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Murnau's Sunrise

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In Sunrise, Murnau’s juxtaposition between the city and rural societal mores is aimed far beyond the sanctity of the traditional family structure. By 1920, more Americans lived in urban cities than rural areas for the first time in the country’s history. Rapid urbanization had skyrocketed the production in cities, turning them into centers of culture and community. The attraction to the budding sexual revolution, culture of consumerism, and opportunity for upward mobility made the city life into the future model of American society, leaving those left in rural areas to pick up the pieces. Murnau uses the inherent purity of rural America’s connection to nature as the counter to the allure of the city. Tying back to his roots in the German Expressionist movement, Murnau paints the pastoral landscape like a student of the Düsseldorf School. The master shot of “The …show more content…
With the introduction of “The Woman from the City”, this reassuring nature is warped into a threatening space: the glow of the moon illuminates the fog surrounding the swamp, seductively greeting the two lovers, while the water seems to sit menacingly on top of a bottomless trench. During the scene where “The Man” begins carrying out his plan to kill his wife, the same water will become even darker and the birds, sensing the impending drama, flee the scene. Going back to Murnau’s duality, when the couple enters the chaotic carnival that is the city, their kiss, right in the center of traffic, brings the whole world to a halt. As they lock lips, the entire madness surrounding them disappears, and all that is left is each

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