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Boldness In Christianity

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Boldness was and is one of the most important characteristics of leaders in the Church. Boldness is necessary to show to the world that Christianity is something to be respected and reckoned with. Through boldness, others come to know Christ and are more willing to pay attention. In my essay I will discuss three instances in which leaders of the New Church showed exceptional boldness.
In Acts 4, Peter and John are before the Sanhedrin. Here the New Church is tested for the first time. Peter and John had just been preaching in the temple, and had healed a man who had been lame from birth. The Sanhedrin, worried that a repeat of Jesus was occurring, interrogated the disciples. It was not very long ago that Jesus had been questioned by the same …show more content…
He had almost been killed by the Jews only moments before, but he asked the commander who was about to bring him to safety to let him speak in front of the people. Then he spoke, telling them about his conversion from a zealous Pharisee into one of the leaders in the New Church.
He spoke to them of how the Lord had told him to go to the Gentiles. At this, the Jews were furious, and demanded that Paul be killed. Even so, Paul continued his preaching.
The next day he stood before the Sanhedrin, unafraid of what they would do to him. He told the Sanhedrin that he was on trial because of his hope of the resurrection, knowing that this would cause an uproar. The argument was so heated between the Pharisees and Sadducees that the commander was afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces.
This boldness made it clear to the Jews what the New Church stood for and why Paul was so vehement about his faith and beliefs.
Without bold leaders who are willing to put their reputation among unbelievers and even their life at stake, the church becomes like a smoldering candlewick. Then it is no longer a light and a salt to the nations around, because the light has been put under a bushel and the salt has lost its

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