the town like John Proctor's wife. Abigail picks her mainly because she wants John Proctor for herself since John and Abigail had an affair previously. Now the girls accuse other people in the town to draw less attention to them and try to keep their names good. By studying The Crucible and other resources people can better understand that people are greedy and are quick to blame. In “The...
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...In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the tone of irony boats from every corner you look, this story casts a mirror onto McCarthyism and reflects the outcomes of this ironic process. The Crucible depicts the reality of the Salem Witch Trials in a time of hysteria and fear. Miller uses a past event to emphasize the effects of unnecessary fear imposed by McCarthyism, indirectly relating to the Salem Witch Trials. Miller’s, The Crucible, is one of irony in which it obliquely equates to the consequences of fear and blaming others by relating the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism. Abigail’s intentions regarding John Proctor are nothing if not ironic, you can see this perfectly in which Abigail acted out in a complete façade so that she could be...
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...“In her life, sir, she have never lied.” This is a quote said by John Proctor, a character from The Crucible, while he was speaking to Governor Danforth about Elizabeth never telling a lie in her life. Elizabeth Proctor is a strong, christian, religious women in the play The Crucible who had 3 children with her husband John Proctor. She had strong morals like following the law and never telling a lie or sinning. Elizabeth Proctor and I had a few personality traits in common in that we are honest, non judgmental and also we both blame ourselves a good bit. Both Elizabeth Proctor and I share the same trait in which we are both honest. One way Elizabeth was honest in the story The Crucible was her never telling a lie. She was known for never telling a lie because she was a strong christian women and lying was a sin. Being honest is also one of my major morals. For example, a way I’m honest is I can’t ever lie and get away with it. I did lie a few times in my life but I end up feeling super guilty about it and confess to it. Also another way I’m very honest is because I’m always telling people the truth and letting them know how I feel about them. When I have something on my mind about someone, I always just come up and say my honest opinion on how I feel about...
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...John Proctor, one of the main characters in The Crucible, has a crucible moment after having an affair with Abigail. Although John and Elizabeth are married, he cheats on her with Abigail. Proctor’s crucible moment within the play happens when he has to make a decision to either tell his wife about the affair, or keep it a secret, and feel guilty for the rest of his life. Because John can not forgive himself after the affair, he decides to tell Elizabeth about what happened. John Proctor passes the crucible test because he did the right thing even though his relationship with his wife will never be the same. Now that Elizabeth knows the truth, John now feels guilty about what he has done because his wife is upset with him. The wrong thing John...
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...Abigail Williams is responsible for the chaos and turmoil in "The Crucible" due to her actions and manipulations. She falsely accuses numerous citizens of witchcraft, causing fear and hysteria in the town. Despite Mary Warren's attempt to testify against Abigail, she faces opposition from the other girls who are under Abigail's influence. Abigail continuously tries to convince people that everyone else is a witch, using tactics such as pretending to see and hear spirits whenever a witness tries to testify against her. Abigail's past and present experiences contribute to her actions, but they do not excuse her behavior. She witnessed the death of her parents at a young age, had an affair with John Proctor, and threatened those who crossed her....
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...A person’s immediate response when wronged is to make the scales even and in someway make that person feel the pain they felt. Although you can see this theme manifest throughout most plays, movies, and books, you can particularly see throughout The Crucible by Andrew Miller and Goodnight and Goodluck written by George Clooney. The The Crucible, a play, and Goodnight and Goodluck, a movie both dramatize times in history when, in the case of the play, a real witch hunt occurs, and in the Movie a metaphorical witch hunt takes place. In both the play and the movie, you see people's actions are often motivated by a desire for revenge. In The Crucible, there is a woman named Ann Putnam. She has had seven babies and only one of them has lived. This would obviously make any mother...
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...Crucible Analytic Essay “The Crucible” is a play written by Arthur Miller and is based off the Salem Witch Trials which happened in Massachusetts. There are many themes in this play but one specific theme stands out and that’s jealousy. Jealousy is a cruel feeling that can lead to many awful events if it is uncontrolled and this play has many of those events. Jealousy leads to many things in this play which even includes death. In “The Crucible”, the character Abagail Williams is a very jealous 17 year old. In the play, she dances naked in the woods with many of her friends to try and cast a spell on John Procter to love her and for his wife, Elizabeth, to be executed. After a past affair, Abagail is very much in love with John and tries to...
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...The tarnishing of one’s reputation and personal integrity is something that many people fear and this is shown through the characters in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Cotton Mather’s Wonders of the Invisible World and John Hale’s A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft. The Crucible is a play about the Salem witch trials and the characters who are accused and judged based off of their reputation. Each character’s perception is different than what the actual reality is of the witchcraft because they have their own views about this trial. In Cotton Mather’s Wonders of the Invisible World, Cotton Mather is warning the townspeople about the devil taking control of their lives. He encourages them to take action and do something about it,...
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...The Crucible that Arthur Miller wrote exposed the injustice the witch hunting’s were and hysteria outbreak people had with the fear of witches or anything they consider bad. The Red Scare is a good example of people getting scared and blames anyone they see. The Soviet Union communist were named the “Reds”. In 1940s to the early 1950s people were hysterical thinking that the reds were going to take over. The scare had people with a range of actions that had a profound and enduring effect on U.S. government and society. HUAC was formed they found with harbor hoover 12 prominent leaders of the American Communist Party on charges that they had plans to advocated the overthrow of the government. Two were convicted and executed in 1951, The crucible was an example of how the fear of the public drives people to blame and take action. Joseph R. McCarthy was always trying to expose communist just like the judges in the book and Abby she accused women for being witches and the judges just convicted who ever just to maintain their record. But Joseph pointed the finger at almost everyone in the government he worked with. He even launched a full investigation on them 2,000 government officials lost their jobs even though there was a lack of proof, they were fired anyways. He violated people’s civil rights with harsh integrations of witnesses in hearings. Just like in the Crucible the judges harshly interrogated the claimed to be witnesses making them change stories to fit what they wanted...
Words: 607 - Pages: 3
...whoever the person before could blame, no one ever would think of anyone possibly lying or acting? If making a city vulnerable to a witch trial could be easy, Salem and the people living there definitely caused it. In Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”, religion, personal vendettas, and human faults, made the individuals and society in Salem vulnerable to a witch hunt. To start off one of many reasons Salem society was vulnerable to a witch hunt was religion. Religion was the main priority in Salem and almost anything said or done that wasn’t by the bible was witchery or evil. “At any rate very few indians were converted and Salem folk believed that the virgin forest was the devil’s last preserve.” This quote is simply explaining how easily things were blamed and or believed and how religion was the base of everything. Puritans believe if you swear on the bible...
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