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Blm Movement Research Paper

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BLM is not the first or the only movement that protests against discrimination because of skin color. From the past, the previous generation was far more well known to the American Civil Rights Movement. Nevertheless, until now racism still exist and some people consider it as a spontaneous action. Every time people look at a Black person, they assume that person a criminal. These stereotype thoughts seems like they cannot be totally abolished. So will BLM movement result in something extraordinary or will it follow the same path? Let’s put BLM into comparison with other movements to compare and find out the potential success of BLM and also the moves that gave those disadvantages rather than helping the movement to improve. The BLM movement …show more content…
Furthermore, the leaders are the young, passionate people. Alicia Garza is an activist and writer, both work of her focuses on improving the efficiency of the equality of. Patrisse Cullors is an activist and artist; she is also known to achieve a degree in religion and philosophy from UCLA. Our creditor with setting up the social media aspects of the movement: Opal Tometi. She is a New York-based Nigerian-American writer, strategist and community organizer. ( They are all talented people who are able to be well-informed about youth’s trends. Patrisse Cullors – Garza’s close friend who lives far away – read the post and shared it with the inspired hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. After that, they have had a consultation and started to organize the campaign for BLM. Afterwards, they reached out to Opal Tometi and started to take the movement to the bigger game. That’s why from the nameless movement, they have pushed BLM into a contemporary trend quickly and gained numerous people’s faith. However, when we compare BLM with other movements, BLM still have minority voice and anarchy organization. The leaders do not have much experience and power to gain credit. The Albany movement from the Civil

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