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Body Parts For Profit Research Paper

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The question “should we be allowed to sell our body parts for profit?” is a widely debated topic all throughout the world. This topic is extremely controversial due to the widley drastic views on this topic. Some people feel as though selling one’s body parts for profit benefits not only themselves, but greatly benefits science. However, others feel as though selling one’s body parts only benefit themselves and is unethical. Selling one’s body parts solely for profit is unacceptable.
Selling one’s body parts solely for profit is unethical. Hagar Gov-Ari states, “This would give the wealthy an unfair advantage for “obtaining donated organs and tissues.” By creating a “rich survive, poor perish” situations, what should be life saving becomes an unbalanced and dirty practice that could potentially overthrow the whole medical system” (Gov-Ari). This action is unethical because one puts their needs and greed of profit over their morals. This loss of morals can not only put an innocent …show more content…
The National Organ Transplant Act states “...any individual convicted of buying or selling human organs faces a five-year prison sentence and/or a hefty fine” ( Selling one’s body parts for profits both illegal and extremely dangerous. Choosing to donate your organs even in a protege hospital can be risky itself. This risk becomes an even higher threat when it is done illegally. By choosing to sell one’s organs this action is performed through the black market. The black market is extremely dangerous and poses a variety of threats. By choosing to sell one’s organs for profit through the black market the seller is unable to control what is done with the organ after it is sold. This means that the organ could be used for a variety of negative actions and includes the risk of the organ being tampered with and this could potentially harm

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