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Submitted By Kalli
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Indian Hindus will not be converted to Buddhism: Dalai Lama

This article is regarding the Dalai Lama and his supposed act of encouragement to convert Hindus in Buddhist. These allegations were proven to be false after the Dalai Lama himself denied them. I think it is a very important factor that when choosing a religion or faith that no persons opinion but your own should decided what you decision may be. There are many violent attacks over this matter, which I can understand because it is very disrespectful to any practice. There is nothing wrong with spreading the word or practicing your own religion but once you start forcing opinion or beliefs on others it becomes unfair.

God Save The Teens Wow, this was an extremely interesting article. As I read it I mentally made a pro’s and con’s list and I came out with mixed reviews. This article is about a large and growing group of teens from places from New York, south Bronx to Long Island. They have found a new way to practice religion, they do it in the from of rap contests freestyle frenzies and “hip” sermons. This can be a very positive and productive situation considering that it is actually attracting many teens. Yet with terms used like and slogans like “I WOULD DIE TONIGHT FOR MY BELIEFS” and starting sermon off with “yo, God Bless, brother” I find it kind of disrespectful and offensive. Another popular belief among the groups is the way you come looking and dressed to a gathering. Dirty hair and ratty clothes aren’t frowned upon “you don’t have to comb your hair and put on a suit, God will accept you for that.” That may be the case but have they ever heard of respect.

John Paul’s Health Raises Fresh Concern: Vatican Law Doesn’t

This article discusses important and touchy issues, there is obviously a problem with John Paul’s duties as the pope and it is raising some concern. As the pope is getting older he is developing health problems such as Parkinson’s diease. His health problems are affecting his decisions and behaviour, such as when shortly after thanking the head of the Armenian Orthodox Church he suddenly slumped down in a chair and an aide read the rest of the text. Unfortunately there are no documented rules that say if popes mentally of physically can’t do his job can have it taken away. No one really wants to bring it up because they are afraid that if a person or persons decide on the pope’s capabilities it might erode his supreme authority. The pope has issues laws that should be followed after his death but there is nothing on anything before that. Hopefully this problem won’t become more serious, but am sure after the pope passes laws will be made.

Uzbek Muslims jailed for praying need for an alliance may deflate U.S pressure on human rights

In Uzbekistan a problem that has been going on for a while is getting worst. Muslims are tortured, killed and jailed for periods from 15 to 20 years all for only attending mosques or even admitting to praying. The U.S has been concerned about this problem in the past but ever since they have been station in Uzbekistan the muslins who have been protected by them for many years fear that America will tone down it criticism.
The Uzbekistan government has been persecuting these Muslims or “religion extremist” believing they were responsible for the bombing of the nations capital, Tashkent, which killed 19 people. I don’t know why they torture this particular group of people but they believe they are being just so it all comes down to whichever point of view you want to look at it from. Belfast violence blow to peace drive

The feuds between the Protestants and the Catholics have been causes problems in Northern Ireland for quite some time. The republicans and the loyalist groups continue to pose a threat as a street riot broke out on October 28, 2001 injuring 23 police officers. More than 3600 people have died in the 30 some odd years the attempts to end British rule in Northern Ireland. Religions should not be causes so much harm especially two that are so similar. These acts of violence show that a lasting peace isn't in the near future.

Masked men kill 16 in Pakistan church

Death because of religion is on the rise, which is sickening; killing others doesn’t solve or answer anything. I don’t understand how these out of control religious groups can justify their violence in the name of their God. These Muslims who have targeted a Christian church are cowards for killing without mercy or purpose all because those people did not follow their faith. Ever since the attack on September 11 many religious riots and acts of violence have broke out and this problem of hate does not seem to be getting any better. These people have to be dealt with and so far acting back with violence has been the answer.
Harris finally listens to Muslims

Ever since the September 11 attacks Muslims in North America have been targets for hate crimes, putting them in a very uncomfortable situation. Still it has been over a month since the attacks on the Pentagon and World trade buildings and Mike Harris has just publicly letting all Muslims that the government and people do not see them as the enemy. This is Harris's first attempt to help out the Muslims and he is doing so by incorporating a mandatory world religions class in elementary and secondary schools to stop the ignorance of future citizens. I think this is a great Idea considering all the hate going on, people should be more informed. There are a lot of angry and hurt people out there who are looking for someone to hate.

Hindu outcast take leap of faith in Buddhism

“The Untouchables” of the Hindu caste system are fighting back after being repressed and outcasted for so long, they have found a way out. Large masses of them are converting to Buddhism (and are also welcome to Christianity). “The Untouchables” believe they should have a chance at life and a new start therefore they are doing it by converting, this could be a very positive situation. They are not all in the clear though, Brahmins of the Hindu religion disapprove of the whole situation and find it disrespectful. It doesn’t make sense if they have kicked these people out of there caste system why are they concerned as to what they choose to do?

