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Cixi Women In Ancient China

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People, humans all around the world have always had different descriptions said about them, especially because each of us have our own perception and we shape the world around us according to different elements such as experiences, education, geographical context, era, etc. If we can have something in common, that certainly is that everyone is different. That is why it is so fascinating to research about how one character can be described in such different ways. With that being said, I have to mention a particular woman called CIXI, sometimes Tzu Sih, in some cases China’s last empress or even Yehenara. Cixi, as most of the scholars call her, was one of the last rulers in China Imperial times and one of the most powerful in whole China. This …show more content…
Cixi, now a widower and without a son, rose again to be in power because the other heir of the empire was only 3 years old when his son died. Nonetheless, Cixi had the support of the army and the conservative politicians. One of Cixi’s main characteristic is that she tried to be as conserved as possible. Loosing family member two times, Cixi had the political support of the Enuchs, which are the imperial helpers, that do a different variety of tasks inside the forbidden city, like combing the empress hair as well as advising her on which decisions to take. Cixi was very fond of them, she needed them for almost every task. It is said that during her ruler period workers used to have a type of holiday for the New Year and that the employer had to provide them clothes for the winter; this information is from Sarah Pike Conger’s book “Letter from China” in which she grouped a set of letters she wrote to her family while she was living in China around the 1900s. Another point to raise is that on a personal level, the opinion that people had of her is that she is described as a person with a strong character, passion, drive, ambitious, amongst other favorable qualities (Conger, 1909).It is very important because this opinion portrayed before come from a women that lived in china at the same, the female lens in that description also gives us the opportunity to realize that she might have been just misunderstood and that even back then, her figure is very impressive “The empress dowager of china was a great women and China’s great men recognized and acknowledge this fact” (Conger,

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