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Bully Report Bshs 325


Submitted By BOONE3204
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Bully Report
N’Keya Boone
Human Systems and Development BSHS/325
August 11, 2014
Erick Lear

Bully Report Bullying is a situation where one person abuses power over another. Bullying is about power, control and abuse. Bully’s come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Bullying occurs throughout a human’s life span. The most-critical development stage of one’s personality is adolescence. Bullying during adolescence has been a major issue in every community. Bullying can happen in three known forms; direct, indirect, and cyber. Both gender and sexual orientation are associated with all forms of bullying. Bullying affects self-esteem and family cohesion. Bullying affects a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. During adolescence, people go through a developmental process that is very fragile and easily manipulated. Bullying steals a person’s identity. If bullying is present during adolescences developmental process, it can cause physical, mental and emotional damage. Bullying may cause anxiety, depression, anger, and even suicide. As an result will be timid, withdrawn, and low self-esteem. Corresponding to males developing different during adolescence, both genders inflict bullying differently. Females are found to participate in direct bullying. Direct bullying is associated with physical contact. Males, for example, will choose a weak victim and inflicting pain, making the bully appear strong and dominant. Females are known for indirect bullying. Indirect bullying refers to making someone feel left out. This type of bullying is common among groups and or friends. Indirect bullying is when someone makes another feels unwanted, isolated, and lonely. For example, three friends make plans to leave another friend out of Saturday night events, making him or her feel unaccepted. There has been a new bully that has claimed childhoods and lives; cyber

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