Church persists with sexual apartheid, say women priests

Sexism in the Catholic Church is a topic that often comes up in our ever so quickly evolving society. With more feminist groups come more complaints against the churches old fashion ways. Women who want to become priest and have equal rights are complaining that they are being criticized and during the fights to become equal are being referred to as witches or tainted. John Broadhurst, the Bishop of Fulham has even been quoted “ Proper women would not think of becoming priests.” The women’s groups do have a legit argument it being “We live in a country which supports human rights but has a state church which discriminates against women.” These rules all may seem unfair but I think some of the churches traditions should stay the same, you don’t need a title to show you are fully devoted to God.

Rwandan visions of Virgin Mary

The Vatican has taken several sightings of the Virgin Mary seriously. “There are more good reasons to believe it then to deny it.” I think this is very true, why do we have to have the answers or to explain miracles, by doing that it takes the mystery and faith out of religion. Premonitions are a large part of the catholic religion; throughout the bible there are many incidences of apparitions coming to humans with messages. I believe the people who are afraid to believe must find scientific answers. It is okay for a catholic to not believe in the sightings because they are not an articles of faith.

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...paths to salvation. They strive to achieve moksha or liberation from the limitation of space, time and matter through te realization of the immortal absolute. | SamsaraReincarnation | Sculptures imagiesHome shrinesMeditationyoga | DiwaliHoliDurga PujaRakshaShiv RatriGuru Purnima | Week 3Buddhism | Beginning of this world and of life is inconceivable since they have neither beginning or end | Don’t believe in the concept of a person God. Enlightened being, who vows to save all sentient beings from their suffering | 5 Aggregates(khandas)Physical forms (rupa)Feelings or sensations(vedana)Ideations(sanna)Mental formations or dispositions(sankhara)Consciousness(vinnana) | Good and evil are innate, inseparable aspects of life good an devil in Buddism are seen not as absolute but relative or relational. The good or evil of an act is understood in terms of its actual impact on our own lives and the lives of others, not in abstract rules of conduct. | For Buddist salvation is reaching Nirvana. Nirvana is a transcendatal spiritual state of nothingness, you become a Budha. | After death on eis either reborn into another body or enters nirvana, which is only achieved by people that reach enlightenment | MeditationMantrasMudrasPrayer wheels | Buddha’s birthday know as Vesak or Visakah | Week 4Daoism andConfucianism | | | | | | | | | Week 5Shinto | | | | | | | | | Week 6Judaism | | | | | | | | | Week...

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Art Museum Assignment

...the Buddha.  There is a very ornate flaming mandorla  behind  him with  a flaming halo  starting from his  shoulders. The  Buddha's  hand gesture  (mudra) symbolizes  the dispelling of fear  and the granting of wishes  in the sculpture of standing  Buddha’s sculpture from Korea. ‘Standing  Buddha-Korea  Unified Sill period, 8th  century] Gilt bronze’ is made  for private  devotion in the  Unified Silla kingdom  and exemplifies a high  point in the production of  Buddhist sculpture in Korea. Thus, I had a great oppourtunity to explore Buddha’s story through the eye of different community and nation in different phases of time. The teachings and learnings behind buddism is different from any other religion. From studying the different postures of Buddha, it taught me about keeping soul, mind and body in the state of calm and co-operation among one another. Work Cited Page Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, “Buddha Triumphing over Mara.” Cuseum, “The Buddha Triumphing over Mara.” Asian Art Museum | The Buddha Triumphing over Mara, “Posts about 12th Century on Himalayan Buddhist Art - Art Bouddhiste De L'Himalaya.”Himalayan Buddhist Art – Art Bouddhiste De L'Himalaya, “Asian Art Museum Quiz 1.” Quizlet...

Words: 726 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Comparative Ethics

...MGT3020 – Business Ethics GROUP ASSIGNMENT COMPARATIVE ETHICS [B-H-J-I] MGT3020-Section 1 Matric No. 0935401 First name: Ziat Abdel-Jallal Gender: Male Matric No. 0920015 First name: Mohamed Sheikh Ali Musse Gender: Male Matric No. 0913681 First name: Mohamed Abdi Muse Gender: Male Due date: 9-12-2011 Submission date: 8-12-2011 Output: Hardcopy Softcopy Responsibility: Group E-mail of sender: Submission: Softcopy e-mail attachment; and hardcopy Destination e-mail: Introduction An executive tends to interact with people from different religions and races. He/she is bound to encounter conflict with colleagues, subordinates, and superiors due to different values, and perhaps, varying meaning for the same values. One of the ways to prepare oneself for possible encounters is to be aware of some of the values held by people from other religions. * Islam: The religion revealed to Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) through the Quran, Holy Book of Islam. Muslims are obliged to pray Allah (SWT) five times a day according to a very rigorous schedule, at dawn, around noon, in the afternoon, at dusk and at night. These prayers can only be merged in specific cases, such as visiting a foreign country or during a journey exceeding 80 kilometers. Talking about the workplace, an issue could arise regarding the fact that Muslims have to pray and according to what we stated above, there are two compulsory prayers during the...

Words: 3017 - Pages: 13