...Regional Burn Association Designed for the years 2015-2020 For Mr. Paul Shwartzman Submitted on the Date of December 4, 2014 Introduction History of the Finger Lakes Regional Burn Association (FLRBA) Founded in the late 1980’s and formerly incorporated as a 501c3 in 1989, the Finger Lakes Regional Burn Association (FLRBA) is a non-profit organization committed to primarily serving residents of the Finger Lakes regional and occasionally beyond regardless of social or economic status. The idea for the burn association was first proposed by the Monroe County Fireman's Association. The staff at the Strong Memorial Hospital Burn Unit was receptive to the idea and organizational needs were established. The Rochester Fire Department was then brought into the organization. Since then, the association has grown to include other elements of the fire services as well as members of the emergency medical services, and interested professionals from throughout the community. The organization works to insure that anyone impacted by a burn related injury receives the necessary resources on their road to recovery while raising fire and burn prevention awareness. The initial goals established in 1988 still stand today. They are to present burn and fire prevention information to the community, to provide support to burn survivors, to support local burn care research, and to support the regional burn center at Strong Memorial Hospital (Rochester, NY) with equipment to enhance burn care, and...
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...more relevant than ever to stress the type of eye injuries that can happen while practicing a sport and the best way to protect ourselves.Whether it’s basketball , football, baseball or any type of sports humans in general , are more exposed than ever to eye injuries . Along the same side, according to the book sport vision care for the enhancement of sports performance “ sports - related ocular injuries account for 33000 to 100000 of the estimated 2.4 million eye injuries that occur in the US annually”...
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...5/3/2014 Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations - Research Papers - Kksharma Login Join The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Search over 100,000 Essays Home Page » Computers and Technology Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations In: Computers and Technology Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations K K Sharma Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, Email: krishan_ksharma@yahoo.com Abstract: “Electrical Safety is not an option — it is absolutely necessary for workers and employers alike”. Please login to view the full essay... Safety in the workplace is job number one for employer and employee alike. It is especially important for those who install and service electrical systems. Nothing can replace a worker or loved one that has died or suffered the irreparable consequences of an electrical accident. No matter how much an employer tries to safeguard its workers or how much safety training is provided; the ultimate responsibility lies with the worker. The human factor is part of every accident or injury. The purpose of this paper is to identify electrical safety hazards and present ways to minimize or avoid their consequences. It is a guide for improving electrical safety and contains information about governmental regulations, industry-accepted standards and work practices. It presents ways to meet the standards and reduce...
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...Restaurants Pearson v. Chung Introduction Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurant, also referred to as the “McDonald coffee case”, was a well known case in the United States of America in 1994 because it was considered frivolous. The case involved a woman Stella Lieback, who spilled the hot coffee she purchased from McDonald onto her lap and sustained a series of third degree burns, and was awarded millions of dollars from her lawsuit against McDonalds. The coffee was not only hot, but it was scalding, capable of immediate damage to the skin, flesh and muscle (Letric Law, 2011). In addition to the above case, the Pearson v. Chung case, also known as the “pants lawsuit”, was also a well known case in America in 2005 (Lexis-Nexis, 2008). This is a case where an administrative law judge in the District of Columbia had taken a pair of pants to the cleaners for alteration and dry cleaning; and sued the cleaners for $67 million dollars for the loss of his pants. The case was considered frivolous and became a flashpoint in the debate in the United States over tort reform (Lexis-Nexis, 2008). The major focus of this paper will be to critically analyze these two cases on the stated facts, the issues, the applicable laws, and the decision of the judge and the jury. What are the facts? There are some facts associated with Liebeck v. McDonald’s case. The woman involved in this case was 79-year old Stella Liebeck of Albuquerque, New Mexico, who earned $5,000.00 a year as a sales clerk...
