...The “Sulfur Bottom”, or the Blue whale are baleen whales and they can be found worldwide .At the top of the food chain, whales play a vital role in the overall health of the environment.(A-Z Animals) But sadly, the Blue whale is one of the most endangered animals in the world. Blue whales that are in the Northern Hemisphere are generally smaller than those that are found in the southern Hemisphere. (Choi)In the Northern Atlantic and Pacific, they can grow up to 90 feet, but in the Antarctic, they can reach up to 110 feet, and weigh up to 330,000 pounds. Like other types of baleen whales, the females are usually somewhat larger than the males. (A-Z Animals) The Blue Whale, (Balaenoptera musculus), is the largest animal on our planet. It weighs as much as 33 elephants, is the length of three school buses, has a heart the size of a volkswagen Beetle, and eats around 4 tons of krill a day. They have been spotted in every ocean. They are the loudest animals, as their calls are louder than a jet engine, they can reach 188 decibels,...
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...CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SIZE OF THE BLUE WHALE? The blue whales are the largest animal that ever lived on Earth. They are bigger than the largest dinosaur. At birth, a blue whale calf1 can weigh up to two tons or 1,814 kilograms. It is about the size of a hippopotamus. An average2 weight for an adult is 100 to 150 tons (about 33 elephants). Its tongue alone weighs as much as an elephant. The blue whales can grow to more than 100 feet (30 meters) in length. That is approximately the same length as three school buses parked end-to-end. Females are up to 10 meters longer than males. THE BLUE WHALES’ DIET Surprisingly, the blue whale's diet consists mainly of small shrimp known as krill. The blue whales can consume about four tons of krill a day...
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...Humpback Whales Big,Bulky,rough,covered in barnacles,and loud does this sound like anybody? The Humpback Whale is a 55.25 foot long 40 ton mammal.They are known for their loud songs,moans,howls and cries they are some of the many living things they chat about.They are also known as the biggest creature in the ocean.They are gray and white. They live from 45-50 years. Whales were hunted from the 1960s to 1988 until the whale and dolphin conservation or WDC stopped commercial whaling from Japan, Iceland and Norway which each killed. 1,500 per year between them all. Why were whales hunted In Iceland they sell whale meat to mostly tourist and locals Japan makes dog food out whale meat.Norway makes animal feed on fur farms.Every year 1,500...
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...Tall Tales The Bible, as with most religious texts, uses metaphors, verbal illustrations, and allegory throughout. Regardless of historical fact or accuracy, the use of these conventions gives most biblical stories their meaning and importance. While most of the Bible makes some sense to the modern reader, there are those stories that defy the basic laws of science and fact. One such story in the Bible is a rather famous one and quite possibly the most confusing and scientifically baseless. In fact, the story is so improbable that it has been relegated to the status of a children’s story by all accounts. The tale comes from the Book of Jonah in the Old Testament and is simply known to the modern world as “Jonah and the Whale.” Sadly, the story, while good, contains two fundamental flaws; one flaw based in science the other based in meaning. While most stories in the bible are symbolic in nature, this particular one really stretches the boundaries of the imagination. Jonah, a minor prophet, was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh and preach to the residents about their shortcomings in the eyes of the Lord. Jonah decided against going and instead tried to escape to another city by ship to avoid his task. While at sea, a terrible storm descended upon the ship Jonah was on. Instead of praying to God for the ships survival like the other shipmates, Jonah went below deck and fell asleep. Upon seeing Jonah sleeping, the captain of the ship woke Jonah up and begged...
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...Blue Whale Whales are separated into two groups, the baleen and the toothed whales. The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived on earth, including the dinosaurs. Baleen is made of keratin, the same material as our fingernails. They live in pods, they have two blowholes. The blue whale has about 2-14 inch thick layer of blubber. They are one of seventy-six species and are marine mammals. Blue whales grow up to about eighty feet long on an average, weighing about one hundred-twenty tons. The females are generally larger than the males; this is the case for all whales. The largest whale that was found was a female. She was ninety-four feet long weighing more than one hundred-seventy four ton. The head of the blue whale forms up to a quarter of the total body length. Compared to other whales, the head is very broad. The blue whale’s heart is the size of a small car and can pump almost ten tons of blood throughout the body. They have very small dorsal fins that are located near the fluke, or tail. Blue whales have long, thin flippers eight feet long and flukes that are twenty five feet wide. The blue whales skin is usually blue-gray with white-gray spots. The underbelly has brown, yellowish-gray specks. During the winter in the cold water diatoms stick to the underbelly, giving it a yellow to silver to sulfur colored sheen, the blue whale is nick-named Sulfur Bottom. Other names include Sibbalds Rorqual and Great Northern Rorqual. Blue whales like all baleen whales, are...
