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Buffalo Bill Research Paper

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Buffalo Bill was born in Iowa in 1846, along with his two brothers and five sisters. Samuel Cody and Charles Cody were his brothers. His sisters were Julia Cody, Martha Cody, Eliza Alice Cody Myers, Mary Hannah Cody Decker, and Helen Cody Wetmore. Buffalo Bill’s dad was Isaac Cody and his mom was Mary Ann Bonsell Laycock. Buffalo Bill had a tough childhood and became a star as he became an adult.
Buffalo Bill moved to Kansas when he was young with his sisters and brothers. His dad was anti-slavery and their family quickly became endangered after his dad gave an anti-slavery speech and was stabbed. Soon there were men trying to get into their house every day wanting to kill his father and him as well. Since his dad was injured and could not work, Buffalo Bill had to be the money maker. When he was just eleven years old he joined the Pony Express and delivered the mail by horse. He encountered many Indian tribes and one time he had to abandon his horse and slap it on the butt and hide.
After a while his dad never recovered and died of a kidney disease. So now he was …show more content…
Some skill acts were sharp shooting (with a pistol and rifle), wing shooting (with a shotgun), roping, and trick riding to showcase star performers. These skills showcased how they survived the frontier west. Wild West shows also had a circus band that was called the “Cowboy Band” and they set the stage with appropriate music for the scenes. The role of Indian people was both essential and important in the Wild West Shows. In the big shows they generally were treated and paid the same as other performers. The Indians that were in the show traveled with their families and earned a living off the shows. Buffalo Bill encouraged them to keep their culture and rituals. Soon Buffalo Bill was too old and couldn’t get on his saddle by himself and he knew it was time to

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