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Border Patrol Research Paper

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People have been coming to America from all over the world ever since the continent itself was discovered; whether from overseas or from neighboring countries, millions have crossed the border—the 1,933-mile-long imaginary line dictated by political powers. While many immigration problems/concerns have come and gone, one remains prominent to this day, that of the Mexican migrants. At this very moment, out there through various towns and deserts alike there exists a militarized border with a country that America is not at war with all because of inflow of illegal immigrants from the other side of that border. When Mexican immigration is discussed it is often looked at from the perspective of the migrants—the victims, the intruders, the unwelcomed, the illegals—but it is rare that the point of view of the …show more content…
They are part of the system; they have been dehumanized due to their existence as an extension of government regulations; they have been placed at the border to guard it from the illegals who try to break through to the American side. The government pays extremely generous sums for their operations, but in the recent years their effectiveness has been questionable. After the 9/11 attacks the demand for more officers increased due to the threat of national security and their numbers grew rapidly, however their training was undermined and the agency’s integrity compromised. Just as there is a great number of border patrol agents, there is an abundance of stories, opinions, and views in regards to their job and the immigrants. In fact, there seems to be a certain divergence in the opinions about the purpose of the agency. Many believe that the prime goal of the border patrol is to ensure public safety and national security by stopping potential terrorist and drug smugglers, while others believe the agency’s priority to be stopping illegal immigration as a whole. One of the border patrol agents, Mr. Curt Abbott

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