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Boxer Strikes Foxwood In One Blow Analysis

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Boxer Strikes Foxwood In One Blow
By Stephanie the Squirrel of Amazing Animals Today In the middle of October, the farmers and Jones made an attempt to take their property back, but the animals obviously were stronger like Boxer, the strongest and nicest of all, that turned reckless towards the humans and reared up his hind legs with those iron-shod hoofs like a stallion to Foxwood’s skull that rested in the mud for a too long amount of time. According to Boxer himself, he sorrowfully said, “I had no intention of doing that! I forgot that I was wearing iron shoes! Who will believe that I did not do this on purpose?” Boxer poured his tears out and cried, “I have no wish to take life, not even human life!” Snowball gruntly interrupted and

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