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...Blue whales communicate by song through the ocean, the male sets his song at fifteen hertz for the females to hear. The fifty two hertz whale sets its song at fifty two hertz and begins it’s quest to find it’s mate. Immediately nothing responded to the song. The whale traveled hundreds of miles in search of a reply. It failed to ever receive a response. Female whales only hear from between fifteen and twenty hertz. No female whale ever heard it’s song and never would. The whale unaware, kept searching and singing. A member of the species meant to bond lifetime relationships, will eventually die alone. After reading the paragraph above, many would question the significance it would have regarding Walden. Well, confusion was the exact emotion...
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...could have helped the problem. * Address any alternative solutions beyond the scientific method. * Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines. * * * There are two forms of animals that are important in the environment of the Antarctic: microscopic photosynthetic algae (also referred as Marine algae) and herbivores, tiny shrimp-like krill. According to Raven, P, Berg, L., & Hassenzahi, D. (2010), there are some environmental problems associated to the case in point, “How Humans have affected the Antarctic Food Web”. Some of these environmental problems are with the thinning of the ozone layer over Antarctica, the hunting of whales, global climate change, and human harvest of krill. (p. 59). This paper is prepared to help to identify where humankind’s activities have been careless with the environment where they are unintended consequences. Also, explained is how scientific or technological activities are exacerbating or improving the existing situation, discussions on how a proper application of the scientific method could help the problem, and point out any alternative solution...
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...Introduction Since the indefinite commercial whaling moratorium was introduced in 1986, the whaling nations have killed around 15,000 whales between them. At the time of writing, the Japanese whaling fleet has just returned from Antarctic waters where a further 300 or so minke whales have been killed for so called ‘research’, in open defiance of world public opinion and the IWC which has never validated the Japanese programme. The meat from those dead whales will end up on sale in Japanese restaurants and on supermarket shelves. Japan is not only defying the global moratorium on commercial whaling, it is killing whales in a sanctuary agreed by the IWC in 1994. Japan has ‘recruited’ many countries to the IWC to support the resumption of commercial whaling using foreign aid packages. If the ban is lost it will be a disaster for whale conservation efforts. This report presents the many reasons why the ban on commercial whaling must be maintained and properly enforced. We cannot wipe away the tragic history of commercial whaling, but we can, and must, prevent its repetition. The Natural History of Whales Whales belong to the order of mammals known as Cetacea. There are about 80 species of cetaceans, including all the dolphins and porpoises, as well as the ten so-called ‘great’ whale species, which have borne the brunt of commercial whaling. Cetaceans are believed to have evolved from land mammals, which adapted to an aquatic existence about 50 million years ago. They are superbly...
