...Britania Raya ( Wikipedia.com) Britania Raya adalah salah satu negara maju dengan ekonomi terbesar keenam di dunia menurut PDB nominal dan terbesar kedelapan di dunia menurut keseimbangan kemampuan berbelanja. Britania Raya juga merupakan negara industri pertama di dunia, dan menjadi penguasa dunia pada abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20. Hingga saat ini, negara ini tetap menjadi kekuatan besar yang berpengaruh dalam bidang ekonomi, budaya, militer, sains, dan politik. Britania Raya diakui sebagai negara yang memiliki senjata nuklir, dan pengeluaran militernya menempati urutan terbesar keempat di dunia. Britania Raya adalah anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB sejak tahun 1946 dan telah menjadi anggota Uni Eropa serta pendahulunya; Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa, sejak tahun 1973. Britania Raya juga merupakan anggota Negara-Negara Persemakmuran, Majelis Eropa, G7, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, dan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO). Britania Raya mempunyai ekonomi pasar yang diatur sebagian. Berdasarkan nilai tukar pasar, saat ini Britania Raya merupakan negara dengan ekonomi terbesar keenam di dunia dan terbesar ketiga di Eropa setelah Jerman dan Perancis - dikalahkan oleh Perancis untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 2008 setelah satu dekade. HM Treasury yang dikepalai oleh Menteri Keuangan Britania Raya, bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan ekonomi dan keuangan Pemerintah Britania Raya. Bank of England adalah bank sentral Britania yang bertanggung untuk mengeluarkan mata...
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...India is estimated to be Rs 10,000 crore (US$ 1.84 billion) and the industry is also gearing up to aggressively tap the medium and premium segment within the country over the next couple of years. While the growth rate has been stagnating during last 4 years, it picked up momentum during the 2008-09 mainly on account of exemption from Central Excise Duty on biscuits with MRP up to Rs.100/per kg, as per Union Budget for 2007-08.However growth further declined from 2009-10 to 2011-12 and the first half of 2012-13. Despite of being moderately attractive industry, there has been a significant growth in numbers of domestic and international biscuit companies in the industry. Current top biscuit manufacturers in the industry are Britania, Parle and ITC, with Britania is leading with 35% of total biscuit market. All these companies have range of biscuit varieties in their biscuit-portfolio. Glucose-biscuit market segment:- Broadly, biscuits can be categorized...
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...Introduction Decision making is a vital part of business. But without having the appropriate source of information it can’t be done properly. One can learn about various fields of business while taking decision. Four procedures of accurate information- gathering data, string data, creating useful information, and presenting them can also be learnt. Currently all the successful organizations use IT based data analysis. This type of data analysis has a lot of advantages. Kellogg India is an US based company focused mainly in cereal products. After the reconstruction of Indian market, it decided to expand its operation in this side of this world. It invested 35 million pound and implemented its western policy. Now after decade’s Ups and Downs, Kellogg is keen to control the lion’s share of Indian domestic market and wants to be the only player. While Kellogg still holds more than 60% share in India's Rs 700-crore organized breakfast cereal market and increased its overall sales 30% in FY12, it is now facing increased competition with multinational and home-grown players including PepsiCo, Marico, GlaxoSmithKline and Dr Oater entering the oats and muesli segments(New York Times 1998). That’s why now it’s going to take some vital decision that will reshape its market strategy. The author can examine a variety of data Sources. He can use any type of data and any type of method and also will use all the necessary tools to represent this work. However Author will clarify the whole...