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...BSB40812CertificateIVinFrontlineManagement AssessmentTask1-Assignment Question1: Read the case study, then complete the task that follows. Case study Louise is employed by a community service organization in an area where a significant proportion of the local populations are Sudanese refugees. The organization provides support to local residents in finding work and accessing community groups, along with information about sport and recreational activities. At a team meeting, many of the case workers agree that their clients are not familiar with local facilities and amenities, including parks and sport facilities. Person to be briefed | When to brief them | Communicationmethod for brief | Information to beincluded in brief | Finance department | 5months before | Provide time, subject for presentation, place | When the money is needed by?Why the money is needed?How much money is needed?(printing cost, refreshment, venue hire) | Venue hires | 3months before | Send e-mail. Talk to on the phone, talk to them in person | Provide duration ,purpose of hire and equipment for presentation | Local newspaper | 2months before | Send e-mail. Talk to on the phone, talk to them in person | Provide time, subject for presentation, place | Promotional activities | 10weeks before | e-mail, phone and talk to them in person | Provide detail about what you promote for people, time | Print | 7weeks before | e-mail, phone and talk to them in person | Cost, due date...
Words: 2421 - Pages: 10
...evidence of positive benefits with using T.E.N.S. (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit for pain management?” Bi, X., Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on pain in patients with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27: 23-25 (2014). Xia Bi, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Gongli Hospital, China, focused his research on investigating the effectiveness with using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on patients in pain due to a spinal cord injury. Bi states that there have been many clinical papers that have reported positive effects of TENS in pain management but controversy exists over which conditions can be treated using this method. He states that if TENS were shown to be effective method of alleviating pain in Spinal Cord Injury (SPI) patients, it would decrease medical costs and improve quality of life. Bi discusses how their results are consistent with those of previous studies (Celik EC, The effect of low frequency TENS in the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury) which reported the effectiveness of TENS in the pain relief of SCI patients. The study had several limitation which were mention in the paper stating that the sample size of subjects was insufficient for generalization of the results, a follow up was not performed, and lastly they did not compare the efficacy of low frequency TENS with high frequency TENS because of the...
Words: 1429 - Pages: 6
...A Community Health's Perspective for Disease Control & Prevention Abstract The paper is intended to ascertain research statistics, facts, policies and analysis of topics that contributes to the health and wellbeing of a community. The effects of injury prevention and the control of infectious diseases are discussed. The rationale of controlling the cost of healthcare through behavioral and lifestyle changes is discussed. How does the exploitation of drugs, alcohol and tobacco influence the health of the community? In a community health setting, the relationship between affordable housing and violence prevention is analyzed. The impact of obesity on the community and other forms of chronic illness is discussed. An analysis of proposed solutions to disease control and prevention is presented. Mental health issues and its demeaning consequences on the community are analyzed. The need to educate the community on the ethics of healthcare is emphasized. Finally, occupational and environmental health hazards and their effects on community health is reviewed. I PERSPECTIVE ON COMMUNITY HEALTH The health of the community is a vital building block of the economic, social and political framework of any vibrant society. Because health is considered wealth, a healthy community creates a cost effective environment where all citizens has equal access to primary care physicians and sustainable quality of care. A healthy community continuously...
Words: 2789 - Pages: 12
...afflicted areas have developed numerous blisters. These areas cover 35% of the trunk (front and back) and 25% of the arms and legs (front and back). 1. Draw a simple two-dimensional diagram of the skin, showing the three major layers (epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis) and the following accessory structures: a hair follicle, a sebaceous gland, eccrine and apocrine sweat (sudoriferous) glands, and an arrector pili muscle. Draw this diagram freehand. Do not trace it out of a text book. Use this diagram as the cover sheet for the assignment you turn in. 2. List the five layers of the epidermis. Which layer of the epidermis that is present on the soles of feet and the palms is not present on the areas that this student burned? 3. What type of burn has the student received (i.e. First degree, second degree, or third degree)? Describe the symptoms that...
