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Blue Book Testing In High Schools

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High School is an institution established to carry on a person’s education on the subject of Science, English and etc. beyond elementary and middle school. What High School has developed into and come to mean, however, vastly differs from this established purpose. High School is a period of emotional and mental development beyond Calculus or Biology, a place where the start of the rest of a person’s life begins. It is here where they are first challenged to participate and function in society on a more complex level than ever before. They must endure trials and tribulations and prepare themselves for the world ahead, including college and life after formal education. As a teacher, it would be my duty to shepherd these kids, to show them by …show more content…
For example, I will relate what we learn in class with what is going on in their lives or what may happen later on down the road in their lives. One way I can show understanding for my students is adapting the way I assess their knowledge through tests. Testing is one of the most argued about subjects in the classroom among high school students (and college students, for that matter). The benefits of simple multiple choice questions go to war with the positive aspects of blue book tests where students are given a chance to say what they learned in their own words and be able to articulate their own thought processes, an exercise not only a possible benefit to their grade but to themselves in understanding their writing style as well as their own thought process and what could be improved. I would offer both options to my students, even if it means having to take extra time to grade. A little extra time spent grading for a better grade for my students and a better understanding of themselves is worth it by …show more content…
That is my responsibility. I am called to be a mentor to these kids, and to maybe make a difference in their lives now so that they are better people in the future. Being a mentor for the future is much more important than any history lesson that they could ever receive in high

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