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...Istoria Fdkabjkdv Sdhgabjkvb Sdbhkjbv Sn dvkblkm; bbsgsk Ns fjkbj Fsjadkb Jsdbkbkj Hhkkkk ana are mere si ana are mere [ascunde] Bun venit la Wikipedia! Dacă doriți să contribuiți vă recomandăm să vă înregistrați/autentificați. Articolele acestei săptămâni sunt Germani carpatini, Lycosa singoriensis, SYRIZA și Științe naturale. Oricine poate contribui la îmbunătățirea lor. Istoria Angliei De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă Salt la: Navigare, căutare Istoria Angliei | Anglia preistorică | (înainte de 43 î. Hr.) | Anglia romană | (43 - 410) | Anglia Anglo-Saxonă | (circa 410 - 1066) | Anglia Anglo-Normandă | (1066 - 1154) | Plantageneții | (1154 - 1485) | Dinastia Lancaster | (1399 - 1471) | Dinastia York | (1461 - 1485) | Dinastia Tudor | (1485 - 1603) | Dinastia Stuart | (1603 - 1714) | Marea Britanie | (după 1707) | Anglia este cea mai mare și populată dintre cele patru diviziuni administrative și istorice ale Regatului Unit. Această împărțire datează din secolul al V-lea. Teritoriul Angliei a fost continuu unit începând cu secolul al X-lea. Acest articol se referă la acest teritoriu. Oricum, înainte de secolul al X-lea și, respectiv, după întronarea regelui James al VI-lea al Scoției la tronul Angliei, în 1603, este destul de dificil de distins între istoria Scoției, cea a Țării Galilor și cea a Angliei, datorită unirii politice a acestor două țari cu ultima. Cuprins [ascunde] * 1 Anglia înainte de englezi * 2 Cucerirea anglo-saxonă...
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... The hip joint (Figure 6, Podiatry First,2018) (Figure 7, Selma Gokcen,n.d) Ellipsoid joint has an oval convex male surface fitting into an ellipsoid female surface. It allows movement across 2 axes. It allows to move from side to side and to from and back (Encyclopaedia Britania 2018). Wrist joint (Figure 8, Culta.info,2018) Saddle joint have reciprocally concavo-convex. It has similar movement as ellipsoid but with third axes that allow addition rotation (Human anatomy,2010). First carpometacarpal joint (Figure 10, Human anatomy,2010) In hinge joint articular surfaces are pulley shaped. The movement is from side to side and to the front (Human anatomy,2010). Elbow Knee (Figure 11, Orthopod,n.d) (Figure 12, Day-eye.com,n.d) Pivot joints are formed by a central bony pivot surrounded by an osteo-ligamentous ring. One a pivot rotates within a ring or in the other a ring moves around a pivot (Encyclopaedia Britania 2018). Superior and inferior radioulnar joint (Figure 13, Human anatomy,2010) Task 3 Mohamed changed his job which decreased the exercise as he used to work on building sites and now he works in office. It is possible he didn’t realise the change and kept the same diet, this could lead to possible weight gain. BMI (Body mass index) is to indicate if...
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...NEGARA MAJU INGGRIS PROFIL NEGARA INGGRIS 1. LETAK ASTRONOMIS inggris terletak pada 50°LU – 61°LU dan 11°BB – 15°BB 2. BATAS-BATAS NEGARA * Utara adalah Samudera Atlantik dan Laut Norwegia. * Timur adalah Laut utara. * Selatan adalah Selat Inggris. * Barat adalah Samudera Atlantik dan Rep. Irlandia. 3. KEADAAN PENDUDUK * Jumlah penduduknya sebesar 60.000.000 jiwa. dengan * Kepadatan penduduknya 240 jiwa/KM². * Sekitar 90% penduduk Inggris tinggal di perkotaan. Karena wilayahnya terletak di pos terdepan. Di mana mudah mencari * Penduduk asli di Inggris di sebut orang Inggris yang terdiri dari Bangsa Kalt (Skot, Irlandia, Welsh) dan Bangsa Jerman (Anglo, Saxon, Jute, Denmark, Norman). * Agama yang dianut Kristen (86,9 %), (8,8 %) Islam, Yahudi,Hindu. 4. PERTANIAN * Hasil-hasil pertanian yang penting di Inggris: * a) Kentang dan sayur mayor terdapat di Lancashire * b) Gandum,barley,dan bitgula terdapat di Pegunungan Anglia Timur, Kent,Worcester, dan Devon. * Dlll.,.,., 5. PERTAMBANGAN * Hasil tambangnya antara lain Batubara, tembaga, timah hitam, seng, mangan, biji besi, * dll. 6. PERINDUSTRIAN * Persebarannya: a) Industri berat berpusat di Birmingham. b) Industri lokomotif (Glasgow) c) Galangan (Peasly, Greenock, New Caste, London) d) Industri mobil dan pesawat terbang (London, Birmingham, Oxford) e) Industri kimia (London) f) Industri ban (Birmingham) g) Industri...