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...ec5.4 Health & Safety The addition of electric drive and large battery packs introduces several new potential hazards to the transit bus workplace. These hazards include electric shock, chemical burn, and explosion due to hydrogen build-up. All three hazards can be managed through a variety of design, monitoring, operational and maintenance procedures. Standards have been developed through National Electric Code (NEC), Federal Transit Authority (FTA), National Highway Safety Transportation Administration (NHSTA), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and others. Committees are working on several areas where holes exist in the standards.2 5.4.1 Electrical Shock There is a danger of electrical shock with any motor vehicle should a mechanic or passenger come into contact with a live circuit under normal or fault conditions. With hybrid-electric buses, contact can come from electricity during battery charging (AC current) or discharging (DC current). If contact is made, the extent of injury will depend on the size, duration, frequency, and wave shape of the current. Conventional diesel buses make use of 12/24vDC and 220/240vAC. Hybrid drive buses operate at levels of power up to 400vDC and 600 amps. However, the risk of electrical shock can be mitigated through proper engineering, labelling, and safe maintenance practices. SAE standards have been developed to minimize electrical hazards associated with the design and manufacture of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles....
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...cause tumors and immune system reactions. Most importantly, adult stem cells have already been successfully used in human therapies for many years. As of this moment, no therapies in humans have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells. New therapies using adult type stem cells, on the other hand, are being developed all the time. Significance of the Study Stem cell therapy is a potential treatment for spinal cord injury and different stem cell types has been grafted into animal models and humans suffering from spinal trauma. Due to inconsistent results, it is still an important and clinically relevant question which stem cell type will prove to be therapeutically effective. Thus far, stem cells of human sources grafted into spinal cord mostly included barely defined heterogeneous mesenchymal stem cell populations derived from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. Here, we have transplanted a well-defined unrestricted somatic stem cell isolated from human umbilical cord blood into an acute traumatic spinal cord injury of adult immune suppressed rat. Grafting...
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...Do X-rays Requested By Triage Nurses Decrease Waiting Times? Research in Health and Social Care Introduction: Since 1991 when the patient’s charter (Department of Health 1991) was introduced, Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments have been under pressure to see, treat and discharge patients within a certain time period. In 1991 75% of walking wounded who presented to the department had to be discharged within one hour. It was subsequently changed in 2004 when the government decided that 98% of all patients attending an A&E department should be in the department no longer than four hours (Department of Health 2004). And again in 2011 when the department of health introduced the clinical care indicators that relaxed the target to 95% seen, treated and discharged or admitted in 4 hours (Department of Health 2011). Triage nurses within the accident and emergency department are one of the first people to assess the patients who present with an injury or illness. The patient’s condition is assessed and their need for how quickly they require treatment is prioritised. Triage nurses are usually experienced A&E nurses who have many years A&E experience (Dolan et al 2007). Patients are then placed in queues to await assessment by a Doctor or Emergency Nurse Practitioner. Once seen they are then put in another queue to await x-ray if necessary before waiting again to see the doctor/ENP that will interpret their x-ray and decided on the best course of treatment...
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...for most commodities can be very demanding and overwhelming to the produces. With the demand being so high, companies are forced to produce products at a higher rate of speed. Typically, when products are made at a faster speed, minor things are more likely to go wrong with the product. With this being said, there is a large number of recalls on items produces on a daily basis. It is important for consumers to be aware of what is being recalled. It is also important for the manufacturing company to have a system in place to contact the consumers who purchased a product that has been recalled, as well as a way to correct the problem they may be faced with. Our job was to locate a product that has recently been recalled I chose to research the Keurig MINI Brewing System, it was recalled on December 23, 2014, and the Recall number: 15-05. See below for an example of the product code bar and what the consumers who purchased the product were looking for to see of their product was affected by the recall. This picture below was provided by the compnay. * | | 1. 2 of 3 photos 2. Identification number is located on a white sticker on the bottom of the brewers 3. Below is a brief summary of the product and why it was recalled, also known as the Recall Summary? Keurig® MINI Plus Brewing Systems, the hazard occurred when the coffee was being brewed, apparently the water would overheat and spray out the sides and the consumed became burned. Keurig did provide...