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...文勇的新托福精选阅读(原黄金29篇)真题[2010年4月3日 5.8版本] 俺常常收到同学们的邮件,要我推荐各种各样阅读材料,问我iBT的复习资料中 Barron, Longman, Delta等等哪个更好。我其实很无奈---因为尽管这些机构很大牌,但大牌丝毫都不意味着文章“质量高”(比如你可以想想三鹿奶粉)---说这些机构的文章质量不高,并不是说文字写得不好,而是说这些文章的句子结构, 论述方式, 出题思路与ETS的并不一致(有时候甚至大相径庭):用这样的材料训练,实在是 事倍功半。 于是,我们实在应该去找找由ETS出的iBT文章来做:(我们能够找到的|由ETS编纂的标准iBT文章有) 1. OG[1]之中的13篇文章[2];(其中3篇为第三版OG之中的文章) 2. 13次(套)TPO[3]之中的3*13=39篇文章[4]; 3. 早期[5]报名之时ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题 4. ETS官方给出的模考软件之中抽出的1篇文章; 于是这个文档在我的一时兴起之下,出现了: OG拿在手上,可以一个个字的敲成电子版;TPO的所有考试都是在自己的计算机进行,于是可以一边花钱参加考试,一边截图与录像---再利用截下来的图片,逐个的敲下来;早期的ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题,我也恰好有电子版本;官方的模考软件稍微用点功夫,就能将文章提取并复制出来。虽然工作有些繁杂,但总算完成了所有文章的敲打工作。再花了些时间,把这53篇文章都做了答案,附在文章的后面。(由于TPO之中有3篇文章与OG中完全重复,于是减去3篇,只剩下53篇。)同时我还更正了OG上几个明显的错误(详见文后附录)当然,我还做出了方便大家理解文章的参考译文,附在文章的后面。 在这53篇由ETS出的文章没有做完之前,我们实在不应该花时间在任何其他的题目之上。我有时候甚至会对着我的弟兄们高呼:“没有把这53篇做3遍,你好意思上考场么?你好意思花钱在任何一本垃圾书上面么?[6]” 另外,如果你正在准备iBT-SAT-GRE的作文部分或者写留学文书,也应该仔细的琢磨一下这些文章:经过ETS打磨的文章,无一不是精妙绝伦,极具模仿价值。常常有同学拜托我帮她(他)写PS,也说起自己的句子怎么看都像是小学生写的(尽管用上了GRE里面的单词),于是会随口问我“勇哥,您的写作能力是怎么训练出来的。”我说,“看呗,看呗:托福文章看多了,写作能力自然就提高了。” “这ETS的这些文章真的那么好?”。每当听到这个问题,我都会装做赵本山的样子来一句“谁用谁知道~~” 文勇 欢迎进行未删节的转载|且不必告诉我你转载到哪里去|都是一个战壕里面的弟兄啊… 告诉大家一个好消息,本文档中的TPO1-TPO9,以及在线测试题和官方模考题目的解析已经在市面上可以买到了!(好吧,我承认以下显然是广告部分): 这本《托福真题详解-阅读分卷-第一册》是给弟兄们现在市面上可以获得的TPO1-TPO9阅读部分的文章解析,题目解析,中文翻译和每篇文章的必备词汇:文章解析是为了让大家养成从整体抓文章结构的感觉,题目解析是为了使大家能够在做完题之后知道正确选项为什么对,错误选项为什么错——并且因此来培养良好的做题思路,中文翻译是为了帮助大家扫除那些自以为理解对但实际理解有误的句子,在每篇文章后面配上必备词汇无非是为了节省大家的一些查单词而已。 另外,这本书还包含了一张CD(我想你可能第一次听说阅读书...
Words: 138860 - Pages: 556
...take you out to the Strait costs between P2,500 to P3,000 depending on the number of people boarding. Being in a group allows you to split the transportation costs. If a van cannot be availed of, jeepneys plying the Dumaguete-Bais route cost only a cheap P15, and another P10 to take you to the Capiñahan Wharf. Dolphin and Whale Watching in Bais City Dolphin and Whale Watching is fast becoming a national attraction as well. It has gained popularity among travelers both local and foreign because of its appealingcombination of activities. The adventure starts with a cruise along Bais Bay then out to Tañon Strait, the natural habitat of several whale and dolphin specie. Among the kinds of dolphins you may encounter during the trip are , pantropical spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and long snouted spinner dolphins. Melon headed whales, short finned pilot whales, pygmy sperm whales, pygmy killer whales and dwarf sperm whales are commonly found in the Tañon Strait too. After the show of sea mammals, you head out to Manjuyod White Sand Bar where the boat temporarily docks. Here you can savor your lunch of grilled pork and fish while looking out into the blue sea and sky and the white sands of Manjuyod. This place is also ideal for swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling and scuba diving in the nearby reefs. Other activities: Swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling and scuba...
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...in turn, support a variety of larger animals. A major consumer of krill is the baleen whale, which filters krill out of the frigid water. Baleen whales include blue whales, humpback whales, and right whales. Squid and fishes also consume krill in great quantities. These, in turn, are eaten by other carnivores: toothed whales such as the sperm whale, elephant seals and leopard seals, king penguins and emperor penguins, and birds such as the albatross and the petrel. Humans have had an impact on the Antarctic food web as they have had on most other ecosystems. Before the advent of whaling, baleen whales consumed huge quantities of krill. Until a global ban on hunting large whales was enacted in 1986, whaling steadily reduced the number of large baleen whales in Antarctic waters. As a result, of fewer whales eating krill, more krill became available for other krill-eating animals, whose populations increased. Now that commercial whaling is regulated, it is hoped that the number of large baleen whales will slowly increase, and that appears to be the case for some species. However, the populations of most baleen whales in the Southern Hemisphere are still a fraction of their pre-whaling levels. It is not known whether baleen whales will return to their former position of dominance in terms of krill consumption in the food web. Biologists will monitor changes in the Antarctic food web as the whale populations recover. Thinning of the ozone layer in the stratospheric region of...