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...1862 * EMPEROR NAPOLEON III of 2nd French Empire invaded Mexico and installed ARCHDUKE MAXIMILIAN as puppet emperor of Mexico City on June12, 1864. With President Lincoln support Suarez defeated French forces in the BATTLE OF QUERETARO (May 15, 1867). * 2. Later part of the 19th century Italians under COUNT CAVOUR OF GARIBALDI and his ARMY OF RED SHIRTS drove out Austrians and French Armies and proclaimed KINGDOM OF ITALY under KING VICTOR EMMANUEL with ROME as the Capital City. * The PRUSSIANS under OTTO VON BISMARK, the IRON CHANCELLOR defeated France and established the GERMAN EMPIRE in January 18, 1875 with KING WILHELM OF PRUSSIA as FIRST KAISER. * The glorious reign of QUEEN VICTORIA (1837-1901) proudly asserted. BRITANIA RULES THE WAVES. Acquired the island of HONGKONG when she defeated the Chinese MANCHU DYNASTY in OPIUM WAR (1840-1842). * England won again the OPIUM WAR (1856 – 1860) that force the MANCHU DYNASTY to cede KOWLOON PENINSULA opposite HONGKONG.ENGLAND conquer India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1859. She also conquered Burma, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Aden, Malaya, Singapore, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand.In 1858-1863 France conquered Vietnam and annexed Cambodia in 1863 and Laos in 1893- FRENCH INDOCHINA * The DUTCH – drove Portuguese and Spain from Indonesia occupied and named it Netherlands East Indies. * 4. CZARIST RUSSIA conquered Siberia, Kamchatka, Kuriles, and Alaska. From 1865-1884 she conquered the Muslim KHANATES, KHLUA and...
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...Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (lahir di Porbandar, Gujarat, India Britania, 2 Oktober 1869) juga dipanggil Mahatma Gandhi (bahasa Sanskerta: "jiwa agung") adalah seorang pemimpin spiritual dan politikus dari India. Gandhi adalah salah seorang yang paling penting yang terlibat dalam Gerakan Kemerdekaan India. Dia adalah aktivis yang tidak menggunakan kekerasan, yang mengusung gerakan kemerdekaan melalui aksi demonstrasi damai. Pada 1891, saat usia Gandhi 22, ia pergi ke London untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Ia mengambil Jurusan Hukum di Universitas College, London. Setelah lulus dari sekolahnya, Gandhi mendirikan sebuah lembaga bantuan hukum di India. Gandhi kemudian bekerja sebagai penasihat hukum di sebuah perusahaan India yang berada di Afrika. Selama berada di Afrika, Gandhi mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak baik. Ia dibedakan berdasarkan ras. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Gandhi lantas memanfaatkan ilmu hukum yang dimilikinya untuk terjun di dunia politik. Isu utama yang saat itu ada di pikirannya adalah bagaimana cara menghapuskan hukum-hukum atau perlakuan yang membeda-bedakan manusia tersebut. Untuk mendukung upayanya tersebut, Gandhi mendirikan sebuah gerakan yang anti terhadap segala tindak kekerasan. Di Afrika, ketika Perang Boer berlangsung, Gandhi berpihak sebagai tim “penyelamat”. Ia mendirikan tenda khusus bagi perawatan kesehatan. Setelah Perang Boer usai dan usahanya menghapuskan perpajakan...
