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Blog Analysis Mental Health

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Mental Health: A Blog Analysis Health is generally a major concern for many people in their everyday lives but when it comes to mental health, some people don’t know how to deal with it properly or how to go about talking about it. A blog about mental health news and general information that has been around since 1999 titled Healthy Place, has a great selection of entries and writings from different journalists who dedicate their work to health articles and content. While mental well-being is something everyone who breathes deals with, this informative network is looking to help out mature men and women that have any curiosity regarding psychological wellness or those who are dealing with mental health disorders. The blog could also help out …show more content…
In an entry posted by journalist, Geralyn Dexter, “Accomplishing SMART Goals with Bipolar Disorder” she touches on the SMART acronym and directs it toward people with the disorder. Not going to cover the whole acronym, rather go over the entry as a summary. The acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based: all of these adjectives are related to goals. To quote the author, “Attainable: this is an area where people tend to get stuck when setting goals for themselves… You know yourself, your strengths and limitations better than anyone” (SMART Goals, Dexter). In these statements she is targeting a general audience of mature men and women, not biasing or leaning towards any specific group of people. This generalization is later put aside: when Dexter speaks of working with the goals and dealing with bipolar disorder, “Being kind, understanding, and flexible with yourself will help you to be more successful. Periods of mania or depression may make it more challenging for you to accomplish goals…Take the time to self-care when you need to and keep going when you are able. Incorporate your coping skills, positive thinking, and support system when you need them” (SMART Goals, Dexter). That all may seem pretty confusing to people who do not know what it’s like to …show more content…
“Why is Self-Injury so Prevalent in Borderline (BPD)?” written by Kalie Gipson, is an entry that opens up a big part of BPD. To start off her entry she defines the disorder: “… borderline personality disorder consists of unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships, with trouble regulating emotions and thoughts while exhibiting impulsive behavior” (Self-Injury BPD, Gipson). Shining a light on the disorder, Gipson talks about the subject of using self-injury as a coping method and to regulate emotions, while also mentioning if the self-harming is attention-seeking or manipulative. Explaining aspects of BPD can really open up to those who are not as knowledgeable to certain aspects of mental health. Gipson later states, “The answer seems to come back to the concept of control. Self-mutilation can be a way to gain control of our feelings and emotion when we can’t seem to reel them in. We are able to determine the type and amount of pain we feel, instead of letting it emotionally take advantage of us” (Self-Injury BPD, Gipson). That quote from her sums up what most of those with BPD used to feel better. It sounds morbid but it is true, personally I have been in that

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