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...Hunting whales was no easy feat before the industrial revolution. It is speculated that the first whale was killed when it washed onto shore. Before the industrial revolution whales were often hunted near shores with primitive harpoons and spears for their blubber, meat, bones, and even their baleen or teeth which were used as materials for baskets and fishing lines. (“Diary of Extinction”). The limited technology humans had during this time prevented an imbalance in the number of whales hunted and the overall population of whales. However, with the introduction of the steam engine and steam powered ships, whaling rapidly commercialized and because of this the number of whales that could be killed and processed each year grew exponentially And while they were hunted for their meat and blubber during this time as well, industrial whaling allowed for more and more whales to be hunted and killed, decreasing the overall whale population by about 85% (Lusted). Whaling became a key factor in economics. Whale meat and oil soon began to circulate in international markets and trade, leading to thousands of more whales being killed each year....
Words: 1973 - Pages: 8
...Working as a whale trainer at SeaWorld has become a dream job for almost any child who has witnessed the wonder of Shamu. The History of career field People have been training animals for thousands of years. Historically, falconers have trained hawks. Dogs have been trained for hunting, for herding livestock, and for pulling sleds. Elephants have been trained to pull or carry logs. Horses and camels have been trained for riding and hauling. Compared to other types of animal training, marine mammal training is a relatively new field. People have been training killer whales for only about the past 35 years. SeaWorld animal trainers began working with bottlenose dolphins in 1963 before the first park opened. Requirements Each year, hundreds of men and women apply for positions in SeaWorld's and Busch Gardens' Animal Training departments. The number of openings is generally limited to fewer than 10 hires per park each year. For SeaWorld, a college degree is not required to be eligible for an animal training position, but it is preferred. Applicants are expected to complete some college coursework in biology, marine biology, zoology, and animal behavior or psychology. Colorado Mountain College, Quinnipiac College, and University of Florida are among many listed and recommended by SeaWorld that offer Zoo research and management programs. Prior experience with large animals is preferred. Experience working with horses or birds, working on a farm, or volunteering at an...
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...its ability to detect enemy submarines for decades. The Navy’s low-frequency sonar system has been a topic of controversy among environmental advocates for years. This system, known as Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LAF) allows the Navy to detect enemy submarines with enough time to react and defend themselves. During the course of developing and testing the SURTASS LFA system, environmental interest groups raised concerns that the system may cause harm to marine mammals. Whales use sound for communication, navigation, orientation, and in locating food. This is known as echolocation. The Navy’s mid-frequency sonar can cause whales to dive deeper into the ocean, or rise quickly. Like humans, whales can get the bends from these types of underwater movements. The loud noises created by the Navy’s sonar system are believed to interrupt their ability to communicate, navigate and look for food. These disruptions are believed to harm the whales physically and cause state of panic which often leads to strandings and collisions (Drumm). Active sonar utilizes sound in order to find objects in the water. A pulse is sent through the water, and then reflects off an object. This is called an echo. The receiver will convert the echoes into electrical signals which are digitally displayed on board the vessel. The high tech computers will be able to extract information such as distance and direction of the object. A major draw back of active sonar is that...
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...remember my dad telling me before bed I am sure there were others but these are the ones that had an memorable impression on me. These are my Pawley's Bedtime stories Allison and The Whale One sunny afternoon an little girl named Allison was fishing with her pop pop when she had a great big tug on her fishing line, her pop pop helped her reel in the line whatever was on the other end was putting up a fight after what seemed like hours a whale was up on the beach. The girls grandfather was joyous saying “we're having whale for dinner” and ran back to the house to fetch the girls father. Allison looked at the whale with delight when the wale spoke to her “please don't eat me for dinner” the whale said. When her grand father came back with Allison's dad, “the whale spoke again. “please don't eat me, if I could have your permission I would like to show Allison my home.” After deliberating the men agreed and Allison went into the ocean with the whale and they swam by the crabbie wabbies and visited with the fishie fishies, The whale and Allison had the time of their lives, the little girl didn't want to leave but the whale had made a promise and they returned from the ocean depths. Allison rode on the whales back all the way back to the beach, to her waiting grandfather and father, who instead of whale they had flounder for dinner instead. ???? Once upon a time their was a girl named Allison who loved the water she would spend hours on end out in the surf with her father when they...
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