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...BSE MIDCAP Companies Itemize | Composition Of BSE MIDCAP Following are companies traded on Bomambay Stock Exchange’s MIDCAP indices (All the companies are traded along with liberated move fitting bourgeois for Midcap index) : Code | NAME | factor 532628 3i INFOTECH LTD 0.50 532273 CENTURION BN 0.60 523395 3M INDIA LTD 0.20 500280 CENTURY ENKA 0.45 523204 ABAN LOYD 0.40 500040 CENTURY TEXT 0.60 500488 ABBOTT (I) 0.40 500084 CESC LTD. 0.60 521064 ABHISHEK IND 0.35 500085 CHAMBAL FERT 0.55 512599 ADANI EXPORT 0.45 517326 CMC LTD. 0.50 530707 AFTEK INFOS. 0.90 500830 COLGATE PALM 0.50 506235 ALEMBIC LTD. 0.40 506395 COROMA.FERT. 0.30 505885 ALFA LAVAL 0.40 512093 CRANES SOFTW 0.70 521070 ALOK INDS. 0.75 500092 CRISIL LTD. 0.45 522275 ALSTOM LTD. 0.35 500093 CROMPT.GREAV 0.50 532309 ALSTOM POWER 0.35 500480 CUMMINS (I) 0.50 532201 AMBUJA CEMENT E 0.05 532545 DABUR PHARMA 0.25 520077 AMTEK AUTO 0.65 532528 DATAMATICS TECH 0.35 508869 APOLLO HOSP. 0.55 523367 DCM SHR.CON 0.50 500877 APOLLO TYRES 0.50 532608 DECCAN CHRONICL 0.25 500101 ARVIND MILLS 0.65 500645 DEEPAK FERT. 0.60 515030 ASAHI INDIA GLA 0.45 532121 DENA BANK 0.50 500023 ASIAN HOTELS 0.40 500119 DHAMPUR SUGA 0.55 532493 ASTRAMICR 0.40 532526 DISHMAN PHARMA 0.30 506820 ASTRAZEN.PH. 0.10 532488 DIVI’S LAB. 0.50 526991 ATLAS COPCO 0.20 523618 DREDGING COR 0.25 524804 AUROB.PHARMA 0.50 509516 DSP MERRILL 0.05 505010 AUTO AXLES 0.30 500125 E.I.D.PAR 0.65 ...
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...ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE, This can be defined as the behaviour of humans in a particular organisation or locality and the meaning they attach to such varied behaviours. According to Ravesi and Schultz (2006) he defines culture as “a mental assumption that guides the actions of individuals and the organisation as a whole and therefore define appropriate behaviours for their actions”. There are basically four types of organisational cultures; Power culture, this is a type of culture whereby power is centralised that is decision making is dependent on a person or a central body. This mode of culture is characterised by less formalisation, the members are all connected to the central body through their various functions. Role culture, Harrison and Stokes (1992, P15) defines role culture as an interchangeable (substitution) of systems structures and procedures for the naked power leader. Role culture by Charles Handy is seen as a system where power is derived from a position and not necessarily by expertise, it has strict rules and can easily be predictable. It is mostly described as the Roman building and the pillars represent the various departments of the organisation. Each department is under control of strict rules and well defined authorities. People culture, the person’s culture is the model where all the individuals of the organisation decide the actual turn the business is supposed to take.it normally rejects formalisation and love things done at their own discretion .this...
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...Parle History Parle is an Indian Private Limited company set up in 1929 by Chauhan brothers, Ramesh Chauhan and Prakash Chauhan in the suburbs of Mumbai city. The Chauhan brothers started their company with the manufacturing of sweets and toffees. Their main motive was to spread joy and cheer to children and adults alike, all over the country with its sweets and candies. In 1939, they decided to manufacture biscuits, in addition to sweets and toffees. Parle Glucose and Parle Monaco were the first brands of biscuits to be introduced, which later went on to become leading names for great taste and quality. It was in the year 1984 both brothers decided to separate and Prakash Chauhan got his own company named with Parle Agro. Now the company has 40% of market share in biscuits market and 15% share in confectionaries. Mission and Vision: Since the establishment, the cmpany has been focusing carefully in its vision and mission and its core values. Company’s Vision: “To be the leaders in our business. We will stand apart from the competition by being the first in the market to innovate.” Company’s Mission: “We will be the leaders in our business by - maintaining high quality, introducing new and innovative products, reaching every part of India, remaining customer-centric, constantly upgrading our knowledge and skills.” Value system o Its core value has always been providing value for the money. o The value-for-money positioning allows people from all...
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...Kata Pengantar Puji syukur kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan segala rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga Makalah ini berhasil diselesaikan , yang berjudul “PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL”. Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah pengantar ekonomi makro. Bahan makalah ini disusun berdasarkan data-data sekunder yang penulis himpun dari berbagaio sumber yang penulis rangkum kembali menjadi beberapa kajian penting berkaitan dengan materi pembahasan. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak terkait yang telah memberikan kontribusi dalam proses penyelesaian makalah ini, tak lupa penyusun ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen mata kuliah yang bersangkutan atas bimbingan dan arahan dalam pembuatan makalah ini. Kami berharap makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pihak-pihak yang memerlukan maupun untuk meningkatkan taraf pengetahuan. Kami menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh karna itu kami mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun untuk lebih menyempurnakan makalah ini. Akhir kata kami ucapkan semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat. Penyusun Latar Belakang Masalah Dalam konteks perekonomian suatu negara, salah satu wacana yang menonjol adalah mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi. Meskipun ada juga wacana lain mengenai pengangguran, inflasi atau kenaikan harga barang-barang secara bersamaan, kemiskinan, pemerataan pendapatan dan lain sebagainya. Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi penting dalam konteks...
