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Border Protection Department

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The Customs and Border Protection department only welcomes genuine visitors who visit for purposes of trade and so on. The Customs and Border Protection department is given the big responsibility of enforcing the border laws with the use of the United States Border Patrol and assistance from other organizations throughout the country, such the Department of Agriculture. The primary mission of the Border Patrol is to “protect our Nation by reducing the likelihood that dangerous people and capabilities enter the United States between the ports of entry” (Border). It plays roles which include protection of the borders against illegal immigrants who are a security risk, as well as drugs smuggling, as well as illegal importation of products from …show more content…
The United States Coast Guard has updated vessels and continues to work with and train with Border Patrol who has approximately 109 vessels. Both departments use the vessels to conduct border patrol activities “along the coastal waterways of the United States and Puerto Rico and interior waterways common to the United States and Canada” (Border). Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have an updated training academy named the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) which is where initial ICE training is completed and serves as a “vital first step to providing a strong educational foundation” to agents helping to protect the nation's border (Training). FLETC provides a variety of basic and advanced courses such as Spanish Class, Investigations, and Advanced Firearms Training and allows other agencies the opportunity to train there to better assist in the protection of porous nodes. Border Patrol receives training in “maintaining surveillance, following up leads, responding to electronic sensor alarms and aircraft sightings, and interpreting and following tracks” (Border). Border Patrol also receives basic and advanced law enforcement training in order to prepare them for major activities such as conducting city patrol and transportation checks, establishing and maintaining traffic checkpoints …show more content…
However, use of force is only applicable in the event the agent has proved beyond all reasonable doubt that such a person is posing a serious danger to the citizens’ security to the extent of serious bodily harm or death. The policy on use of force has been approved and fully supported by the Supreme Court showing that border security is a very sensitive affair. The Chief Patrol Agents of Border Patrol are given the responsibility of identifying the most dangerous and risky zones within the borders for proper security planning. Proper operational plans are necessary for such areas where security is at high risk and attention to this is required. The Office of Training and Centers of Excellence work closely with the Customs and Border Protection department to “enhance preparedness in the event a security risk is imminent and to prepare agents on how to deal with it before it occurs” (Brunet, 2015). The training in skills and use of security equipment for the border patrol agents is still an ongoing process due to the changing nature of security. The best and modern equipment, tools, practices, and appropriate training are key considerations. Border Patrol and other security organization supervisors are required to provide the necessary weapons to the officers on the ground, particularly in areas where

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