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...INFORMATION PAPER Staff Group Alpha 11 Feb 13 SUBJECT: Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and Mines 1. Purpose: To provide information on Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) and Antipersonnel Mines; as well as impacts and preventive actions for Ground Troops in Combat. 2. Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Antipersonnel Mine Facts. a. IED’s are “homemade” bombs and/or destructive devices used to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. An antipersonnel IED that is victim-activated—one that explodes on contact by a person—is considered an antipersonnel mine. b. IEDs come in many shapes and forms and can consist of almost any material, including agricultural and medical equipment. IEDs consist of a variety of components that include an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and a container. IEDs may be surrounded by or packed with additional materials or “enhancements” such as nails, glass, or metal frag¬ments designed to increase the amount of shrapnel propelled by the explosion. Enhancements may also include other elements such as hazardous materials. An IED can be initiated by a variety of methods depending on the intended target.i c. IEDs can be carried or delivered in a vehicle; car¬ried, placed, or thrown by a person; delivered in a package; or concealed on the roadside.i There are three main types of IED’s/Mines.iii These include: 1. Package Improvised Explosive Device: Typically IEDs consisting...
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...CHE0315 DISADVANTAGES OF FIREWORKS ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Name of Group Member 1. Nur Izzati binti Abdul Latif 153692 2. Nurhalida binti Abdul Rasid 154082 3. Aifa Syazwani bt Awang Damit 150415 4. Sarah Atiqah bt Abdul Rahim 155656 Group Number: 09 Name of Lecturer: Asiah binti Mohd Shafiee Course: Allied Health Science Semester: 1 PROJECT PLANNING OBJECTIVES. 1. To analyze the function of every substance in the fireworks. 2. To study the properties of substance that cause damage towards health and environment. 3. To find the solution on how to reduce the damage of fireworks. 4. To investigate the rate of damage that cause by fireworks to health and environment. DIVISION OF WORKS. Name Tasks | Nur Izzati bt Abdul Latif. | Nurhalida bt Abdul Rashid | Aifa Syazwani bt Awang Damit | Sarah Atiqah bt Abdul Rahim. | Objectives | | | * | | Division of work | * | | | | Timeline | | * | | | Introduction | * | | | | Discussion of Issues | * * History of fireworks. * Development of fireworks. | * * Properties of fireworks. | * * The type of fireworks. | * * How do fireworks work. | Analysis of Issues | | * * Disadvantages...
Words: 6536 - Pages: 27
...Stakeholder analysis 7 2.1.1. Consumers 8 2.1.2. Owners, executives, employee 8 2.1.3. Other groups of stakeholders 9 2.2. CSR Analysis 9 3. Evaluations 10 3.1. Who is to blame? 10 3.2. Root cause analysis 11 3.3. Recommendations 11 4. Implication of the case for future product related complaints 12 Conclusion 15 References 16 Appendix (Case: “The coffee spill heard round the world”) 17 Abstract The Stella Awards were inspired by the Stella Liebeck case in 1992. Stella purchases McDonald’s coffee from a drive through and later received US $ 640,000 for burning herself with this coffee. The lawsuit between Stella Liebeck and McDonald’s – a huge cooperation, was one of the most controversial court cases of its time. In this paper we defined the major ethical issues, analyzed who are the stakeholders and how the stakeholders influenced this case. Furthermore, we also mentioned other complain and lawsuits which McDonald’s had to face with before 2007, which means before and after Stella’s case. Finally, we have some references and comments form McDonalds in particularly. As well as general comments about how organizations and how they make final decisions in the future when they have business ethic problem, and how they protect themselves yet keep their customers happy. 1. Introduction and issue identification of the case Let’s imagine that you are going out to buy a cup of coffee from Mc Donald’s drive - through for breakfast. When you are trying to open the...
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