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...“COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN BRITANIA & PARLE - G BISCUIT” INTRODUCTION [pic] Biscuit is a kind of crisp, dry bread product that, if leavened, is usually made with a chemical leavener. The exact meaning varies markedly in different parts of the world. The origin of the word "biscuit" is from Latin via Middle French and means "cooked twice," hence biscotti in Medieval Italian (similar to the German Zwieback, and still present in Dutch "beschuit"). In modern Italian usage the term biscotti is used to refer to any type of cookie or cracker. Some of the original biscuits were British naval hard tack; such hard tack was made in the United States through the 19th century. Throughout most of the world, the term biscuit still means a hard, crisp, brittle bread, except in the USA and Canada, where it now denotes a softer bread product baked only once. Biscuits derive its name from a French word meaning twice backed bread; Biscuits in general have a good shelf life, which is higher than all other snack items available in the market. A biscuit is a hard baked sweet or savory product like a small, flat cake, which in North America may be called a "cookie" or "cracker". The term biscuit also applies to sandwich-type biscuits, where a layer of 'cream' or icing is sandwiched between two biscuits. In the UK, "cookie" is usually only used in specific terms such as "chocolate chip cookie" or to refer to larger, softer...
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...A REPORT ON EXPANDING THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IN RURAL AND UNTAPPED MARKET OF DELHI IN DABUR INDIA LIMITED By KunalKapoor 11BSPHH010422 IBS, Hyderabad Summer Internship Report Page 1 A PROJECT REPORT ON EXPANDING THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IN RURAL AND UNTAPPED MARKET OF DELHI By KunalKapoor (11BSPHH010422) A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA program of IBS, Hyderabad Submitted To: Mr. TanmayThaker Regional Sales Manager DABUR INDIA (Company Guide) & Mr. Raja shekhar Reddy IBS, HYDERABAD (Faculty Guide) In DABUR INDIA Summer Internship Report Page 2 INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE Summer Internship Report Page 3 AUTHORIZATION The project report titled as “expanding the distribution network in rural and untapped market of Delhi” has been authorized by DABUR INDIA LTD as a part of the evaluation for Summer Internship Program. The project has been submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program of IBS, Hyderabad. Submitted By: KunalKapoor (11BSPHH010422) Submitted To: Mr. TanmayThaker Regional Sales Manager DABUR INDIA Mr. Raja Shekhar Reddy Faculty Guide IBS, Hyderabad Summer Internship Report Page 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Summer Internship Program(SIP) aims to provide every student with an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to the real business scenarios. The wealth of knowledge and experiences shared by all involved in completion of successful...
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...Daimler dan Karl Benz), Ford (Henry Ford), nama Toyoda tidaklah dipakai sebagai merek. Karena berangkat dari pemikiran sederhana dan visi waktu itu, penyebutan Toyoda kurang enak didengar dan tidak akrab dikenal sehingga diplesetkan menjadi Toyota. Sakichi Toyoda lahir pada bulan Februari 1867 di Shizuoka, Jepang. Pria ini dikenal sebagai penemu sejak berusia belasan tahun. Toyoda mengabdikan hidupnya mempelajari dan mengembangkan perakitan tekstil. Dalam usia 30 tahun Toyoda menyelesaikan mesin tenun. Ini kemudian mengantarnya mendirikan cikal bakal perakitan Toyota, yakni Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. pada November 1926. Di sini hak paten mesin tekstil otomatisnya kemudian dijual kepada Platt Brothers & Co, Ltd. dari Inggris, Britania Raya. Hasil penjualan paten ini, dijadikan modal pengembangan divisi otomotif. Mulai tahun 1933, ketika Toyoda membangun divisi otomotif, tim yang kemudian banyak dikendalikan oleh anaknya Kiichiro Toyoda, tiada henti...
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