...I love Buddhism The Four Noble Truths In his very first sermon at Sarnath, the Buddha set forth the Four Noble Truths, the foundation for all his later teachings: 1 Life inevitably involves suffering, dissatisfaction, and distress. 2 Suffering is caused by craving, rooted in ignorance. 3 Suffering will cease when craving ceases. 4 There is a way to realize this state: the Noble Eightfold Path. The Buddha was neither pessimistic nor optimistic about our human condition, but realistic. Sri Lankan monk and scholar Walpola Rahula spoke of the Buddha as “the wise and scientific doctor for the ills of the world.”7 In the Four Noble Truths, the Buddha diagnosed the human condition and proposed a cure, one step at a time. The Buddha’s First Noble Truth is the existence of dukkha: suffering and dissatisfaction. At some time or another, we all experience grief, unfulfilled desires, sickness, old age, physical pain, mental anguish, and eventually death. We may be happy for a while, but this happiness does not last. Even our personal identity is impermanent. What we regard as a “self” is an ever-changing bundle of fleeting feelings, sense impressions, ideas, and evanescent physical matter. One moment of identity leads to the next like one candle being lit from another, but no two moments are the same. The Second Noble Truth is that the origin of dukkha is craving and clinging—to sensory pleasures, to fame and fortune, for things to stay as they are or for them to be...
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...Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: How did Buddhism change over the century in India? Introduction Even though there are numerous traditional religions in the Middle East and specifically in India, Buddhism has stood out as the most popular of all. This religion is recorded as having a history of approximately two thousand five hundred years. There are numerous attributes associated with this religion. One of these attributed, as stated by Duiker and Spielvogel, is that it is flexible and adapts freely to numerous local perceptions, practices and beliefs while at the same time upholding the core teachings of Buddha (p. 556). Buddhism is believed to have grown from a very humble beginning to become one of the internationally recognized religions. This religion enjoys a huge geographical coverage which is largely attributed to its tolerant spirit, incorporation of a myriad of beliefs, practices and traditions. The popularity of Buddhism has been growing significantly ever since it was established. Currently the religion is believed o have a global following totaling to over 400 million people. This implies that Buddhism is no longer a preserve of beliefs and practices for some local people in Asia. It has turned out to be a means of fulfillment to the concerns and spiritual needs of the people as well as a way of attaining trans-local objectives. Most of the studies carried out on the subject of Buddhism have revealed that this religion has undergone numerous transformations...
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...Confucianism Confucianism, as mentioned before, originated in Eastern Asia during the 6th century BCE. However, it did not begin with Confucius as most would think. It began as ancient Chinese beliefs that Confucius developed into thoughts about interaction between rulers and the heavens and how this would ultimately transform governments and then the world. Confucianism, as he taught it, was a philosophy as a way of life. Confucianism is considered pantheistic which means it equates God with the forces and laws of the universe. Confucius never outright discredited the gods he just didn’t believe in spiritual phenomenon. Ancestors were also worshipped as Confucians that greatly valued their elderly. Confucius did not deny the afterlife as it related to reincarnation out of respect to ancestors. He insisted that a good man practices good not for rewards after life but, for the sake of a good life overall. Scriptures of Confucianism are found in Analects of Confucius and Mencius; I ching; and the Doctrine of Mean as well as other literature. Confucianism is an oriental religion and most believers follow Buddhism as well. Buddhism Buddhism originated in India around 5th century BCE where a man named Siddhartha Gautama known as “the Buddha” taught that life was suffering and that as a human it was ones goal to have perfect understanding and wisdom. This is its main principle. Buddhism is not a philosophy as Confucianism tends to be. It is practical teachings of the Buddha and...
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...Taoism. Hinduism is a religion meaning part of three main parts which include Vishnaism, Saivism and the Saktism. People must therefore follow the gods from one of the above three. Budhism on the other hand comes from the word buddhi which can be defined as the process of waking up. Budhism is therefore the awakening philosophy. These origins of this philosophy are derived from Budha who awakened at the age of thirty five. Taoism on the other hand is an ethical or religious tradition from the Chinese faith. Tao means something that is the source of and force behind all that exists. In comparison, Hinduism is about understanding Brahm, from within the Atman which roughly means from within the soul, whereas Budhism is all about finding Anatman which is not soul. Hinduism is about finding the highest life by removing bodily distractions from life. Taoism on the other hand means the way, which is a Chinese quotation meaning Tao is found in the world through nature and can be experienced through a mystical experience. Buddhism is carried out in Monasteries, nunneries and temples while Hinduism is carried out in a temple. In comparison, both Buddhism and Hinduism and Taoism embrace the use of statues and pictures.in addition to that both also follow the Dharma which is the common religious law. In Budhism, the clergy consists of monks and nuns who follow teachings of the Budha under the name Sangha whereas in Hinduism there is no official clergy. In contrast the Buddhists believe in...
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...the right object will be the new reincarnated Lama. In trying to distract Chane from getting the object, Bobby comes in the middle and picks up the stick that was laying in the rug and starts dancing with the stick. Bobby infact picks up the right object that belonged to Sanglug who is the ex-lama. Seeing that monks believes that booby is the reincarnated lama and they boa down to him. Hank does not like that and he disapproves Bobby of being Lama because he is Christian. Also Bobby must pass the second test to show if he really the lama. One of the monks stays behind to see if the Bobby is really the lama. While staying, the monk does belive that bobby reincarnated spirit of Sanglug. He offers the Buddhist book to Bobby to teach him the budhism. Bobby learns about Lama and he starts Meditating. Hank dislikes what he sees due to he only believes in Christianity and he wants Bobby to be Christian but Bobby still claims that he loves Jesus. As the Second test approaches, Bobby finds out that he whould have to take the vow of celibacy. Bobby dosnt like that because he loves Connie and he wants to marry her one day and he is ready to fail the test...
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...The Rise and Spread of Islam •The Post Classical Period: Faith and Commerce - Spread of major world religions o Budhism o Christianity o Islam 1. Spread through preaching, trade routes - Development of Systematic o Boat trade 2. Indian Trade spread disease, religion, ideas - Three Big Ideas o Trans-regional communication and exchange networks o Forms of state organize. Diversify o All societies increased productive capacity • Pre-Islamic Arabia - Bedoin culture based on Kin/clan/tribal networks o Survival dependent on loyalty to clan o Magnified by harsh environment - Shayks- clan/tribal leaders o Conflict was frequent o Society was fragmented - Fierce inter clan rivalries and struggles for resources o Emphasis on revenge, “male honor” - Towns and long distance trade----Mecca and Medina o Medina (Yathrib) (established on oasis) o Mecca more important – Umayyad (ruling clan) – Quraysh; (Ka’ba) - Status of women varied by clan o More respect vs. less respect - Little art/architechture (no big civs) o Focus on poetry 1. Gives glimpse into daily life - Bedovin religions- blend of animism and polytheism o Animism- nature worship - The life of Myhammad and Genesis of Islam o Born around 570 CE – Merchant, married Khadijah ...
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...Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110 602. SUPPORT MATERIAL YEAR 2012-13 SUPPORT MATERIAL CLASS X – Social Science Chief Patron Shri Avinash Dikshit Commissioner KVS, New Delhi Patron Shri J.M Rawat Deputy Commissioner KVS, Jaipur Region Guidance Sh.K.R Choyal Assistant Commissioner KVS, Jaipur Region Sh. Dr. R.K Agarwal Assistant Commissioner KVS, Jaipur Region Convener Ms. Urmil Meena Principal, K.V. No. 1, Alwar Prepared By Mrs. P. Dixit Principal K. V. No. 4, Jaipur Mr. Anil Kumar Daila TGT (S.ST.) K. V. No. 1, Alwar Mrs. Veena Michael TGT (S.St.) K. V. No. 5, Jaipur Mr. D.C. Garg TGT (S.St.) K. V. Zawar Mines Mr. Manoj Singh TGT (S.St.) K. V. No. 1, Alwar Mrs. Sunila Thapar TGT (S.St.) K. V. Phulera Reviewed by Shri U.R Meghwal Convener Principal K.V Bhilwara Shri M.M. Sharma PGT (History) K.V Nasirabad Shri...
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...The Subtle Subversion The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan Urdu, English, Social Studies and Civics (DRAFT COPY) compiled by A. H. Nayyar and Ahmed Salim Sustainable Development Policy Institute Report of the project “A Civil Society Initiative in Curricula and Textbooks Reform” A project of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute #3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave I, Islamabad Mailing Address: PO Box 2342, Islamabad, Pakistan Telephone: ++(92-51) 2278134, 2278136, 2270674-6 Fax:++(92-51) 2278135 URL: www.sdpi.org e-mail: main@sdpi.org SDPI is an independent, non-profit research institute on sustainable development Partial support from Eqbal Ahmed Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 2 Contents Summary Recommendations Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Insensitivity to the Religious Diversity of the Nation Appendix 1-1: Listing of Material in Curriculum Documents Appendix 1-2: Listing of Material in Textbooks Historical Falsehoods and Inaccuracies Glorification of War and the Military Omissions That Could Have Been Enriching Pedagogical Problems in Primary Education: A Critique of the Curriculum Gender Biases Human Rights Teaching of Urdu, Class 6 to 10 Teaching Social Studies, Class 6 to 10 Peace Studies: a proposed program of studies in schools Curriculum Documents Covered Thoughts on Curriculum Objectives List of participants in the project i iii 1 9 27 53 65 77 89 95 101 111 123 127 131 135 137 139 Chapter 3 Chapter...
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